The reason why I tried so hard to explore this dungeon and loot it was just for that trait.

'Child of Mana.'

A trait that would help the player to gather mana more easily.

And it doesn't end with only this.

Because you will become favored by the mana itself when you are engaging in a battle with another magician, the possibility that mana will listen to your will is going to be higher, which is basically one of the most important things a magician can have.

This was basically the whole reason why this dungeon was coveted this hard.

Because it gives a very strong trait and items that will be useful in the future.

Just as I thought about those, suddenly, spatial mana started swirling around me.

Thanks to my core being awakened again and the passive skill mana sense, I was able to understand what was happening around me more detailly than before.


With a fast sweep, I was absorbed by the portal that appeared in front of me and fell into nothingness again.


As while I was entering, the process was not that fast, and that made me want to puke.

Though, I was not in control of my body.

However, even in the midst of all those things, I still wanted to see.

To understand how the spatial magic worked.

And that was the reason why my eyes were closed.

'Mana Sense.'

With that thought, I passed into another domain with my body trying to perceive the situation that was unfolding before me.



But, the moment I tried to understand, a huge amount of information assaulted my brain, overwhelming me from everywhere.

And not long after, I lost my consciousness.



With a loud sound, Callius fell to the ground from the portal that appeared right above his body.

However, he was not responding, just lying on the ground with his steady breaths.

No matter where someone looked at, he was just unconscious.

But that was not fully true.

'That was amazing.'

He was in a weird state.

A state where a person would just ignore and try to think.

'So that is how the higher-level mages see the world. Incredible.'

'I really feel like training right now.'


While he was thinking that, a sudden howl of wind blowing came through his eyes.


Making him remember the situation he was in.

'It is cold.'

It was cold. 

Very cold, thanks to him being in a place that was far higher than normal.

Standing up, he called his mount 'Night.'

A horse-looking beast that was far more than normal.

"Come here, my girl."

With his hands slowly caressing his long-life partner, he hopped on top of it.

"You must be hungry."

Saying that I fed Night with a small portion of 3-star monster Block bear's meat.

"let's go to the city now."

With that thought, I started riding toward the city. I decided to rest before coming to this dungeon.

'System, how many hours passed after I entered the dungeon.'

<Host, it has been two days.>

'I see. That's good. I finished this place a lot faster than I expected.'

With that thought, I reached the city.

A small town that didn't have much to offer, thanks to it being on the borderline of the Empire.

Although it was such a city, the City of Lismore still had its own importance in the game either.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Thanks to it having its own originated villain who was now dead….

Because my mask was broken in the fight I had with the boss of the dungeon, I was no longer able to conceal my face with it.

'It is nothing important anyway. Until I revisit Dorakorli, I can just keep it on my ring. Now that I have awakened my core, I can finally use my skills again.'

Thinking that, I activated my skill [Disguise] and pictured a face.

A face that was not attractive as my normal face but still was on the higher side of the spectrum.

A face of a young man with yellow eyes and brown hair.

Thanks to my trait [Perfectionist], there was no way I would be able to conjure an ugly face in my mind anyway if I didn't see it. And I don't need to impersonate someone either, like last time.




The same guard that was on the shift when I first came frowned upon my response.

"When did I see you?"

"I came here three days ago, around the night."

"…. I see…."

Saying that he brought my ID.

"You can enter."

Grabbing my card, I started leaving. 


But just before I could leave, I heard the guard calling me.

"Are you that masked swordsman?"


"If so, then I suggest you be careful. Those Dalton guys, they won't stay idle."


After that, I left.

'Now, before I go to the rest, I should start absorbing the mana to my core.'

Thinking that, I reached the city square.

'There should be some training rooms that I can use.'

Starting to look around, I searched for an institute that was renting some rooms to train and found one not long after.

Even though Lismore is a borderline city, some people would still like to get stronger and train.

At least that was what I thought, but seeing this place, I changed my mind.

"How much for training rooms?"

Because I was in a place where the wall was showing signs of falling, and it was pretty much neglected.

"Which room do you want?"

"Higher mana density once."

"We don't have those."

"You don't?"

"Yes. Do you think this is the capital or something? This is Lismore City, not Dromont or something."

Seeing the haughty attitude of the girl that was sitting at the desk while popping the pink slime in her mouth without even looking at my face, I honestly wanted to punch her in the face, though I managed to control myself.

'I guess that's why people didn't like those goths on Earth.'

"….. My bad. Then give me the best one."

"Okay. That will be 5000 Aeria for one hour."

"Hmm? 5000 per hour?"


'That explains why this place is that bad.'

"Here. I will rent for today and will pay the rest after I get out."

"Hmm…. Okay. You can go. Room is under the basement."

Hearing that, I left the receptionist deck and entered the training room.

'At least the room is not that bad.'

Although the floors and hall were dirty and uncleaned, the rooms were not that bad, thanks to them requiring a lot of attention and care.

"Now, let's start."

Mumbling like that, I started generating fire mana from my core while chanting.

"Ignite my inner flame, burn away my fears and shame…. Fireball."

Firing a ball of fire from my hand, which marked the start of my magic training.

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