The Mask of the Lone Swordsman.

It is an item that would increase the attack power of the sword when equipped while alone.

It is a tailor-made item for me because I am mostly fighting alone.

There are two other legacy dungeons around this area, but right now, I am too weak to explore those places.

In the first place, this area is normally a high leveled area for players to come to in the later stages of the game.

However, of course, for those speed runners who wish to finish the game at a fast rate, there are low-leveled dungeons like these.

Anyway, after riding Night for approximately six hours straight, I finally reached the city we were staying.

Bledance City.

A low-leveled city that doesn't have any special properties.

It is mainly inhabited by dwarves that didn't want to stay in the Fortress of the Iron Mountains.

Although this place has some good quality products, it is nothing much compared to the ones in the Fortress.

"Huff... I am finally here."

Stepping down from the horse, I resummoned it to my space.

And then entered the inn.

"Ohhh! Callius. You are finally here."

There I saw the rest of the convoy drinking there.

In the first place, there is not much to do for entertainment in this world.

Either you get a drink with your friends or go to a brothel.

At least, this is the case for normal people, different from nobles.

"Come here, drink with this sister here."


With a slight movement of my waist, I dodged the incoming arm, trying to grab me by my neck.

"You all reek of alcohol. Isn't it enough?"

Turning my head to the muscle-headed woman in my front, I said.

"Heeeehhhh….. Are you a boomer, huh? Come, just drink."

"Nah. I am good."

"Come on man…. You are such a party pooper."

"It is not being a party pooper. I just don't like drinking."

"Hey, Wayne. Leave the kid alone. He is saying he doesn't want to drink."

"Heh, our serious swordsman is here, right? Akira, come drink with me instead of his place then."

"Is there any sake?"

"No, just wine."

"Wine doesn't suit my taste, sorry."

"You and your people…."

Although I can drink, I don't prefer doing so most of the time.

At that time, in Jane's room, it was just a cheat day and broke for me.

Just like that, I reached my room.

Taking a good hot bath, I laid down on the bed and drifted to sleep not long after.


Waking up early in the morning, I started my exercise again.

'I have reached my limit physically again. I should try to break through.'


I thought, muttering like that.



-  Strength – 2.8

-  Speed – 3.0

-  Stamina – 2.8

-  Perception – 2.9

-  Magic – 0 (2.9)

-  Luck -???

-  Charisma – 7 (sealed)

-  Intelligence – 9

-  Perseverance – 10


Looking at the panel appearing beside me, I started thinking:

'The increase in my strength stat is a lot lower than my speed. Wasting too much time over that is not a good idea. I should start preparing for breaking through.'

In the absence of my magic core, I need to improve my body as fast as possible. Since I can feel my core is being strengthened and the process is halfway through.

In the beginning, I expected that to take at most one year, but seeing it right now, it looks like it will take much more than that.

But I am pretty sure I will be able to regain my magic core around five months before the start of the academy.

However, still, my core is sealed, so squeezing every bit of my strength is a good idea.

It has been just three months since I broke through. And attempting to have another one is not a normal thing to do.

This high-speed improvement of my body is related to the awakening method I have used and the methods I have used for breaking through.

And the system.

Because if not for that, it would take around six months for me to break through.

Using the blood of Tiamat and other things to awaken my aura is still affecting my growth rate differently from others.

Normally the more you increase your rank, the harder it would get to reach higher ranks.

But for most people, this would start showing its effects around third-star rank.

Since, at first, people would be ignorant, and it would take quite a long time to get used to the method of training.

At least, this was the case for Arthur and Emma.

In the game, Emma passed the rank of 1-star to 2-star in one and half a year. However, reaching from 2-star to 3-star took around nine months.

However, in my case of mine, the speed is much higher than normal, and considering Emma is the heroine of the game, I am in a very good position.

Anyway, enough with these explanations. Basically, I should try to attempt a breakthrough right now.

With that thought, I reached the market and entered an alchemist's shop.

Since it was still fairly early, there weren't many people around.

"Hello, customer. How can I help you?"please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

"I am here to….."

Recounting the things I wanted, I grabbed them and left the shop.

'Next, I should buy some magic stones, and we are fine.'

Thinking that, I bought two high-quality gravity stones that cost me quite a lot and left the marketplace, reaching my room again.

"Oh, Callius. You are early again. Coming from a shopping?"


"I see. Good luck then."

"Hmm? Thank you, I guess."

Bowing my head slightly to the slanted-eyed swordsman, I reached my room.

Entering there, I aligned the magic stones.

"Man, this will hurt again."

Mumbling like that, I started another process of awakening.


"Hısss… Hıssss….. Hıssss."

With sweat pouring down from all around my body, I was lying down on the ground, breathing slowly.

The passive skill [Frost Breath] is a skill that allows me to cool my body while breathing ice from my mouth. It is a very good skill when you are under a chemical reaction specifically, which lets you cool your head.

And, at this point, I had already gotten used to the pain of breaking through, so that wasn't bothering me anymore.

"It is a success again. I guess using this method was a good idea."

Mumbling like that, I called the status in my mind.




-  Strength – 2.8

-  Speed – 3.1

-  Stamina – 2.9

-  Perception – 2.9

-  Magic – 0 (2.9)

-  Luck -???

-  Charisma – 7 (sealed)

-  Intelligence – 9

-  Perseverance – 10


'Only my speed and my stamina are increased. In the game, that was like that too, so there is no need to fret over it.'

With that thought, I stood up, looking around.

This time, there are no impurities or something like that, thanks to my passive skill [Perfect Body], so one less thing to look over, I guess.

Like that, I entered the bathroom and cleaned myself thoroughly from the sweat.

"Hmm. The sun is about to set. I guess it took seven to eight hours?"


And, of course, if you talk about the time, there are bound to be some reactions from your body.

"The dinner should be served soon."

Feeling the hunger, I started going downstairs.

And there, I saw everyone was gathering.

Although the merchant we are traveling with said everyone would pay for their own accommodation, in the beginning, adventurers are people who are self-indulgent.

"Ah, Callius. Come here for a second."


"I will show you something."

Calling me, a girl was standing in front of the door.

Daughter of the Merchant, Aliya Norris.

"What is it?"

"Here, do you know what this is?"

Showing a bundle of rocks with green colors, she said.


'Wait. Don't tell me.'

"Are there any other rocks like this in this place?"


"Just tell me."

"Yes. There are."


"What happened?"

"We need to leave this place soon."

"What? We still haven't finished the business here."

"The thing you are holding …. It is not a rock."

"It is not a rock?"



"It is an egg."

"An egg?"

"Yes. It is an egg of a monster."


"There is a monster nest here. And you just found it."


And just to follow this sentiment, the sound of an explosion came from outside.

"And, here it comes. Cindersnake."


And a bunch of screams….

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