Escaping the Mystery Hotel

Chapter 117: Room 107 - The Gate Room, The Second Trial (8)

- Han Kain

User: Han Kain (Wisdom)

Date: Day 40

Current Location: Floor 1, Room 107 (Gate Room)

Sage's Advice: 3

After the First Trial, we were only given an hour of rest.

Of course, for those of us who fought in extreme tension with the doppelgangers, the rest time was too short.

Oddly enough, we started to recover our stamina during the Second Trial

Due to Arima's characteristic of only being able to take human form from midnight to just before dawn, we didn’t have a specific goal from morning to midnight.

We used the time to make plans and sleep, even though we couldn't actually sleep at night, to recover our stamina.

I also feel quite recovered now, and Jinchul-hyung seemed comfortable now.

“Scenario Comprehension” hinted that Arima was realizing something again today.

Isn't it about time to make a decision?

Even if Jinchul-hyung didn’t wake up, I thought we should give up further treatment and kill Arima.

I shared my opinion with my teammates.

Grandpa Mooksung reacted indifferently.

"Wasn't it you, Kain, who emphasized the importance of Jinchul and said we should wait a little longer until just recently?"

"My thoughts on Jinchul-hyung's importance haven't changed. However, I think it will be dangerous if Arima grows to the point where Elena can't suppress her."

"I find it hard to understand your concern. You and Ahri made up some nonsense on the spot, and the witch got great enlightenment from it? Do you think that makes sense?"


"My opinion remains the same as yesterday. In the first place, an ordinary person can't distinguish between the plausible words of a scammer and the words of a true expert. Even though Arima is a witch, she probably lacks knowledge in the field of possession, so she might have misunderstood your nonsense on her own, right?"

"Scenario Comprehension is issuing some sort of warning that makes me think otherwise."

"I did hear that phrase, but…"

Grandpa didn't seem to understand.

It's understandable.

After all, the treatment of Jinchul-hyung is almost over.

Just a little more treatment and our strongest comrade would wake up. Suddenly saying we should give up on him would be a hard pill to swallow.

Eunsol-noona, who had been listening quietly, spoke up.

"I agree with you, Kain. Also, I want to share a foreboding thought I've had since yesterday."

"A foreboding thought?"

Eunsol-noona took a sip of tea before speaking.

"Perhaps the notion that you and Ahri spouted nonsense is a misconception?"


"Kain, have you ever attended a temple?"

"Not at all. Though, I briefly attended a church when I was very young."

"Then how do you know terms like 'Impermanence of all things' and 'Principle of non-self'?"

"Uh… it just came to mind. Maybe I learned it while studying history?"

"Our family has always been Buddhist. So, I can tell you, 'Impermanence of all things,' 'Emotions are prone to suffering,' 'All phenomena are without inherent existence,' and 'Nirvana is beyond extremes'. These are the four Dharma seals in Buddhism. They are core doctrines. There's no way such knowledge would be part of the college entrance exam curriculum. Moreover, your and Ahri's lecture yesterday explained these concepts quite neatly. Even though there were many differences in detail, even those different parts seemed to contain profound philosophy from another perspective, rather than being random fabrications."

...What is she talking about?

Ahri and I exchanged bewildered glances.

"Knowledge that resembles profound Buddhist doctrines to a degree that it's hard to believe it was made up. And you don't even know where you got this knowledge from. I think I know. There's one thing you and Ahri have in common: both of you have read the Grimoire."

I, as the owner of the Grimoire, have read it several times, and Ahri had opened the Grimoire during the first attempt at the Mansion of Fear.

Ahri spoke up with an uneasy tone.

"Are you saying that the knowledge of the Grimoire has seeped into us without us even realizing it?"

Eunsol-noona nodded.

"I think so. Though I don't have an Inheritance myself, those who have obtained an Inheritance have always said that related knowledge naturally seeped into their minds. A similar phenomenon might have happened to you who read the Grimoire. Usually, only the owner can read it, so the knowledge should have been absorbed only by you, Kain. But Ahri, you might have endured the Grimoire with your own strength, so some of the knowledge seeped into you too."

Ahri and I were thrown into confusion.

Knowledge from the Grimoire entered our minds without us even knowing?

Ahri only saw it once, but I have continued to read it since then.

If what she said was true, it was certain that somewhere in my mind, there was enough knowledge about the Grimoire to fill a bookshelf.

Grandpa Mooksung cut off the chaotic situation.

"Save your thoughts on the Grimoire for later. Hearing Eunsol's words now, my opinion has also changed. If you have indeed imparted some of the Grimoire's evil knowledge to the witch, and she has gained some form of insight from it, this is a serious situation. Elena?"

"Should I use my power as soon as the witch enters next time?"

"That seems like a good idea."

Songee suggested something similar but slightly different.

"How about receiving treatment just until today? It feels too wasteful when it seems like Jinchul-oppa will wake up soon. Let's just ask for treatment without the lecture."

Will that work?

"The witch is quite calculating. Would she agree if we just asked for treatment without the lecture?"

Songee looked at me with a subtle expression.

"She might have refused on the first day. But now…"


"Now she might agree if Oppa just says he's a bit tired today and only asks for treatment."

What does she mean?

Surprisingly, Eunsol-noona also agreed.

"I think so too. At this point, she might agree if we just ask for treatment. Let's do that. Let's request only treatment today, and after it's done, ssk!"

Noona made a slicing gesture across her neck with her hand, and Elena nodded.

As the night approached, tension filled the air.


- Han Kain

Arima entered.

"Arima, today I must ask a favor of you."

"What is it?"

"It seems I need a day to prepare for the next lecture. As your achievements are progressing so rapidly, higher-level teachings are required, and I find that a brief moment of reflection each day is not enough."

"Oh! I completely understand. Since I pursued the path of the Arcane, I've never met someone as wise as you. With such high-level knowledge, you’d naturally need preparation time."


"Treatment for your comrades is an urgent matter, isn't it? I'll gladly do it, so don't worry."

Is it this easy?

I thought there would be some argument, but Arima readily agreed, which surprised me.

Even more surprising than that, it seems that my comrades had anticipated this outcome.

Feeling like a fool, I stood there dazed.

Arima started treating Jinchul-hyung.

Leaning against the wall, I observed Arima and the others.


Has it been the fifth time since Arima started coming?

I noticed many changes from the first day.

Songee, who initially wanted to kill Arima, was now playing with Arima along with Perro.

When Perro mimicked Arima's words or rubbed his beak against her cheek, Arima laughed like an ordinary girl.

Seungyub also casually tossed cards around, teasing, and Eunsol-noona engaged in various conversations with Arima.

Even Grandpa Mooksung and Ahri discussed the treatment of Jinchul-hyung with her.

The only ones maintaining the same tension as the first day were Elena and I.

I could feel that Arima's tension had eased as much as ours.

For example, Arima no longer brought escorts after the first day.

Perhaps she felt confident enough to subdue us if she transformed into a monster, but it seemed more likely that she had stopped worrying about us harming her.

Moreover, the witch who used to enjoy peeling the skin off slaves in front of us was gone.

Now, if she anticipated a gruesome scene during treatment, she would warn us to turn around.

...Why did she change so quickly?

I could guess.

Arima had been treating Jinchul-hyung for several days now.

It was difficult to maintain hostility toward someone treating your comrade.

Killing slaves for magical research?

She still sacrificed slaves to treat Jinchul-hyung.

We couldn’t condemn her since we had requested such brutal treatment. .

And regardless of being evil, she was undeniably pretty.

Thus, I solidified my resolve.

We must kill her before our perception of her gets any cleaner.

Indeed, today is the right day to kill her.

It seems killing her is the condition to pass the trial.

While I was lost in contemplation, Arima spoke.

"The treatment is nearing the end, but it's going to be a bit brutal from now on. Shouldn't you all leave the cabin?"

When Arima said ‘brutal,” it usually meant a scene too gruesome for normal people to witness.

About two hours passed?

She seemed to be doing something for an unusually long time.

"Come in!"

I gestured to Elena as I went in.

Elena nodded, understanding my signal.

Let's check on Jinchul-hyung one last time and finish this.

I approached Jinchul-hyung as soon as I entered.

Even breathing.

Light coughing.

After confirming several other signs, I was sure that Hyung's recovery was almost complete.

I asked for the last time.

"Does it look like he will wake up soon?"

"He will wake up within 2 to 3 hours at the latest."

Perhaps because the treatment was over, Arima looked somewhat sentimental.

Now it's time to signal Elena—



"I have something I must tell you. Is it okay?"

"Go ahead."

"I want to speak privately. Just a moment will be enough."

...I was momentarily flustered.

The chat window rang.

Kim Mooksung: Stop the nonsense and kill her. Elena!

Elena: It's not a lie. It seems she really has something to say.

Kim Ahri: There might be a secret revealed. Since it's not a lie, let's hide and watch.

Eventually, we decided to have a brief conversation outside.

Although there was some anxiety, I decided to trust Elena to keep hidden and watch over me. She could also come to my rescue with the ability to fly at great speeds.

It seemed that Arima had very serious things to say.


I heard the door close behind me.

Finally, we were alone as per Arima's suggestion.

Although I wondered if there was any need for conversation since I intended to kill her, I was also curious if some hidden truth would be revealed.

"What do you want to say?"

Arima, who had been silent for a while, started a long story.

She spoke of her parents selling her as a child, of a wicked mage who bought her and used her and other children as assistants and experimental subjects. She narrated how through a series of fortunate events and circumstances, she managed to kill the mage and steal his research results.

Did she want to share her story?

"You've had a tough time."

"Do you know what I envied most while treating your comrade?"

"What is it?"

"Your disciples have a great relationship with you. It feels more like a friendship rather than a master-student relationship, where you hold mutual respect and affection for one another."

That's because it's not a master-student relationship.

"Is that so?"

"Perhaps if the mage who bought me was also such a person, I could have lived a bit differently. Could I have lived a life where I truly respected my master, exploring truths together and talking through the night?"

I don't know.

I've never lived such a life either.

"Perhaps, that could be the case."

"That’s why… I wish to serve you too. To learn your wisdom and share my lacking knowledge with you."


Silence filled the surroundings.

Is this witch trying to say she wants to follow me?

In fact, I had been wondering when would be the best time to kill her to make it seem well-deserved, so I felt a bit guilty.

...Pickled eyeballs. Human flesh sausages.

On second thought, there's nothing to feel guilty about.

As the conversation seemed to be ending, I asked the question that had been on my mind for days.

"Have you realized anything from my recent teachings? It seemed like you had some extraordinary insights."

Was she waiting for this question?

Arima's face lit up instantly.

"Of course. What I realized from learning from you for 3-4 days far exceeds what I've studied for years. All phenomena are without inherent existence! The human mind is a mere illusion. Like a flowing wave, there's no permanence in the self; it's just a collection of endlessly changing and flowing entities. Why did I cling to something without substance?"

I don't know.

I don't even know how you interpreted my words to come to that conclusion.

"As you might have guessed, I've now abandoned my obsession with meaningless attachments. Memory and continuity of the self are meaningless. Is there a need to cling to it? I'm almost ready to be reborn."

What are you talking about?

What do you mean, “I might have guessed”?

And reborn?

"But I do have one lingering regret. This shows how lacking I am compared to you. I wanted to live a little more as a woman."

Arima smiled shyly in front of me.


What's this atmosphere—


Soft and warm.

In an instant, Arima approached me, and something soft touched my lips.

I was utterly dazed.

The first kiss I experienced in the hotel smelt like a mix of mint and roses.

"L-lady Arima?"

Arima smiled demurely.

"Sorry. I felt I would have no regrets if I left a kiss with the most wonderful person I've ever met."

I can't take it anymore!

What on earth have you been talking about?!

"What are you talking about? Reborn, abandoning regrets, what do you mean—"

Without answering, Arima smiled slightly, then placed her right hand on her head and used an incomprehensible power.

In front of me, Arima's head melted away in an instant.

Ten seconds ago, the girl who left a fragrant kiss on me was now a headless corpse lying at my feet.


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