The Meeting that lasted for close to three hours was finally over. Unfortunately, no agreement could be reached in the meeting since Xu Shan had no intention to actually work with the Celestial Palace.

He intentionally put forth conditions that were impossible for the Palace Master to agree with. At the same time, he left some room for negotiations.

After three long hours of discussions, even the Celestial Palace Master felt a headache coming. In the end, the first meeting ended. The second meeting was assigned to tomorrow morning, to give both sides the chance to think more about it.

Xu Shan left the meeting hall, stretching his arms as if he was extremely tired. It wasn't easy to talk so much nonsense in one session, while also not making the other person suspicious about his intentions. Fortunately, he was quite an intellectual back on earth, so he had some understanding.

This time, the Celestial Palace Master actually assigned one of his men to show their guests around, as if he was worried about a new conflict arising if some disciple misbehaved with Xu Shan. That guy had already killed a disciple after all.

As it was still early in the morning, there were many people outside, which created more opportunities for Xu Shan to come into conflict with others, unlike last night when no one was outside.

pαпdα`noνɐ1`сoМ The personal guard of the Celestial Palace Master was assigned as Xu Shah's temporary escort to show him around.

Even though Xu Shan had already seen most of the places last night, it was much easier with the help of a guide who was professional, unlike the Great Elder.

The Palace Master's personal guard walked in the lead. With his presence, not many Disciples dared to misbehave. If anything, they were behaving a bit too nicely, as if they were scared of the Palace Master's guard who wouldn't hesitate in expelling them.

Even though the person was only a guard of the Palace Master, he had enough authority to even execute people. However, he never did so. At most, he only expelled people who did wrong.

"This is the Sacred Hall of the Celestial Palace. It's the place where the previous Palace Master's are buried. Only the Palace Master and Elders are allowed to enter that place. If someone else enters, even by mistake, they are to be executed."

The Secret Guard kept introducing all the important places of the Celestial Palace. However, more than introducing, it was as if he was informing Xu Shan about all the places that were forbidden for Xu Shan to enter, which was almost every important place in the Palace!

"That's the Library which contains all the precious skills of the Celestial Palace. It's also one of the most secure places in the Celestial Palace, filled with traps and personally guarded by a Great Elder.'


"Here is the Treasure Hall, where we have artisans who create all the weapons that the Celestial Palace members use. Only a Palace Member can buy itself from this place, and that too, by using the contribution points they received after finishing missions."

The Guard kept showing Xu Shan around and with him, no one created any trouble for the young prince.

There were many places that Xu Shan wasn't allowed to enter as an outsider. However, there was one place where he was actually allowed to enter.

It was known as the Training Hall of the Celestial Palace where various disciples challenged and fought each other, with their treasures on the line.

In the training hall battles, there were not many rules. In fact, one could even cripple their opponent. However, killing was forbidden! Moreover, before each battle, permission of both participants was needed.

This was also the place that Xu Shan found quite interesting, since he could finally see the official Disciples of the Celestial Palace who had trained here for years.

Moreover, this was also a place where he could see talented disciples.

In the Training Hall, there was also a leaderboard which ranked the top disciples according to their undefeated streaks in the battle.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

The top person in the list was Yu Ming, who had an undefeated streak of over a thousand fights.

It was said that he hadn't lost a single battle ever since he started training in his early years. Moreover, he was said to only accept challenges from people who were either in the same realm as him, or one realm higher.

The difference between the first and the second rank was so vast that it was quite amusing. While the first rank had an undefeated streak of over a thousand, the second rank only had a few hundred undefeated streak.

'He's really not half bad. Is it because of the Book that he possesses? Now I'm getting even more curious about what book he possesses, if the second fragment actually means a book.'

Throughout the way, many people looked at Xu Shan but no one misbehaved. However, now that he was in the Training Arena, many people were interested in challenging him.

If they could defeat the Prince who insulted the Celestial Palace fairly, their reputation was going to climb even higher. By fairly, they meant officially though.

They didn't care if he was just a mortal. For them, it was fair for them to fight mortals since this mortal wasn't an ordinary person. He had already defeated an official disciple, no matter how new that disciple was.

Even Xu Shan could notice what all these people were thinking about. However, for now, he had no interest in them.

He turned to leave, to see the other places. However, before he could leave, a young man in his mid twenties blocked his path.

"I want to challenge you to a battle!" The young man exclaimed. Even though he wasn't a top disciple in the training hall ranking, he wasn't weak either. He already had a twenty win streak.

"Not interested." Xu Shan shrugged. These weak guys weren't worth his attention.

All these people had some benefits in defeating him since he was rich and not strong, according to them. However, he didn't have any benefits.

Watching Xu Shan leave, the young man was taken aback.

"So the Third Prince of the Eternal Dynasty is a coward!" His loud voice echoed in the training hall, as if he was intentionally speaking loudly.

"Of course he's a coward. Didn't you hear? He only won one battle, and that too through cheating and using a Talisman." Another mocking voice came, filled with laughter.

"In real fights, of course he'll be scared of getting thrashed. He probably ran out of ways to cheat!" Another young man said.

These people were already furious at Xu Shan. It was partially because he had offended the Celestial Palace by killing a disciple and supposedly mocking them. However, the main reason was because they were jealous!

While they were training every day for measly bits of resources, Xu Shan had access to everything, despite being a useless mortal who couldn't even sense Aura. It was evident that their jealousy got the best of them.

Even the Palace Master's Guard didn't say anything in this instance. It was normal for people to challenge others after all.

Xu Shan on the other hand slowed down.

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