Cornelia would never allow this to happen. That was because a mouse could not protect anything.

A strand of Cornelia’s white hair fell silently. It turned a little as it fluttered in the air and passed through the hole that Lilith created. The hair made a round in the dark space, seemingly on the lookout for Lilith. But alas, there was no sign of her anywhere.

Something startled Cornelia all of a sudden and made her shout, “SHILOAH, UNDER YOU!”


Her companion only had enough time to move his gaze to the ground before he felt a powerful impact on the soles of his feet. The ground he was standing on instantly shattered. A hand glowing with the luster of jade shot out from the ground, grabbed his calf firmly before yanking him down violently.

Shiloah couldn’t even put up any resistance. There was still a large disparity between his strength and Lilith’s right at this moment.


He reflexively tried grabbing at Lilith with his claw. However, Lilith easily caught it firmly in her grasp. The sharp claws that were capable of tearing down everything in sight couldn’t even break Lilith’s skin right now.

Was it really possible for one to gain such a huge improvement in such a short period of time? Shiloah was extremely puzzled. No matter how hard he tried with his all-seeing ability, Lilith still appeared as a mysterious human-shaped blob of mosaic to him.

It was simply impossible for him to find out why that blob of mosaic suddenly became so powerful that she could whoop his a̲s̲s̲. Maybe behind that mosaic wall was the symbol of strength — that man.

Lilith certainly wasn’t that man, but Shiloah couldn’t free his arm from her iron grip either. She swung him toward the ground and used his body as a springboard to boost herself back up.

While Shiloah was pushed down to a floor below them, Lilith quickly turned around and took Lesiah’s hand. “Let’s go!”

With that said, both of them quickly ran toward the corridor where they came from earlier. It turned out that from the beginning, Lilith never intended to take Cornelia head-on. It wasn’t because she couldn’t defeat her, but…

It was because for a moment just now, Lilith sensed something really dangerous on Cornelia. And Lilith never dared to ignore her intuition. After all, it was her intuition that saved her countless times in the past. So this time, she immediately changed her mind and fled with Lesiah without any hesitation.

With the speed that Lilith was running away, Cornelia knew that it would be extremely difficult for her to catch up with her. Or rather she should say that she was no match with that dragon girl right now. Even if she could catch up with her, what could she possibly do?

So… Cornelia slowly raised her hand and something glinted in her sleeve.

Shiloah jumped out from the hole and was shocked at this scene. “Lady Cornelia, you are…”

“There is no other choice.”

“But you are taking an unnecessary risk! You are going to pay a dear price for using that and there isn’t any guarantee that those two rascals would be gotten rid of. This is totally…”

“I know. But…”

Cornelia turned her head and looked upstairs. For one moment, her eyes were overflowing with gentleness.

“You just saw it. Even if it was just an accident, I would never allow that to happen again.”

She couldn’t go through another accident. With determination in her eyes, something slowly flew out from her sleeve. It turned out to be a black feather. The feather was glowing slightly. The mysterious haloes around it were dazzling.

Cornelia’s lips parted slightly as she softly uttered the name of the skill that she hadn’t used for millions of years.

“Law: [Zero Hour Feather Realm]”

And time instantly froze. Aside from Cornelia, everything in the area covered by the law stood still. Lilith maintained the posture of striding forward, that slightly anxious face of hers looked a little funny.

Lesiah had a pained look on her face. Although she was being pulled along, the speed they were moving at aggravated her injuries. Cornelia could clearly tell from her gritted teeth that she was enduring the pain.

She approached both of them. She looked at Lilith first but quickly gave up on the idea of starting with her. Although she despised and felt threatened by this dragon girl more, the former was too terrifying for Cornelia to kill her at this moment.

She couldn’t wipe that bloodthirsty smile Lilith had on her face despite being badly mangled up from her mind. So Cornelia turned her gaze to Lesiah and went back to her previous thought — She could only kill one at a time.

As for Lilith, she would have to tie her up and slowly deal with her after she got rid of this mortal. No matter how hard rock was, persistence would ultimately wear it down.

Cornelia lifted her hand, about to swiftly end the life of this powerless mortal who managed to bite her before. But it was at this moment, something that shook Cornelia to her very core happened.

Lilith’s molten golden eyes shifted to her, like those haunted portraits in haunted mansions, even though she was supposed to be frozen in time.


Did her eyes play a trick on her?

However, in the next moment, the answer to her question was mercilessly revealed to her. Lilith’s head moved, then her neck… Followed by her body and limbs… And lastly her legs.

She looked like she had just crawled out from a still portrait, excusing herself from the time that had been frozen. She turned around and sent a murderous glare at Cornelia.

“Let me repeat my question… Who gave you the permission to lay a finger on her?”


Cornelia finally realized that Lilith’s unusual power wasn’t something that belonged to this mortal realm. Only a law could fight against the law. Therefore, Lilith didn’t suddenly power up through her own means alone.

The realization then dawned upon Cornelia. There was a deity behind this dragon girl. This was how she was able to free herself from her law, [ Zero-Hour Feather Realm ].

With this turn of events, Cornelia was the one in despair instead.

“WHY? WHY?!”

Cornelia exploded, pulling her silky long hair like she was losing her mind. She turned her bloodshot eyes to Lilith fiercely. Her sudden outburst shocked Lilith. Lilith thought she should be the one who was pissed off right now, how did this girl’s aura overwhelm hers instead?

She wasn’t afraid to return her glare either. “I should be the one asking you that. You came after our lives out of the blue and accused us of the destruction of this world. You should at least justify your reason. Aren’t you being unreasonable for trying to kill us without any justification?”

Unfortunately, her words fell on deaf ears.

“WHY!!! I only have one humble wish! Why does heaven keep getting in my way?! It is just a small wish that even a mere mortal could easily grant, yet it is something that I couldn’t even dream about!”

Cornelia spread open her arms, looking like she wanted to hug something. Time started flowing again, but more black feathers fell.

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