“Err…” Lesiah didn’t know how to respond to Lilith’s outburst. She pulled out another scroll from the bookshelf. After taking a quick glimpse at it, she handed it to Lilith excitedly.

“Hey, forget about technique. You can still learn magic. I remember you used magic spells before, right?”

“Well I did…”

The blonde turned her head to look at Lesiah, looking like she wanted to execute her for adding insult to injury. “I hope you didn’t forget that I’m a dragon. I can only use dragon-language magic. God-level magic spells are still useless to me!”


“Forget it, we’re running out of time. Let’s take them with us first…”

With a wave of her head, all the scrolls on the bookshelves were sucked into Lilith’s storage ring. “I’ll just find some physical techniques later, since I’m actually in need of some martial skills.”

She definitely had enough of finding herself in unfavourable positions during battles due to the lack of physical techniques in her repertoire.

Elder White promised to teach her martial skills. In the end, he only taught her White Jade Style, which was only good for enhancing her physical strength. She wasn’t progressing at all in terms of technique.

“Oh right. Which one do you need? I’ll hand them to you later…”

“I want… ummmphhhff…!”


Lesiah had barely spoken a few words when Lilith suddenly covered her mouth. The blonde pointed to the door and hushed her.

Just a few seconds later, footsteps were heard outside the door. And they suddenly stopped right in front of the door.

Both Lilith and Lesiah could feel a lump in their throat. The picture of a certain ‘monster’ standing in front of the door appeared in their mind, looking like it was about to barge into this room at any time and gobble up everyone in sight.

Lilith even mentally prepared herself to carry Lesiah and escape quickly at any moment. Fortunately, the footsteps rang out once again and gradually faded away. That was a sign that the monster outside had left.

It was only then Lilith released the breath that she’d been holding. At the same time, she also found Lesiah and herself in each other’s arms in an extremely embarrassing way.

“Ummmfff… YOU!”

Lilith quickly let go of the princess and explained, “That was unintentional! Although your body feels very soft and smells good, I swear I didn’t have any dirty thoughts! Not even one bit!”

Despite her attempt in explaining herself, she was still rewarded with a fierce glare from Lesiah.

“Let’s go, I don’t think it’s safe to stay here…” Lilith scratched her head.

“I agree. The enemy might come back when it realizes that it has been tricked.”

Lilith took the lead to lightly push open the door and peeked her head out. After confirming that the enemy was nowhere in sight with her golden eyes, she gestured to the princess to follow her.

“Speaking of which, where are we headed next? Are we going to keep playing hide-and-seek with these guys?”

“Of course not. Our priority is to leave this floor, so we either go upstairs or downstairs. That way, we have better chances of shaking them off. From the looks of it, our enemies are still the same ones that we met earlier.”

“Even if we have better chances, that still doesn’t mean we can escape. If this goes on, we’ll eventually be discovered. Is there no way to directly escape from this place?”

“There’s no need.”

The princess shook her head. “We don’t even need to escape. We just have to buy time.”


“If my guess is right, we’ll be back to where we were as soon as time is up.”

“Back to where we were?”

“The titans’ village.”

Lilith’s eyes widened in confusion. “We’ll be back when time is up? How?”

Lesiah looked around, then motioned for Lilith to keep her voice down. She also lowered her voice to a whisper, “Remember what Shiloah said when we first came into this strange world?”

“He said a great deal. Which one?”

“He said there isn’t much time.”

Lilith nodded. She vaguely recalled Siloah did say something along that line. But…

“What does that even prove? Maybe he said that because his mom told him to go home for dinner.”

“True. If that was all he said, then it couldn’t prove anything. But based on the enemy’s reaction just now, I have 80% confidence in my guess.”

Lesiah looked in the direction where she made a noise earlier to fool the enemy. “They are too impatient. They’d rush to anywhere as soon as they hear something. If I were in their shoes, the best strategy would be rounding up my own companions as soon as I could locate my enemy so we could flank them in the corridor to prevent them from escaping. But they seem to be working independently. This shows that… they’re very impatient. Almost like if they don’t find us soon, they won’t be able to do anything other than watching us escape from here safely.”

“That’s not right…” Lilith knitted her brows together.

“If we were going to return to the titans’ village like what you said… that also means we will be pulled back here again. So why are they acting so impatient? If this is really the same case as last time, then aren’t we here for too long? The last time this happened, we only stayed for about twenty or thirty minutes, including the time we were underwater. But it’s been at least two hours now.”

The mention of ‘underwater’ caused Lesiah’s lovely face to be tinged with pink, like she just recalled something embarrassing.

“Maybe they are forced to catch us as soon as possible due to some circumstances unknown to us…”

Lilith’s statement made Lesiah suddenly realize something. And Lilith did too.

“The flame that is burning this world…” Both of them blurted out the same thought at the same time.

“If we, the outsiders, were really the culprits who caused the world to be burned by that flame as Shiloah had claimed, then it’d make sense for them to kill us as soon as possible. As for your question why it lasted so long this time… It could be that this time, we are the only two outsiders who got pulled in here this time…?”

Realization immediately dawned upon Lesiah and Lilith. If that was really the case, then everything fell into place.

“Let’s go first. No matter if our deduction is right or wrong, our current priority is to escape.” Lilith said while offering her hand to Lesiah.

“What is it? You want to do something nasty to me again?”

“Is your mind filled with nothing but all those nasty thoughts?” Lilith sighed in annoyance. “I’m trying to pull you along since I can run faster. We have to hurry up while the enemy is distracted. If they find us, we’ll be in hot water. What are you acting so shy for? It’s not like this is the first time we hold hands.”

“Oh, leave me alone!” Lesiah shot Lilith a skeptical look. “You sure you’re not taking advantage of me?”

“Of course not, do I look like that kind of person?”

“Fine…” Lesiah hesitated for a moment, but still gave her hand in the end.

“Let me make this clear… I’m only doing this for the sake of making our escape more efficient.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice, your royal highness.”

Lilith and Lesiah barely made it two steps when a very familiar voice rang out behind them.

“Where do you think you’re going… My damn enemies…”

Lilith and Lesiah turned their heads around stiffly only to find Shiloah already standing there, unbeknownst to them.

The two girls drew a sharp breath at the same time. Not only because Shiloah seemed to be in perfect condition, despite having one of his arms ripped off by Lilith earlier, but also because…

Shiloah was actually wearing a pair of puffy bloomers outside. It made him look like he was wearing diapers. If Lilith and Lesiah didn’t take a breath and calm down just now, they probably would have lost it right there.

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