After that rumor facade had found its end, life inside the academy returned to its normal. The classes went, and days passed as normal for a week.

Now, in a sense, for most children of this world, the first year of the academy will be hard. Both academically and practically.

The reason for that is pretty simple.

It is because the academy life is nothing close to the life those noble kids had so far. Transitioning from their privileged lives as nobles to the harsh realities of the academy presented significant challenges.

They are not allowed to bring their attendants. Thus, they need to do their daily tasks on their own. On top of that, the heavy academical curriculum and the practical assignments that are given to students weekly were enough to keep them busy.

But, of course, I am not normal, different from others. What makes me different?

The knowledge of the earth. Not the common knowledge but rather advanced engineering major knowledge, which is even more advanced here.

Thus, for me, understanding the curriculum of the academy was a lot easier, thus requiring me to spend a lot less time studying and understanding the theoretical curriculum.

In this way, my unique background provided me with a distinct advantage. However, that was not there for all.

There is one more thing that differentiates me from any normal noble. Experience in real-life-and-death situations and how to explore a dungeon, a tomb, a legacy, and many other things.

In simple words, the experience of being an adventurer.

Of course, there are also other students that are like me. Not all nobles are sheltered; some of them really embrace the code of Noblesse and do their best to rule over their lands while also providing safety for their citizens.

But they are few, resulting in this.

<Ding! The host's magic rank is increased by 0.1.>

As the voice of the system echoed inside my head, I was woken up from my stupor. "Finally," I mumbled as I stood up from the place I was in. The highly intensified mana in the chamber I was in was pressuring me slightly, but I resisted as I stood up.

"Thanks to this mana-gathering formation, I can see the improvement in my mana stats." I mused as I felt the change in my body slightly.

As I had explained before, the more your stats increase, the harder for you to see an increase in your stats. It shows a logarithmic increase if that makes sense. Thus, it was very hard for me to see an improvement, both in my body and in my magic rank.

However, being the first-ranking student comes in handy in such cases, of course.

'The academy is for me to spend money.' I thought, leaving the chamber as I started walking towards to upper floors of my dorm.

Of course, being the best academy in the world, they have quite a lot of things to offer to students. Like meals and ingredients that can't be found everywhere. Facilities for one to improve their body or mana core. One-on-one lessons and more….

However, they are for students who can afford them, which means to students who are hardworking basically. If you are a hardworking student and get good grades, participate in projects, do your assignments properly, and take quests regularly, then you will have quite a lot of amount of points to spend on.

However, when it comes to first-year students, their choices are slightly limited since they are not allowed to take quests and go outside of the academy.

But not for me.

'Let's order some nutritious food.' With that thought, I opened up the bracelet and started looking at the options, and ordered a hefty meal filled with magical nutrients.

The sky was dark, showing it was already night, and it was pretty late at that.

Just like that, I went to sleep not long after….


Waking up early in the morning, the first thing I did was grab the drink I had made yesterday. 'The knowledge of the game comes in handy in these times.' I thought.

The drink I am having right now is an alchemy product that shouldn't have appeared in this world. Though, I had already sold the formula to Aliya and let her do the marketing.

'Needle of Vitality Bee, Essence of Starflower…'

Those were the materials inside which will increase the efficiency of the training I am about to do.

ƥ Just like that, I grabbed things I would need and left my dorm.

The sky, still shrouded in darkness, having only obtained a mere four hours of sleep, I set off on my path.

After a short while, I employed my disguise skill, altering my appearance to avoid unnecessary attention. Next on the agenda was reaching my destination—the training rooms.

"Which room would you like to rent?" inquired the receptionist, her eyes marked by traces of sleeplessness.I think you should take a look at

"My friend is already here, thank you," I replied, opting not to disclose the specific details.

"I understand. Have a productive training session," she wished me well.

Just like that, I made my way toward the 26th training room.

'She said she was here.' I thought as I knocked on the door.


After knocking on the door once, it was opened, revealing a girl with hazel eyes inside.


"Ssh!" Before she could utter my name, I quickly placed a finger on her lips, signaling her to remain silent, and motioned for us to enter the room.


With a soft sound, the door closed behind us, enveloping us in a space of solitude.

"Sorry…." As she was about to apologize, I waved my hand.

"It is fine. Just be careful next time."


"You can release the artifact. No one will watch us here." I mumbled as I turned my attention toward Lirienne.

Since students need their own privacy when it comes to their skills and training.

With those words, Lirienne reached for the small necklace adorning her collar and infused it with her mana, revealing her true form—a beautiful elf with platinum hair and grey eyes.

"Are you ready, then?" I inquired.


Hearing this answer, a smile bloomed on my face.

"Very well. I won't hold back."


Drawing Nihil from my storage ring, I assumed my position, preparing to face off against this determined young girl.


The distinct sound of two daggers being unsheathed reverberated in the air, accompanied by the palpable shift in Lirienne's aura.



In an instant, she darted towards me, ready to engage in our training session.


Now, for a while, we will have pieces of academy life coupled with some small POV changes to not lose track of other characters.

You can check my discord if you want. You will be able to see the illustrations here and engage in a conversation with me if I am available.

Checkout my new book if you are interested.

This time it will have a modern hunter theme, where MC will be driven by the feeling of vengeance.

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