Chapter 52 - Space

Editor: Kitty

Luo JinCheng, Luo Jian’s uncle, was nearly 50 years old. He was five or six years older than Luo Jian’s father, but he still looked very young. When Luo JinCheng was young, he didn’t know anything about the world and had a sense of rebellion in his bones. He fooled around with a group of friends who were neither fish nor fowl and committed a minor crime, so he spent two years in prison.

When he came out, he was finally enlightened and decided to settle down. He married a wife and had a son.

However, the Heavens seemed to think that they were not done tossing his fate about. His wife died in a car accident when his son was five years old, and his son disappeared when he was fifteen years old. He had disappeared without a single trace, leaving not even a strand of hair.

Luo JinCheng was deeply hit by these incidents, which occurred one after another. He had collapsed after suffering these series of setbacks for many years. He felt that he was no longer young and did not want to marry again. Instead, he used his life savings to open a liquor and tobacco grocery store. However, he did not expect that the business would end up doing so well and become so prosperous.

Thinking of it this way, he would not have to worry about being taken care of in his later years. However, the one thing Luo JinCheng had not given up yet was finding his son.

Back then, he had posted disappearance notices on every street and sent millions of messages over the internet to publicize them. The door to the Public Security Bureau was almost broken down by Luo JinCheng running over and stepping on it so often. However, the results disappointed Luo JinCheng.

Luo JinCheng’s son, Luo Feng, was 15 years old when he disappeared. A few days before he disappeared, he was often with his paternal cousin, Luo Jian, who was only nine years old at that time.

Due to Luo Jian’s serious illness as a child, the doctor asserted that Luo Jian could not live to be ten years old. Also, his family could not afford his hospitalization fees and medical treatment. His parents could not care for their child because they had to work, so they sent their child to their hometown in the countryside for recuperation, handing him over to his grandmother, who was still alive at that time.

In addition, his uncle sent Luo Feng, Luo Jian’s cousin, along with him. The 15-year-old was a young, strong man who would be able to help with some work and take care of his cousin.

Unexpectedly, after spending half a year or so in the countryside, little Luo Jian’s condition gradually improved. Just like the miracles on TV, the child lived on despite other people saying that he could not be saved, and he even led a pretty good life.

Unfortunately, Luo Jian’s paternal cousin mysteriously disappeared one day in the afternoon. He disappeared into the deep forests and mountains of the countryside, and the last person to see him was Luo Jian. Unfortunately, at that time, Luo Jian was still relatively young, and the nine-year-old him did not have much of an impression regarding this.

When the adults asked him, Where is your elder brother?

Nine-year-old Luo Jian replied, My brother said he is going to a place far away and he would return at dinner time.

But when dinner time arrived, Luo Feng never came back.

After many twists and turns in the past few decades, Luo Jian had grown up. In recent years, he had been very healthy, and he had an even better physique than his peers. The serious illness left no sequelae on him and even caused Luo Jian to be healthy in a way that was above and beyond logic.

Luo Jian’s uncle, Luo JinCheng, patted him on the shoulder and said, “If my son was still here, the atmosphere here would surely be more lively.”

The Luo family could have been a big family. Perhaps the Heavens had refused to answer their prayers, but for some reason, all their relatives had either died or disappeared. Today, their family was left with only a few older members and a single young one, Luo Jian. And this atmosphere made people feel even more depressed.

“At least you can leave a descendent for our Luo family, ah,” Luo Jian’s father sighed with regret and gazed at him with an exasperated expression due to Luo Jian not living up to his expectations.

Luo Jian bowed his head in shame.

He really did not know how to change his sexual orientation. So far, Luo Jian had never been interested in any girl. Towards beautiful females, Luo Jian purely felt that they looked fine, but conversely, seeing...... Luo Jian shook his head casually as he suddenly thought of Xing Yan.

The stalker’s body was very good. He had strong muscles and a long physique. Just by touching his body, Luo Jian felt like he loved it so much that he could not bear to part with it. He had the type of body that would definitely make anyone drool, and just thinking about it caused Luo Jian to feel an irresistible urge to touch it.

Luo Jian could not think about it more. He reached his hand out to pinch his thigh and humbly listened to his parents’ teachings. Although his parents used stern words, they were very considerate and cleaned up a room for Luo Jian to live in. Luo Jian’s mother made his bed, and then she picked up little Luo Jian and kicked him in. In passing, she told him to take a bath and go to bed on time.

When it was time to go to bed at night, Luo Jian felt that it was slightly difficult to fall asleep. He dug out the rewards the secret chamber had given to him: the books on the basic sabre and mental techniques of the disguiser. He licked his lips and flipped the books open to read.

After reading through the books, Luo Jian felt a very magical feeling all of a sudden.

The two books on basic sabre and mental techniques were very thin. When he opened the books, Luo Jian found that the words inside were in a language that Luo Jian could not recognize. The words appeared similar to the text of certain ancient languages but looked more complicated than them. However, what was more amazing than this was that although Luo Jian could not read it, he could still understand the meaning of the text. It felt as if the knowledge obtained from the two books had materialized in his consciousness. After flipping the books open, this knowledge and power flowed through his eyes and charged straight to his mind. Using such a direct technique, the books forced Luo Jian to understand their contents!

It was as if Luo Jian was possessed. In a daze, he flipped through the books in his hands page by page until the end. When he turned the last page, the books naturally and slowly disappeared. They scattered into light particles and vanished in the air.

When Luo Jian felt his spirit return to his body, big sweat droplets were trickling down his face. It was as if he had just finished a 1,800 m sprint; he was as tired as a dead pig and lay on his bed for half a day without being able to move.

He could not help but laugh.

“The disguiser? So that’s how it is,” Luo Jian buried his face in the pillow and muttered to himself.

The sabre and mental techniques of the disguiser were actually skills given to Luo Jian. As long as Luo Jian held his weapon, he could use the mental technique to make the weapon invisible. That is to say, he could make his weapons appear ‘invisible’ to others.

Of course, because the technique was very basic, the invisibility could only last five minutes at most. When maintaining the ‘invisible’ state of his weapon, if the basic sabre technique was used in coordination with the mental technique, Luo Jian’s attack would essentially be invisible, and others would only be able to feel the movement of the air due to the swinging of his blade. It could be said that...... this was the best skill for assassination.

“This kind of skill is just used for killing others.” Luo Jian took out his knife and placed it in the palm of his hand to play with. He tried to act in the same manner as described by the mental technique, but the result was naturally failure. It seemed that he needed to practice it. His initial attempts of using the technique had all failed.

However, there was not much time left for Luo Jian. In another two days, he would be experiencing another hair-raising secret chamber experience, and its difficulty would have increased drastically. Luo Jian did not know what kind of situation he would be facing in the chamber. Thus, Luo Jian must quickly and skillfully learn all the skills that can improve the probability of him surviving the chamber.

Other than the mental technique, the cross pendant of the disguiser was a puzzle that also made Luo Jian troubled. The cross looked very ordinary, and it appeared just like the small ornaments sold in the market. Luo Jian tried to wipe his blood on it, but his efforts were futile. He tried to lightly cut it twice with his knife, and he realized that he couldn’t even leave a scratch on the pendant.

Luo Jian, who did not find any use for it, could only wear it on his neck temporarily. Shortly after, he dug out the last of the spoils of war from the Flowers In The River And The Moon’s Reflection In The Lake secret chamber, the broken little mirror.

“What is the use of this mirror?” Luo Jian poked the mirror. The poor mirror was shattered to the extent that its original form was hard to recognize. The transparent glue on it was about to peel off, so Luo Jian pulled out a transparent glue and stuck a new layer on it.

After that was done, Luo Jian placed the mirror in his hand. After thinking, he unconsciously read the “transmission phrase” again.

The so-called “transmission phrase” was the poem that Luo Jian saw on the classroom’s blackboard in the Flowers In The River And The Moon’s Reflection In The Lake secret chamber.

“One side is one side, one side for one side, a left hand exchanged for a right hand, your face is my face.”

His consciousness blurred, and in an instant, he felt like he was a trance and lost consciousness. When Luo Jian opened his eyes, he was surprised to find himself in the Flowers In The River And The Moon’s Reflection In The Lake secret chamber!

In that classroom!

However, unlike before, this classroom looked normal. There were no corpses filling the classroom, no desks and chairs spread messily around the floor, and there were no inexplicable words written on the blackboard on the podium. There were also no big words written in blood on the blackboard at the back of the classroom.

Luo Jian circled around the classroom. The desks and chairs were all in order. There were no books or any other objects in the drawers, and it was as if they had never been used. The blackboard and podium also seemed to be new. The windows remain sealed, but the curtains were hung up properly.

The entire classroom was very clean. The ground seemed like it had been cleaned—or perhaps no one had ever come in—and it felt like not even dust could enter this space.

Moreover, there were no doors in this classroom. The places where the front and back doors originally stood were just a wall. There was no exit at all.

This classroom was very similar to the Flowers In The River And The Moon’s Reflection In The Lake secret chamber Luo Jian had experienced before, but it also seemed completely different. Luo Jian stood in the classroom, holding that little mirror in his hands, for a very long time. He lowered his head to look at the mirror in his hand. An idea popped into his mind: “Could it be that...”

Luo Jian read the “transmission phrase” in reverse. Sure enough, after a bout of dizziness, he appeared in the guest room that his uncle had prepared for him again.

“This is a f*cking carry-on space!” Luo Jian was a little excited, but he soon calmed down. “But...... The space is not very big. It is the size of a classroom. And to use it, you must read the ‘transmission phrase’ to this shabby mirror.”

“But...” Luo Jian touched his chin again. “It has its pros: if I am in danger, it seems like I can hide in this space. I just don’t know if I can bring other things or living creatures into it.”

Once Luo Jian thought about it, he tried it. He found that he was able to bring a lot of things in, time in the space would not flow, and things in the space would not turn bad, meaning that he could store a lot of food there.

The only drawback was that Luo Jian seemed to be unable to bring other living creatures in. He tried to take in the canary that his uncle raised, but when he carried the birdcage in his hand, he was not able to enter the secret chamber space.

T/N: Xing Yan’s body (* ̄ii ̄) *wriggles eyebrows*

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