At that moment, something unexpected happened.


Contrary to his expectations, suddenly, a silhouette flew out of the smoke.


It was his Wind Elemental.


And the flying wind elemental suddenly crashed onto the barriers of the duel arena.


And before Declan could even question what was happening, suddenly, he felt danger. His senses were screaming at him.

Before him stood Callius in the midst of the smoke.

A breath of fire was released from his mouth as he stood with his eyes closed.

"What is this?" Declan asked himself in disbelief. Never once had he considered his elemental would be beaten this easily.

"That was close." A cold voice came before him as Callius opened his eyes. The crimson eyes that were normally closed now contained a murderous glint.

"What trickery had you used, Commoner?" Declan shouted with his eyes bloodshot. However, secretly he was chanting magic of his own at the same time.

Looking at his pitiful trick, Callius saw his act immediately. After all, he could see with his [All Seeing Eye]; he could also feel the wind man getting sucked into a spell.

However, he didn't mind. He could see Declan was supplying his elemental with his own mana in order to make him regenerate. But he wanted to crush this guy's pride before him. He could finish this fight right here with a simple spell, but he didn't because he wanted to damage this guy.

"I am simply better than you," Callius said as he conjured the second 4-star magic he knew.

"Rath'Gol-Enthra Fyrraen, Ythrandar Al'Zifrae, Vor'Thul Shandu Gol'Myrr, Syl'Thar Nyn'Daelthae.

Fyrrum Ythrianth Ryl'Thaar, Zyntharael Xyl'Vor'Fyre, Enthrynn Cael'Thur Gol'Fyrae, Zylenthrae Sol'Embyr Tyre."

It was a chant from an ancient language, and memorizing this was even hard, let alone using the correct way of speaking.

However, the spell's output was something else.

Though in order to not sound suspicious for the first time in his life, Callius activated his skill, [Silent Mage], as the sound of the chant didn't enter anyone's ears.

Lesser Gol'Rathar's Emberfury. It was a spell that he learned from the Xenon's book, a spell that enabled him to use fire magic like his limbs by applying them to his fists, his legs, and his body.

A spell that let him have access to the fire of Ancient Spirit Gol'Rathar.

"AHAHAHHA! Are you better than me? Don't make me laugh." Declan laughed in response. "You are a fool that gives the enemy the time to reciprocate," Declan said as he directed his wind elemental to attack Callius.

"This time, you are finished for sure." He said, and in a way, that would be true since Declan supplied a huge amount of mana in order to enchant the elemental.

Now the strength of it had passed the mark of 5-star, and there was no way any normal mage could deal with him.

'Normal mage.'

It was something Callius was not.

Even though his aura was sealed, that didn't mean all the combat experience was left out.


As the winds surged, the elemental lunger forwards to Callius at a rapid speed. At the same time, he started chanting another stronger spell.

This time he no longer underestimated Callius, as his mouth moved at a rapid speed.

4-star wind spell, Wrath of Typhoon.


The whole arena was covered by the wind, so it was a lot harder to see what was going on.

"What the hell is this spell?"

"He is the fourth seat for a reason."

Of course, the audience couldn't leave it alone without their commands.

Declan's arrogance reached new heights as the enhanced Wind Elemental charged toward Callius, with the Wrath of Typhoon spell adding to its power. He was convinced that victory was now within his grasp.

"Hahaha! You can't possibly withstand this, Commoner!" Declan shouted triumphantly, his eyes gleaming with confidence. "Your little tricks won't save you now!"

"Declan, what do you think is the best feeling in this world?"

At that moment, a calm and tranquil voice entered his ears. It was Callius with his hands and body burning.

A weird and strong pressure emanated from him that Declan couldn't put into words.

The elemental was about to reach Callius as well as his 4-star spell, but that guy was still waiting on the ground as he could easily fend off.

The audience watched in suspense, unsure of how this battle would unfold. Declan's wind magic was incredibly strong, and the elemental was wreaking havoc in the arena. It seemed impossible for Callius to survive such a relentless assault.

Declan just scoffed at Callius' words, not answering.


But, at that moment, a silhouette of a dragon seemed to appear in the arena.


As his fire swirled on his fist Callius moved with incredible speed, his body enveloped in flames, as he weaved through the powerful winds and evaded the elemental's attacks. His form looked like an attack of a martial artist, and in fact, it was.

An ancient technique Xenon recorded in his book, just for the sake of respect.

It was not good magic for a normal mage, but at the hands of someone with close combat knowledge, it became the most dangerous weapon.

The typhoon had already reached Callius limiting his movements, but not to avail. He moved like the wind itself like he was copying the skills of Declan.

Then, with a decisive strike, Callius delivered a devastating punch straight into the Wind Elemental's core.

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The elemental exploded into a burst of wind, dispersing into the air like a gusty storm.

The arena fell silent, and all that remained was Callius standing amidst the dissipating winds, unscathed and victorious.

Declan's jaw dropped in shock and disbelief. His Wind Elemental, his ultimate trump card, had been defeated with ease. But that was not the only thing.

"How... how is this possible?" Declan stammered, his arrogance now replaced by confusion. "I can't feel my elemental." It was because he couldn't feel his elemental.

Normally even though his elemental was defeated, it would still return to him and recharge his life energy. But that wasn't the case now.

"Hey, Declan. I asked you a question." At that moment, a cold voice echoed inside the arena.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!" However, Declan was not in his right mind. He was panicking. The elemental he obtained was not accessible to him right now for some reason.

"Do you know what is the best feeling in this world?"

"It is crushing people like you who think they are better than others even though they only have the backing from their families. It is the feeling of crushing other people's egos. This is the best feeling."

"WHAT DID YOU DO!" Hearing his words, dots connected in his mind. After all, Declan knew his elemental would normally return to him. He was panicking.

"I did what I am the best at," Callius answered with his hands filled with fire. "I destroyed your Wind Elemental's very being. I erased him from existence."

"What?" Declan exclaimed with a surprised tone. "You erased his existence?"

"Ah…. This is the expression I like to see." Callius answered, slowly approaching the boy. "The expression of disbelief."

Declan's panic was evident as he took a step back, his eyes wide with fear and confusion. Callius, on the other hand, seemed to grow even more confident, his crimson eyes shining with superiority. His trait was about to activate as the crazed smile he was trying to hide so hard could no longer be hidden behind his serious face.

"That's right," Callius said, his voice dripping with disdain. "I erased your precious Wind Elemental from existence. After all, it was nothing more than a tool for you, and now it's gone, just like your arrogance."

Declan gritted his teeth, trying to regain his composure. "You can't do that! It's impossible! Wind Elementals always return to their summoners!"

Callius chuckled a cold and mirthless sound. "I did. Do you know why, Declan? Do you know why I was able to do it?"


"Because I am better than you. I am better than everyone in your family, your whore mother that always drowns in the feeling of jealousy towards the red tower master, your bastard brother who looks down on commoners, and you who can't even face people on his own and relies on a pitiful creature like wind elemental."

ραΠdαsΝοvεl.cοm "Whose mother you are calling a whore!"

Declan's face turned red with rage, and he raised his hands to conjure another spell. But before he could cast it, Callius was already in motion.


With blinding speed, he closed the distance between them in an instant. His flaming fists connected with Declan's chest, sending him crashing to the ground.

"Hey, Declan. We both called our mother's a whore. But do you know why you are the one that was on the ground? Do you know why all those people around are looking at you with those pitiful eyes?"

As Callius said, he grabbed Declan by his hair, his flaming fists burning his head.

"AAAAAH! IT HURTS!" Declan shouted in response. It was the first time Declan got a hit in the fight. He squirmed as he fought with Callius, trying to get out of his grasp. But Callius didn't let him as he strongly gripped him and raised his head, forcing him to look at the onlookers.

"Do you now understand what is different between you and me, Declan? In this arena, everyone is revering me, while all of them have that pitiful look for you. Do you know what is the reason for it?"

With each word that poured from Callius, Declan was humiliated more and more, his face confronted with pain, but at the same time, he could feel himself shriek before his presence.

His hair was burning, and the ribs on his chest were broken. It was the first time he was feeling such pain in his life.

"I su-"


He wanted to surrender, but before he could do it, his face was smashed onto the ground.


He spitted his broken teeth as blood flowed from his face and nose.

"Hey, Declan. Do you understand the difference between you and me now?"

Callius said as he pressed his ignited hand into his navel, burning his skin.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!" Declan's shout of pain filled the arena as Callius ruthlessly and continuously attacked him.


Whenever Declan was about to lose himself because of pain, Callius moved his lightning mana in a minimum amount alerting his nerves.

The audience closed their eyes, not being able to contain this scene any longer. It was a gruesome sight, nothing like the duel that they had come to watch.

They once again reminded me why Callius was known as Scorch Demon in the academy. His ruthlessness is evident.

The referee wanted to interfere, but per the rules of a duel, he couldn't since neither one of the contestants lost consciousness nor did they surrender.

With each Callius' words, Declan felt more and more despair.

Why was he feeling such an amount of pain?

Why was he not able to defeat this bastard before him?

Why was a commoner able to look down on him? How dare he inflict this much pain on himself?

At that moment, he could no longer contain the anger and emotions inside his heart.

And he finally lost it.


Followed by an inhumane roar….


The chapter before was short, but I couldn't merge them together since that would be too long for a chapter.

Anyway, hope you liked the chapters.

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