“What do you want then?”

After wasting so much of her breath, it was only expected that Cornelia was going to make some kind of request. And this request was already well within Lilith’s expectations.

“I want you… along with the hundreds of your companions… to leave this world at once.”

The expression on Lilith’s face showed that she had already expected all of this.

Stuck in such a stalemate, the other party had no other option than to let them go no matter how much hatred she held for them.

The existence of outsiders in this world would lead to its destruction. Any power above the saint realm would also lead to its destruction. If Cornelia needed to wipe out all of them, she must resort to that kind of power.

Hence, this was already a stalemate. The only way to break it was for the outsiders to leave on their own accord. There is no result without a cause, let alone a stalemate.

“Fine, we can leave. But with a condition.”

“Sparing your lives is already a great grace. You dare negotiate terms with me?”

Cornelia gave up on suppressing her emotions. “Do you really think you are in a position to do as you please?” she asked murderously.

Lilith placed her hands on hips and stuck her chest out. “Of course. If you don’t like it, you are welcome to smite me with power beyond saint-level.”

“You think I wouldn’t? I can surely use that kind of power for a few minutes. This world isn’t that fragile.”

“Is that so? Do you think my ancestor will just sit back and watch me getting killed?”

“If he does that, you will all die too.”

“We’re going to die anyway, I might as well make sure you’re going down with us!”


Cornelia gave Lilith a hard glare, before rubbing her throbbing temples in a defeat. “Fine, state your condition.”

“It’s very simple… Tell me how to bring the Titans out from here,” Lilith said.

Truth be told, it had always been her intention to take the Titans with her. She was thinking of asking Lesiah if she had any idea, but this person standing in front of her clearly understood the situation better. Hence, she would be the most reliable source of information.

However, that idea was shot down by Cornelia without a second thought.

“Bring the Titans out from here? Impossible!”

“Why? Although they live in a different world, they are living beings. How hard will it be for them to adapt to a different environment?”

“This has nothing to do with whether they are living creatures or the environment.” Rage burned in Cornelia’s eyes again. “Those Titans must die.”

It was such a strong statement. So strong that Lilith felt like if she had a different opinion, Cornelia would immediately turn against her again and fight her for another hundred thousands times.

“Why?” This was the only thing she could ask.


With a snap of Cornelia’s fingers, their surroundings suddenly changed. The corridor turned into endless plains. Yet Lilith could feel that this was only a visual change; just some sort of projection for her to watch a certain scene.

She was able to quickly identify the plains, for she had been there countless times. The same plains, the same scenery. The same crimson sky and that black sun.

The same flames that burned in the horizons. But they were burning so much more weakly compared to when Lilith saw them for the very first time. Even with her vision, the strip of fire burning at the horizon was only as thin as a chopstick. It was nowhere as spectacular as the one that Shiloah showed her back then.

“Why are you showing me this? It’s not like I haven’t seen it.”

“Of course you haven’t seen it. This was how it was a thousand years ago.”

“A thousand years ago?” Lilith frowned. “What do you mean?”

With a wave of Cornelia’s hand, the projection vanished. Her intention seemed to only be giving Lilith a glimpse of the insignificant change.

“This world itself was eternally unchanging. But since the birth of the Titans, things started to change.”

“Change?” Something instantly clicked for Lilith. “You mean to say there are two different worlds?”

Cornelia naturally understood exactly what Lilith was referring to.

“Yes, they were once the same world. But the birth of the Titans caused it to split into two different worlds.”

“Isn’t it good to have changes? You wouldn’t want this world to remain dead like a pool of stagnant water,” Lilith was puzzled.

The world that Cornelia lived in seemed to be rather still and lifeless. The bright burning flame was the only thing that could track the passage of time.

On the contrary, there were green mountains, blue water, sunlight, beasts, laughter and sadness where the Titans lived. No matter how she thought about it, this was a better place.


“The flames came with the changes.”

Cornelia raised her head and stared into the space. The look in her eyes gradually softened. “The nature of this world made it an extremely fragile place. It cannot withstand too much power, not even any changes. It is destined to be still like a pool of stagnant water. And this is what I desired the most. Without changes… there will be no losses… And the warmth stays forever.”

“But that also means you won’t gain anything else.”

“I don’t need anything else. I’m very content.”

Cornelia glanced over at Lilith again. “So, do you understand now? The Titans are not allowed to exist in this world. They may be products of nature, but that doesn’t mean they belong.”

“Then those black devils…”

“They are also the products of nature. They are born to bring everything back on track, much like the immune system of a living being. They remove harmful things from this world.”

“Immune system…”

Lilith couldn’t help but recall Shiloah’s words.

The black devils are the wolves. The Titans are the sheep. Wolves eat sheep and sheep eat grass. The wolves may seem evil, but the sheep are the ones damaging the environment. If the sheep die, so will the wolves. If the wolves die, the sheep will eat all the grass.

“If that is the case, then allow me to bring the Titans out from here. Everything will be fine again once they are removed from here right?”

“Your idea is sound. Unfortunately, this world does not allow it.”


“That’s right. This world is…”

The expression on Cornelia’s face contorted when she was half way through her sentence. Madness and murderous intent oozed out of her. She seemed to have reverted to who she was earlier.

“Hey, what’s the matter with you? Are you freaking out?” Lilith cautiously asked, trying her best to not trigger Cornelia.

“Or did your aunt suddenly call and tell you that your house is on fire?”

Unfortunately, her attempts were useless.

Cornelia’s face took on a hideous expression. The power that didn’t belong to the mortal realm once again showed signs of rearing its ugly head.

“You… despicable and shameless bunch. I’ll definitely kill all of you!”

“Huuuuh? I didn’t even do anything! Don’t just simply accuse me!”

“Didn’t do anything?”

Cornelia’s eyes were red and she was livid.

“Then why is the passage from this world to outside sealed off?” she hissed the question through her gritted teeth.

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