“Let’s kill her…”

“Hmm? What was that?”

For a moment, Lilith thought she had heard it wrong.

“I said, let’s kill her.”

“Huh? Why? Didn’t you just say that a gentleman would never harm a beauty?”

“Hmph! Do you need a reason to crush an insect?”

Gerald held his head high, like a noble and elegant white swan.

“Us gentlemen can never tolerate disgusting insects. They will taint our battle suits of honor.”

Gerald glanced at Lilith out from the corner of his eye as he secretly wondered why a magnificent being like himself would have such a stupid descendant.

Lilith tilted her head and stared at Gerald.

“Gramps, you just want to destroy the evidence of your failure to maintain the pristine record and reputation of your Chick Hooking Claw right?” she used a tone that sounded like she was talking to the trash of society.


“I am the Origin Dragon. The oldest, wisest and most prestigious existence among the dragons. How could such a trivial matter upset me?” Gerald tried to play it cool. He turned his gaze on Cornelia again. “But let’s kill her.”


With this, Lilith finally understood how her ancestor’s glorious record came about.

In a nutshell, one was given the choice to become either his wife or an insect. If they chose to be an insect, then they would die by his claws so that they wouldn’t be the stain on his record.

If they chose to be his wife, they would contribute to his record. That would in turn allow him to brag about the amazing feats of his Chick Hooking Claw.

What a ‘Chick Hooking Claw’ that was.

“Whatever,” Lilith let out a sigh of resignation.

She only wanted to borrow the power of that ancient blood in her body to overcome the obstacle before her. God knew how she ended up summoning the phantom of the Origin Dragon by accident.

Not only that, this guy totally exposed his rumored true nature as soon as he arrived on the scene.

But none of that mattered. Be it a drop of blood or a lecherous phantom, it was all good as long as she could deal with the enemy in front of her.

Gerald recomposed himself and turned his majestic dragon eyes to Cornelia. “I shall ask you again, would you be my wife?”

“Hey, gramps, that wasn’t what you said just now. Isn’t it a little too big of a jump to go from a dinner date to being a wife?”

Gerald ignored Lilith’s comments and continued to pressure Cornelia. “My patience has always been thin. I hope you will consider your answer carefully.”


Rather than a verbal answer, Cornelia chose action. She raised her hand, sending black feathers flying like deadly arrows. They flew with a force so terrifying that space… no, reality was distorted.

The arrows left strange trails in space that looked like an abstract oil painting.

Gerald’s eyes widened and he swept his dragon claws to catch those black feathers. A loud bang was heard. Both the black feathers and Gerald’s right claw were gone without a trace in the violent explosion.

“Haha, it seems like dragons aren’t that impressive.”

Cornelia’s eyes shone with madness. Not long ago, she resigned herself to a deadly duel. Now, she found out that the so-called legendary dragon wasn’t as invincible as she thought.

More and more black feathers fell. More and more power gushed out of her body.

For once, Gerald got serious. But his eyes weren’t on Cornelia. They were on the… her surroundings which were distorting into the abstract oil painting. There was a flash in his eyes, as though he saw something.

He turned to Lilith. “My descendant, it seems like I won’t be of much help to you for now.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Lilith could barely react to her ancestor’s irresponsible remarks.

“What? Is your harem on fire or my great grandmas are having a catfight?” she asked with disinterest.

“I’m being very serious here. That beauty… no, this world is very strange,” Gerald said grimly, “It’s… not real.”

“So that’s why you choose to abandon your lovely descendant like the scumbag you are?”

“No, I do this to protect you. If I spend too much of my power here, I may be too powerless to do anything when you are in a critical situation.”

“Am I not in a critical situation right now? I 100% can’t beat her.”

Gerald shook his head. “Don’t worry. So long as she retains her sanity, she’ll definitely withdraw on her own accord. After all, she really shouldn’t use that level of power right now.”

Lilith could sense a message hidden in the ancestor’s words. “What do you mean? What do you know?”

“It’s nothing more than a speculation at this point. If I tell you too early, it may influence some of the choices you will make in the future. It would be best for you to not know now.”

The Origin Dragon sighed. “This is my miscalculation. I thought such a level of existence wouldn’t exist in this world, so I didn’t instill much power into the drop of blood essence within your body. But it seems like now…”


Lilith realized that the ancestor was acting like Sae. Both of them liked to withhold information from her and leave her struggling to figure out the truth from those vague statements, while telling her that it was all for her own good.

They really made a good pair, that servant and her original master.

“I have nothing to comment on the fact that just came out to show us how much of a pervert you are. But since you choose to abandon your kind, cute, smart, considerate, beautiful and lovely descendant, you better not cry when I die!”

“Oho… is my kind, cute, smart, considerate, beautiful and lovely descendant sulking…?” Gerald teased before turning serious again.

“Rest assured, I will leave you enough strength to protect yourself…”

After saying that, Gerald looked at Cornelia again. He threw a grin at her, showing all his big, pearly white fangs.

“My dear, I’m falling even more in love with you. Not only are you beautiful, I am also delighted to find out that you are a *********. And masochists are my most ideal type.”

“B̲u̲l̲l̲s̲h̲i̲t̲! Who are you calling a *********?!”

Cornelia waved her hand furiously, sending a torrent of black feathers to assault Gerald.

The Origin Dragon calmly sacrificed his left claw along with those black feathers.

“To refuse a toast only to drink a forfeit, isn’t that what a ********* would prefer? Haha, I’ll bid thee farewell now. The next time we meet, we shall get to know each other on a deeper level.”

As soon as the voice fell, Gerald’s phantom turned into a smoke and disappeared into Lilith’s body.


Lilith could only smile bitterly as she watched Cornelia turning her burning gaze on her. At this point, she had lost count on how many times she cursed the ancestor under her breath.

S̲h̲i̲t̲. Why couldn’t that b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲ slip away without teasing her? I’ll definitely be made an outlet for her to vent her anger!

“…Umm, every debt has its debtor but his family should be spared. I am countless generations apart from my ancestor, you can’t possibly punish me for his crimes!”

“Hoho… rest assured…”

Cornelia smiled kindly at her. “I’m going to kill you anyway. But now instead of granting you a quick death, I will make sure you die a slow painful death. It doesn’t make much of a difference~”



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