“Hehe… Let’s… have fun together…”

Cornelia was taken aback by the craze in Lilith’s eyes for a moment before the expression on her face contorted. She finally realized what Lilith was going to do.

The legendary dragons were not only physically powerful.


This wasn’t the time for Cornelia to be distracted by her own thoughts. There was nothing else she could do except to issue a command at her only remaining lackey.

“Right away, Lady Cornelia.”

Upon receiving her order, Little Hand tried her best to control her ‘clones’ to charge at Lilith.

However, it was too late.

It was an ancient and complex language. No one present on the scene had ever heard of this mysterious language, yet they were able to understand the meaning of it instantly.

[ BURN ]

The language contained the power of law. Rather than calling it a language, it was more of a ‘command’.

It commanded everything in this world to burn.

And so, everything burst into flames.

Naturally. Lilith herself wasn’t capable of such an act. But when she poured all her peak rank nine magic power into this ‘beginner level dragon language magic that any three-year-old dragon must learn’, it produced enough power to burn up everything around her.

The air in the surrounding area was instantly ignited. The hands that were rushing toward Lilith immediately combusted.


When Shiloah saw himself burning up, he tried to pull away. Unfortunately, his sharp claws were stuck in Lilith’s flesh and he wasn’t able to free it.

This lunatic! Didn’t she know that she’d be burned to death too by doing this?!

However, Shiloah immediately understood her action when he saw her burnt flesh recovering rapidly.

At this rate, he was the only one who would die.

“Lady Cornelia, h-help me…! It hurts… It hurts!!”

“Damn it, another useless one!”

Cornelia’s eyes flickered. After a moment of hesitation, she finally gave up on creating the magical formation.

The air around Lilith was immediately sucked away by an invisible force, forming a vacuum of several meters in radius around her.

Without the important element for burning, even the flames formed by the dragon language magic were instantly extinguished.

However, Lilith didn’t seem to be bothered by the vacuum around her at all. She grabbed Shiloah’s arm and broke it with brute force.


Since sound couldn’t travel in vacuum, Cornelia and the others couldn’t hear Shiloah’s scream. Even so, the expression on his black and white face contorting in pain showed them how much pain he was in.

After all, his arm was broken forcefully by someone.

Lilith tossed the broken arm away and sent Shiloah flying into the wall with a kick. The heavy impact knocked Shiloah out immediately.

Rubbing her tummy, Lilith shifted some of her internal organs back in place again after being messed up by Shiloah.

After doing that, she leisurely exited the vacuum.

Her charred skin and flesh cracked and fell off bit by bit, exposing the soft and fair skin akin to that of a newborn underneath it

At this moment, Lilith had already fully recovered to perfect condition.

She stared at Cornelia, whose forehead was beaded by cold sweat, and the two strange hands shriveling up behind her.

She licked her dry yet fascinating ruby red lips. The smile on her face could shake one to their core.

“Hehe… Is that all you’ve got?”



The severed arm landed in front of Lesiah.

The turn of events left Lesiah unable to think properly. She picked up the severed arm in a daze and then started examining it.


She thought to herself while looking at the arm that was ripped off from their enemy alive.

Shiloah was a formidable opponent that she couldn’t even beat. Yet Lilith easily defeated him all by herself while fighting other enemies. Although she looked strange now, her current strength certainly lived up to her reputation as Golden Demon Htilil, the archenemy of the nine human kingdoms.

They were both in the ninth rank, but why was there such a huge disparity between their strengths?

Why was she so weak…?

She wasn’t much of help again this time.

[ Weak mortal, what art thou thinking of? Dost thou think of thyself as equal to the noble Lady Lilith? ]

A strange voice suddenly appeared in Lesiah’s mind. Her eyes widened like saucers as she looked around, searching for the source.

Who? Who said that?

[ Lady Lilith is the legendary dragon. Not only is she the successor of my former master, Master Gerald, the Origin Dragon, she is also the supreme princess of the entire dragon clan… ]


Lesiah remembered Cornelia also mentioned something along that line. But at the time, she was so shocked by Lilith’s sudden strange state that she didn’t really think of it much…

Wait! A dragon? The legendary dragon?

The revelation shocked Lesiah.

Lilith is the legendary dragon? Aren’t dragons mighty and powerful creatures?

Even in human form, she should be physically strong, powerful, uninhibited and experienced like Taylor, the Aurora Dragon. How could she be a petite and lovely girl like Lilith? And a bratty one on top of that!

[ Foolish human, doth thou think that all dragons are ancient monsters that have lived for centuries? Even among the legendary dragons, there exist those who are in their prime in terms of age and physical appearance, just like Lady Lilith. Thou shalt not think of dragons as sacred beings. Most of them closely resemble a stupid Husky in some respects. ]

Closely resemble a stupid Husky?

Lesiah couldn’t brain that statement, so she asked another extremely realistic and philosophical question instead.

Who are you exactly?

[ Almost forgot to introduce myself. I am the Origin Dragon’s ultimate weapon who fought with him in the huge war nine million years ago. I am the Grim Reaper of gods! The supreme artifact spirit, Sae! ]

Artifact spirit?

Lesiah unconsciously held her breath.

She had only read about a demigod artifact from an incomplete scroll she found in the royal secret library.

According to that incomplete scroll, the demigod artifact was said to be as brilliant as the river of stars, as dazzling as the sun and moon, and held the power to turn the world upside down and reverse the universe.

Its birth would be accompanied by astronomical phenomena. It would attract covetousness and ultimately lead to chaos and bloody battles among the strong.

If this was already the case for a demigod artifact, how much more powerful would a real artifact be?

I command… no, humbly inquire the intention of your appearance, Lady Artifact Spirit.

Lesiah respectfully asked in her mind.

She had no suspicion that the voice in her head was lying. After all, she had nothing worthy to be deceived.

Most importantly, the fact that this artifact spirit named Sae could speak to her directly in her mind without being noticed by others when all saint-level techniques were restricted was enough to prove her powers.

Why would such a powerful and mysterious being lie to her?

[ There is only one reason I reached out to thou. And it is something great enough to change thy destiny. ]

Change my destiny? Could it be…

Lesiah’s mind couldn’t help but wander off.

Was she about to experience what she had been reading in the books?

An event that would change the life of the protagonist — the type that would fully transform the protagonist whom everyone looked down upon and make him embark on an adventure filled with either heroic moments or happy hours with beauties.

You mean…

[ Indeed, it is exactly as thou think — a plot that only appears in books and almost never in reality. However, thou must give thy consent… ]

Excitement rose in Lesiah’s heart as she nodded fervently.

Of course I’d agree, please continue, Lady Artifact Spirit…

[ Alright, then allow me to continue. ]

As Lesiah’s eyes sparkled with excitement…

Sae revealed her request.

[ Lend me thy body. ]

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