Name- Callius Augustride ????

Age – 15

Class – The Sorcerer of Beginning, Ruler of Lightning, Flash Swordsman

Knight rank – Four-star

Mage rank – Four-star

Attributes – Aether

Traits – Expand

Arts – All-Seeing Eye (4-star) (%99),

Skills – Disguise, Grand Challenge, Silent Mage

Passive Skills- Expand

Bonded Weapon- Nihil [Second Stage][%39]

Artifacts – Moonstone's Ring, Muramana, Guardian Angel

Weapon Skills- Absorption, Singularity


-  Strength –  4.8

-  Speed – 4.9

-  Stamina – 4.7

-  Perception – 4.9

-  Magic – 4.9

----------------Hidden Stats--------------

-  Luck -???

-  Charisma – 8 (sealed)

-  Intelligence – 9

-  Perseverance – 10


Looking at the system panel before me, I nodded my head.

'It is about time that I attempt to break through.' I thought.

My magic stat had already reached the threshold of the related attribute. And my physical parameters were also on the verge of being enough.

However, I was delaying the process since I knew it was not the time. While attempting to break through, good preparation was a must.

And from 4 to 5, it was a lot more important.

'Since from this moment on, both for my aura and my mana will start materializing their own characteristics.'

There was a reason why 5-star was said to be the breakpoint for both the knights and mages because both aura and mana would go through drastic changes. Therefore, in the game, this one had a huge amount of failure rate where the player would injure himself.

With that thought, I started making some arrangements.

'This one is going to hurt once again.'

Though without pain, no gain could be made….

Just like that, I started preparing myself for the future. For now, I didn't need to do anything, but buying a lot of materials was a must.

And this was where Aliya made her appearance.

<Callius. Finally, you answered my calls back.>

A voice came from the sphere object. Aliya had been calling me using the Sphere for a while, but I was not in my right mind to talk with anyone; thus, I ignored her at that time. But I was okay now.

"I am okay now," I answered, feeling a little more relaxed.

<I know…. You must have exhausted yourself quite a lot. Bet you even injured yourself a bit.> Aliya said from the sphere, with her voice filled with a proud tone.

She knew me well.

"You know me well."

<I had been watching you all the time, you know. Of course, I know you well.> Hearing me, her tone got more proud as she spoke.

'This girl…. She is getting cheeky.' I laughed at myself slightly.'

"Is that so? Then, I presume the betting business must be going well." Then answered.

<...> And hearing me, no answer came back. I could easily visualize in my eyes right now that she had flinched while grabbing her dress tightly.

"…." A feeling of teasing her arose as I waited for her reply. The silence ensued for a little longer until she could no longer bear it.

<H-How did you know?>  She asked, her voice shaking slightly. She understood that I knew what she was doing secretly.

She probably wanted to surprise me after showing the income she had made with her betting business.

"You are not the only one that had been watching others, you know?" I answered with a cheeky tone. After all, Aliya was a girl that I knew very well.

And that was not necessarily from the game. I know what kind of person she was, what kind of things she liked, and what kind of thoughts she had.

In the game, it wasn't shown that a bet business was done, but there was no way a girl like Aliya would miss this.

And I could easily imagine her making bet deals with the proud nobles that wanted entertainment while watching the duels. After all, it was the perfect opportunity.

<….Yeah….> A small voice came; she must have been pretty embarrassed.

"Your ears must be red right now. You should probably put an ice on them."


  But, if there was one thing about this girl, it was her pride. If you tease her too much, she will get angry and will pout like a hamster and click her tongue annoyed.

"So, who did you put your bet in today's duel?" I asked. I already knew the answer she would give, but I wanted to play with her a bit.

<…..No comment….> She answered, but she also knew that I knew who she put on.

"It was Diana, wasn't it?"

<…..…..> Hearing no answer came confirmed it.

"I am offended, you know…."

<I would put it on you if you used your sword, but you can't. And you knew who I had already put my bet on.>

"You are as smart as ever."

<This is why you love me.>

Hearing her cheeky words, the urge to tease her got stronger.

'I really wish I was with her right now.' I thought. For some reason, I wanted to see Aliya squirm under me with a red face right now, but I knew it was not the time to do that. So, I decided to tease her with my words.

"Really? Maybe I love you because I like to "

<Okay, okay, I got it. It is embarrassing, so don't start again.>

However, before I could tease her, she immediately understood what I was about to say and cut me off.

"Hehe…." I laughed at her response.

<You finally laughed.>

  As her warm voice came from the sphere, I stopped in my tracks. It had been a while since I laughed like this.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

<It has been a while since I had seen your smile.>

<You seemed down, but I guess you are 'really' fine now.>

  "Tch….For some reason, I am annoyed." I was annoyed. It was not an annoyance when you felt like you wanted to smash something, but something like a sweet annoyance, if I could put my words into it.

<Hehe… Your pride makes you feel like you have lost, doesn't it?> Her voice became more and more cheeky.

"I didn't lose."

<You did.>

"Should I come there now? Will you talk to me like that when I come here?"

<Heh…> She snickered, hearing my voice. <Do you know where I am?>


<Where am I then?>

"You are in the library."


"So? How was the talk with Elara?"

<Tch…. Noting escapes from your eyes.>

"I have good eyes."

<It was fine. I think the princess had already alerted the academy personnel. The faction you wanted to be formed slowly comes to the surface. Though it will take a while until Seraphina Riftwind and Princess Jasmine come to equal ground.>

"It is fine. The important thing is making sure they are coming closer."

<I know, I know.>


<So? What do you want from me?>

"You are making it look like I only call you when I need something."


"Hey….It is not that bad you know?"

<I don't think so?>


<You should coax me, you know?…. I won't work for free anymore…. It should be an equal exchange.>

"Equal exchange, you say?"

<Indeed. I want equal pay with you.>


<What is too funny?"

"You just reminded me of something from the past."


"Okay, okay. I will give you what you want. Don't sulk."



<Hehe…. Then, you can tell me what you want now.>

"I want you to buy some materials."


<Okay. Give the names, I will instruct our company's personnel to buy those.> At this point, she didn't even ask why I needed the materials for; she just asked what they were.

"It won't be easy to find, though."


"I want a Dragon Heart."

<...That….It is not that easy to find one, you know.>

"I know."


"You can find it, can't you? After all, you are the most wealthy young girl in the world."


"I know you can."

<Sigh…. I won't ask you what you will need it for, but I can find one. But the price won't be low; you know that right?>

"Yeah…. Tell me what you want later."

<Ho? You won't back down later, then?>

"I never back down."

<….Right…. Then, do you need anything else?>

"I will send you the list soon. They are a lot easier to find, so you should focus on finding the dragon heart for now."

<Sigh…. What are you going to do without me?>

"You can't do without me either."

<Yeah… I can't….>

"Then, I am ending the call."


ραΠdαsΝοvεl ƈοm Just as I was about to sever the connection, I heard a soft voice coming from the sphere.

<W-wait.> Aliya's voice shook for a second.


<…. Nothing…. Good night…..>

  Though she didn't say anything and ended the call.

As the call reached its end, I made my way toward my bed. After all, tomorrow was going to be hectic….

Just like that, I closed my eyes as I ventured into the lands of dreams….


Hope you liked the chapter. It was a good fan service chapter before another action.

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Check out my new book if you are interested.

This time it will have a modern hunter theme, where MC will be driven by the feeling of vengeance.

The name is; Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

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