"She was really strong," Callius mumbled to himself inside the dimly lighted training room.

At that point, Diana had already left the training room as she wanted to take a rest and rearrange her thoughts. In a way, even though Diana was a peak 4-star mage, she was not a person that had the body of a 4-star knight. Therefore, she left the room soon after the spar ended as she was tired both mentally and physically while Callius stayed inside the room.

This might make her slightly suspicious of Callius' real power, but since she was Diana, Callius didn't want to be overly cautious, as he knew she was not someone that would reveal such a simple detail to others, especially when it was about him.

"Now, let's try this magic a bit longer. Right now, my magic output is not strong enough to directly combat the students of this academy." He mumbled as he analyzed the way the fight went on. "If Diana had slightly more combat experience, she would have been able to beat me without any difficulty. I need to practice my chants." His voice engraved deep, he thought.

In a way, that was true since Callius did not simply use low-strength magic in the fight. No, rather, he sometimes tried to use higher-ranking spells, but every time he tried to do so, he was always interrupted by Diana as she immediately attacked him with her own magic.

That was the reason why he constantly tried to evade her magic rather than confronting it with his own.

Just like that, he stayed in the training room as he kept fighting with the golems…. 


In the secluded backroom reserved for academy personnel, the air crackled with tension. A zealous young man's voice pierced the stillness, his inquiries filled with an unsettling fervor.

His face was blurry as if something was intercepting how it looked like. His clothes were black, like he was someone that came here to commit a crime. 

"Where is he now?" the young man demanded, his voice laced with an undercurrent of menace.

"He is in room 23," a woman's voice responded, accompanied by the display of footage from the corridor outside the designated room. "He is alone," she added, her gaze fixed upon the blurry-faced figure before her. Fear gripped her heart, unable to contain the sense of impending danger.

Sensing her trepidation, the young man pressed on with his questioning. "When did Diana Augustride depart?" he inquired, his tone taking on a more sinister edge.

"Approximately two hours ago," the woman answered hastily, her words spilling forth without pause. Her mind wandered briefly to the couple who had recently visited the room, their familial bond now made clear. The realization sent a shiver down her spine.

"Good," the young man responded, his voice dripping with threat. A dark aura began to emanate from his obscured face, heightening the sense of foreboding. "Miss Elara, you didn't witness anything today, understood?" he declared, his tone leaving no room for defiance. "Or else, your mother's life support may suddenly become precarious."

As the young man's words sank in, Elara, the trembling woman, found herself consumed by fear. Her eyes widened slightly, brimming with unshed tears. The weight of the young man's words hung heavily upon her, and she could do nothing but acquiesce. "Yes," she whispered, her voice quivering. "I didn't see anything."

"Very well," the young man concluded, his threatening presence lingering in the room. Without another word, he departed, leaving Elara behind, alone and overwhelmed. As part of his departure, the young man disappeared from the eyes of others as if he had never existed in the first place.

Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she whispered a plea for the safety of another.

"Huff... I am sorry…. I am so sorry….." she murmured, her words a desperate prayer in the face of the unjust circumstances that had befallen her. At that moment, she felt the weight of a world that was often unforgiving and unfair. 

Making her way to the controls of the magical wards, she disabled the one that would detect the magical phenomenon inside room 23 while also disabling the ward that recorded the mana prints inside the corridor.

The young man she had just seen entering the training rooms…. His life was now in danger thanks to her not doing her job properly…..



With a sudden burst of speed, one of the remaining golems lunged at Callius, throwing a powerful punch directly toward his face. Time seemed to slow down as he swiftly reacted, his instincts taking over. 


He blocked the incoming attack with a blast of mana, dispersing the force of the blow with an explosive impact.


But there was no time to rest. Before he could fully recover, the second golem unleashed a lance of water with precision and speed, aiming to catch him off guard. Callius, recognizing the coordinated assault, quickly sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the deadly water magic.

Instantly his gaze became focused as he started chanting his magic while mumbling swiftly.

In at most two seconds, he finished his chant as in front of him, a crescent blade of fire was conjured.


As he detonated the magic he conjured, the surroundings were filled with fire as the crescent wave moved like a tsunami.


As the fire clashed with two golems, one tried to face it head-on but was unable to do so as it fell to the ground.

As for the one that used magic, it raised a shield of water to defend itself, only for it to get split into two.

The golems, both unable to withstand the relentless assault, crumbled one after another, their artificial bodies reduced to pieces.

"That was hard," Callius mumbled as he looked at the golems that were retracted by the training room's spirit. 

"But I can see the improvements." He thought as he grabbed a high-tier mana potion from his storage ring, gulping it, refreshing his mana reserves.

'When are they going to come? They should be here around now.'

The moment he thought to himself like that, suddenly he felt a sinister dark mana moving outside of the room as a smile appeared on his face.

'Finally, you are here.' Then, let's begin the show.

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