After grabbing the things supplies I wanted and storing them on my spatial ring, I left the market place entering an inn with quite good features.

"Hello, sir. How may I help you?"

"How much for a night?"

"What type of room do you want to have, and what kind of service, sir?"

"A warm bath and clean sheets."


"Include the breakfast."

"Okay. That will be 3000 Aeria."


After giving the innkeeper the card, I left for my room.

Now, you might be thinking, where am I right now?

To answer that question, we need first to remember the time.

It has been one year and a half since I left the city of Phailand and went on my own path, separating from the Aliya and finishing the demon Otakemaru.

I have been traveling ever since.

My days were pretty much the same, with nothing changing.

Waking up early in the morning, training with my swords and aura.

Hunting monsters without stopping, exploring dungeons, raising my rank, and increasing the money I had.

Of course, with this much time I had on my plate, I grabbed a lot of things in my arsenal that would increase my strength.

The first one was that the strength of Nihil increased with the hunts I had made.

And the second one was the strength of my mount, Night.

Since as my strength develops, using a mount while traveling would be pointless if the said mount is nothing but a normal one. That would mean I would be a lot faster without my mount on….

Therefore, increasing the strength of my mount was a must.

And here I am. On the southern side of the Empire, in a city that has covered with snow.

I am here for both a quest and a dungeon for myself.

'Since this will be my last preparation before I enter the academy.'

The final piece I want to obtain before I enter the academy.

It is in a dungeon that I need to explore.

That is the reason why I am in such a remote place where even a 4-star rank is rare.

The city of Lismore.

A city that is on the border side of the Elven Kingdom.

Now, some of you might ask if I was going to come to this place, why I didn't come with the convoy?

The answer is pretty simple.

My strength was yet to be sufficient for the place I wanted to enter in the first place.

'System, show me my status.'

Entering my room, I entered the bath filled with warm water and started looking at my status screen.


Name- Callius Augustride ????

Age – 15

Class – The Sorcerer of Beginning, Ruler of Lightning, Flash Swordsman

Knight rank – Four-star

Mage rank – One-star (Sealed)

Attributes – Aether

Traits – [Perfectionist], [Prodigy], [Aesthetic Sense], [Tyrant's Aura], [Ego], [Witcher], [Duelist] [[Lone Swordsman]], [Casanova], [Aura Master]

Arts – All-Seeing Eye (4-star) (%49),

Skills – Disguise, Grand Challenge,

Passive Skills- Perfect Body(MAX), Frost Breath(MAX), Axiom Arc(Level 5), Poison Resistance(Level 7), Fire Resistance(Level 6), Water Resistance(Level 7), Ice Resistance(Level 5), Regeneration(Level 4), Mana Sense(Level 4)

Bonded Weapon- Nihil [Second Stage][%39]

Artifacts – Moonstone's Ring, Muramana, Locket of Steel Lunari

Weapon Skills- Absorption, Conduction


-  Strength –  4.2

-  Speed – 4.9

-  Stamina – 4.3

-  Perception – 4.6

-  Magic – 0 (3.1)

-  Luck -???

-  Charisma – 7 (sealed)

-  Intelligence – 9

-  Perseverance – 10


With the system panel appearing in front of me, I observed my stats.

'System, how long until my core is activated.'

I asked, looking at my magic stat.

<Host. It will, at most, take a week. Your core has reached the finalization process.>

'How long do you think it will take for me to reach the 4-star realm as a mage?'

<Analyzing your process so far, the expected time for you to reach the 4-star mage realm is, at most, six months.>

'Ho? What if I exceed that time?'

<Then, it was my miscalculation.>

'Then, how about generating a quest?'

<The system will administrate a quest when the time comes if it is related. I have no way of knowing the future quests.>

'You are boring.'

<I am created based on your preference.>


Just as I said before, there was no way I would communicate with those non-stop blabbering systems that would always annoy me to their heart's consent. So, this was how my system worked. A simple and efficient tool for me to reach higher places.

At least for now….

Anyway, I had been waiting for my magic core to be activated for all this time; however, like a scammer that would always like to postpone your payments, the time would always be extended, not making any progress.

I guess the author really couldn't bring himself to be creative…. Such a boring guy.

My situation is right now, just like a generic novel where the MC goes to the academy with his powers sealed, which would make everyone look down on him, and then later, with his powers returned, making them swallow their words.

'I guess, in my case, that would be swallowing their breaths.'

Thinking like that, I remembered the scene I had caused just after I entered the city.

That guy named Damien.

He was a named character in the game.

A future villain.

Now, of course, his being a future villain does not justify me killing him, and neither am I trying to justify myself.

This is a world where strong eats weak.

In such a world, you can't show even a tiny bit of hesitation while dealing with the enemies in front of you.

If a person is trying to make you his slave, which means basically making you lose your life, then he should be ready for their life to be taken from them as well.

This is how this world works, and this is how I saw the world….

This world is nothing like some sort of simple eroge that is only filled with lewdness.

No, the real world can't be like that. There can't be any plot holes, any loopholes that couldn't be explained.

This is what I had always seen for the past year and a half.

I saw people dying from the curse.

I saw people dying because of the terrorist attacks.

I saw little children being abused by those filthy nobles that are nothing but demons inside.

I saw young commoner girls who had just found their lifelong love getting assaulted by a young noble passing by.

I saw some commoners trying to dig a pit for others by framing them just because they were jealous.

In this world, neither nobles nor commoners are pure, each having their own dirt…

The game has never mentioned something like that, but that doesn't mean those things can be ignored.

Therefore you need to live like a Roman in Rome.

This is how it goes.

With those thoughts in my head, I left the bath going to bed.

'Tomorrow will be a long day.'

I thought, closing my eyes…..


Here is the chapter and a new time skip.

We are finally entering the second half of this arc. To be honest, this arc took a lot longer than I planned, though I don't regret it. Let me hear your thoughts about this.....

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