The class went on as the students attentively listened to the teachings of Cernais. Even Callius, who didn't like listening to the things he knew, was attentively listening as he liked the perspective Cernais approached the subject.

"Remember, students, the study of magic is not limited to the confines of known affinities," Cernais spoke as he gazed through the students. 'They are reaching the limit of their attention.' He thought as he had already started seeing the signs of exhaustion.

"There is a vast realm of possibilities waiting to be explored through derivative magic, which you will explore if you wish to major in magical aspects." He clapped his hands for the last time in the class, gaining everyone's attention.

"Today's lecture will end with this. Don't forget to revise today's topics and study them." With those words of Cernais, the class came to an end as the students took a breath of refresh air.

"Now, I will give you your first assignment," Cernais announced; his words met with a chorus of groans and sighs from the students.

'Heh, they are always the same.' Callius thought, seeing the reaction. 'In a way, it is understandable, though.'

As the students settled down, Cernais proceeded to explain the details of the assignment. "Your task won't be overly challenging. I want each of you to conduct a basic research project on a randomly assigned elemental affinity. Dive deep into the characteristics of your chosen affinity and select one derivative spell associated with it. Your objective is to create a comprehensive report that highlights the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen spell. Utilize the resources available in the library, but remember to properly cite your references. While you are allowed to discuss ideas with your peers, I must emphasize that any form of plagiarism will result in severe consequences as per the academy rules. The deadline for this assignment is our next class. Now, enjoy your weekend, and I look forward to your submissions."

With those final words, the class came to an end, and the students dispersed, some grumbling while others began discussing their assigned elemental affinities.

"No, not again…"

"Man… What is this? Why do we have assignments all the time…."

"Yeah, it is too hard, man… I can't even go on a date with my fiancé."

"You have a fiancé?"

"You don't know?"

As students started excitedly talking amounts themselves, Callius was getting prepared to leave the classroom since he was going to train.


At that moment, he heard a notification sound inside his head as he saw the panel of bracelet appearing before him.


Fundamentals of Magical Theory: Assignment 1

Element: Wind

Conduct basic research for a wind element and choose a derivative spell associated with it. Then, write a comprehensive report with proper language describing the advantages and disadvantages of your spell.

Name: Callius

ID: 2517209


Seeing the panel appearing before him, Callius thought. 'Wind Element, huh? I guess I can use this as an excuse to borrow some wind-related books to train for a while. I can read books inside the library with my disguise on, but I can't borrow them without registering them into the academy.'

With that thought in his mind, he stood up and started walking towards the outside of the classroom.

"Umm…. C-Callius… Please wait for a second," Until he heard the timid voice stammered from behind him.

'Hmm?' Getting surprised at the random calling, his heart was filled with intrigue. 'Who is this girl?'

Turning around, he saw a fidgeting girl. Her eyes were filled with nervousness as she was shaking, but a silent coldness could be seen there for a skilled person to judge people. She was a petite girl with shimmering blue eyes and cascading waves of azure hair that framed her delicate features, though it was hard to notice if one didn't look at her with attention.

'Ah, it is this girl.' He thought as he remembered the girl from the start. She was also a bit of an oddball since her head was mostly covered with a hood as if she was hiding. At the same time, he activated his [All-Seeing Eye].I think you should take a look at


Name – Elara, the Silent Wind

Age –15

Class – Zephyrblade

Mage Rank – 4-star

Knight Rank – 4-star

Attributes – High-Wind


As the panel appeared in front of his eyes, he nodded to himself. 'The pawn of Princess, huh?' He thought.

"Yes?" He responded. "How can I help you?" Even though he had something in his mind, Callius still wanted to confirm.

The girl took a deep breath, gathering her courage before speaking. "I… I wanted to ask if you would be willing to study together for this assignment," she said, her voice slightly shaky but determined.

'Ho… The acting was top-notch, almost without any mistakes. Aside from the little shake of her index finger.' He thought to himself, though he knew without his [All-Seeing Eye], he wouldn't probably notice that little detail. 'It looks like the princess wants to keep an eye on me.' He thought as he contemplated his next move.

'Then, playing along with it might not be bad. Let's see how this goes.' With that thought, he raised one brow of his eye.

"Why should I study with you?" he asked, his crimson gaze penetrating as if exerting pressure on Elara. The weight of his words hung in the air, and the students watched intently, awaiting her response.

At this point, the classroom's attention was on the two as everyone was watching him intently.

'If you wanted to pressure me by gaining the reaction of the public, then you are stupid.' He thought as he looked into the girl that was fidgeting.

"I-I…. My e-element i-is fire…. So, I-I wanted to ask you…."

Elara answered as she stuttered. From the students, there were voices that were saying she was pitiful, but Callius paid no mind to them as he looked into her eyes.

'Bastard, just accept it already.' Though inside Elara's heart, her thoughts were different from normal as she was fuming. The atmosphere got more and more tense as Callius only looked into Elara without responding for a while, forcing her to squirm more to keep her act.

After a moment of contemplation, Callius broke his intense gaze and let out a subtle sigh. "Fine," he relented, his voice laced with a touch of reluctant agreement. "I will consider studying together for this assignment. But," he added, raising a finger to emphasize his condition, "only if you can keep up with my pace and contribute meaningfully to our research."

Though in the end, he accepted the offer weighing the pros and cons…..

ƥ ----------------------A/N-----------------------

Hope you liked the chapters. Slowly and surely, I will also start building up the relationship between Callius and Jasmine.

You can check my discord if you want. You will be able to see the illustrations here and engage in a conversation with me if I am available.

Checkout my new book if you are interested.

This time it will have a modern hunter theme, where MC will be driven by the feeling of vengeance.

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