Inside the buzzing classroom, the students were talking amongst each other, their voices filled with excitement and curiosity about the upcoming practical exam.

"I wonder what kind of scenarios we'll be facing," one student wondered aloud.

"Maybe it'll be a combat simulation!" another suggested with a grin.

"I heard there might be a puzzle-solving challenge," a third student chimed in. "That could be really fun!"

As they speculated about the unknown challenges that awaited them, some students shared their strategies and discussed possible ways to approach the scenarios.

"I think teamwork will be crucial," a student said, nodding. "We should try to complement each other's abilities."

"And communication! We need to make sure we're on the same page during the exam," another added.

Meanwhile, there was one person that was sitting in the farthest row of the seats as he was waiting for the instructor to come and talk about the details of the practical exam.

It was me.

Ark, being one of the stingy academies in the world, never gave any type of explanation about the practical exams before the day of the exam. That was in order to ensure the fast thinking and adaptations of students.

'But, that is not the case for me.' I thought, remembering what was inside the game. Since it was mid-terms, students would be going to face the instructors to show their practical talents to communities and get scouted by them.

Some of the students were filled with excitement thanks to the rumors they heard outside of the academy about the communities, and some others were slightly afraid.

"I hope we've practiced enough for this," one of them said, fidgeting with their hands.

"Relax, we've got this," their friend reassured. "Just remember what we learned in class, and we'll do great!"

But my eyes were on the boy sitting in the front seat….

'This bastard is smiling?' I couldn't help but ponder. 'Looking at this from here, it seems his yesterday job went well?' I thought, but I decided to skip it. After all, it was not like what he did matter to me unless he directly invaded my life.

Just before the students could continue talking further, the door opened, revealing the homeroom instructor of my class.

The instructor, Cernais, finally entered the classroom. The students quickly settled down, turning their attention to him.

"Good morning, everyone," Cernais greeted with a warm smile. "I hope you all had a good night's rest. Today is the day you've been waiting for—the practical exams!"

A murmur of excitement swept through the classroom as the students eagerly awaited the details of their 'challenge.'

As I was waiting for him to talk about the spars, suddenly, he clapped his hands only to make a bunch of small pieces of paper appear before us.

"What is this?" a student asked, holding up one of the train ticket-like papers.

"What?" Sounds of surprise filled the classroom as everyone examined the mysterious tickets.

'Hmm?' I, too, was surprised to see something unfamiliar that was not in the game appearing before me. The papers looked like train tickets, but there was a sense of magical energy emanating from them.

'Don't tell me?' Realizing the purpose of these tickets, I was surprised. Surprised to see the event that would happen in the final exams happening in the mid-terms.

Cernais smiled, noticing the curiosity in our eyes. "These will be your duel tickets," he announced, his voice carrying authority.

"Duel tickets?" someone repeated, uncertain.

"Yes," Cernais confirmed. "In order to ensure fair and organized duels, we've implemented a system using these tickets. Each ticket will represent one challenge or duel, and they will be used to apply for sparring matches with the first-year students."

"Wait, does that mean we can challenge anyone we want?" another student asked, excitement rising in their voice.

Cernais nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, but there are rules and limitations. You can challenge anyone from the first-year students, but there are restrictions based on your current ranking."

He continued to explain the rules, ensuring that there were no loopholes or room for unfair advantages. Only students with similar ranks could challenge each other, and there was a cooldown period between duels to prevent constant challenges.

If one was way below the ranks, they could apply for duels with higher-ranking students, but the same was not the case for the higher-ranking students since it wouldn't make sense to ensure higher-ranking challenges since in the past, there were cases where higher-ranking students bullied the lower ranking ones.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"Also, before you challenge someone, both parties must agree to the duel, but the one that challenges will lose their tickets. However, to refuse the duel, the student will also need to use their own duel tickets." Cernais added.

'Same as in the game…. But, if you refuse a duel using your own tickets, everyone will look down on you for being a chicken, so it is not much advised by seniors…' I thought, remembering a certain run when I refused one duel, and my reputation fell down very strictly in the game.

"It's essential to uphold sportsmanship and mutual respect. These duels are meant for practice and growth, not for personal vendettas or grudges."

ραΠdαsΝοvεl.cοm Even though I heard what he was saying, remembering the events of the game, I couldn't help but shake my head. 'Not for personal vendettas…. What a bullshit…Let's see who Emma will challenge….'

As I thought about that, I turned my eyes to Emma beside me, who was glaring daggers at Arthur with a smile on her face… It was the smile of a lioness….

'Yep… For sure no personal vendettas…'

As he spoke, the students listened attentively, absorbing the information about the duel ticket system. They understood that this was an opportunity to test their abilities, learn from each other, and become better mages.

"Remember, these duels are not about winning or losing," Cernais emphasized. "It's about pushing your limits, understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and developing your skills. It's a chance to foster a spirit of camaraderie among your peers. Your gradings will also be based on the performances that you have shown on the grounds… Don't forget that…"

The students nodded, appreciating the value of such a system in their magical education. They knew that sparring with their fellow classmates would provide invaluable experience and growth.

With the explanation complete, Cernais distributed the duel tickets to each student, ensuring that everyone had a fair chance to participate. Everyone had four different tickets on themselves, each ticket having a different color symbolizing different types of duels.

The green tickets indicated "Technical" matches, where students could challenge each other for practice and skill improvement without any serious consequences. These duels were meant to be 'fun' and 'constructive,' allowing them to learn from their peers in a supportive environment where the usage of aura and mana was limited to zero-star.

The blue tickets represented "Mage battles." This type of duel provided a chance for students to challenge each other with their aura limited to base and mana set free. It was mostly meant for the mages to duel with each other and showcase their limits. In the game, this was where Celia won.

The red tickets were for "Knight duels," where students could showcase their proficiency in knighthood with their mana limited and aura set free. These duels allowed them to demonstrate their strengths of body and aura. This was where Emma shone normally and got the first seat.

Lastly, the yellow tickets were for "Challenge Matches." These were more competitive and intense duels, where students could challenge others in a bid to climb the ranks and gain recognition within the academy. Victory in challenge matches could lead to increased prestige and better opportunities. There were no limitations for rank in this case, no matter how different the rank of the students was. It was the most anticipated type of duel as it was basically a real-life situation.

"Now, don't forget," Cernais said with a smile, "respect each other, learn from one another, and above all, enjoy the process of becoming stronger. The duel period will take one week. Therefore, you don't need to push yourselves. "

With that, he clapped his hands once more as a signal came from everyone's bracelets.

"Now, you must be seeing the locations for the duels. In order for you to apply for a duel, the only thing you need to do is tear your desired tickets and say the name of said student. To refuse the duel, you only have one hour. Then, have a good and constructive exam."


With that, he left the classroom leaving the dumbfounded students alone as everyone was looking at the tickets in their hands.

"This changes everything…." I mumbled as I looked at the tickets in my hands.

Though before I could move any further, a sound echoed inside the class.

"Callius Augustride… I challenge you a duel…"

It was the sound of a girl I had just heard…..


Hope you liked the chapter. Now, we will see some spicy scenes.

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Check out my new book if you are interested.

This time it will have a modern hunter theme, where MC will be driven by the feeling of vengeance.

The name is; Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest.

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