'She is really strong.' Callius thought to himself as he was being pressed by the vines that were attacking him from every place around. 'Her raw mana strength and magic output are no joke that I have seen so far.' He observed as the mana around Diana obeyed her command.

Of course, even though this was a spar and Diana was serious, Callius' fighting way of style was different from normal.

Rather than recklessly charging at his opponent and playing his cards right away while overpowering them with his strength, he would rather fight with them while hiding his cards and observing his enemy. 

And when he finally had seen everything that could be seen, he would show his strength.

His years as an adventurer had taught him the importance of understanding one's opponent fully before unveiling his own strength. 'One is never omnipotent and can never be. Every human being is dangerous when they have nothing to lose.' He would say to himself.

Therefore, while dodging and countering, Callius was far from idle. He was a whirlwind of calculated movements, his mind constantly processing the data provided by his enhanced senses. With each passing moment, his understanding of Diana's magic grew deeper, unraveling the intricacies of her style and the limits of her abilities.

Of course, just simple minutes were not enough to unravel the way Diana had used her magic or the habits she had developed for her convention. But, still, Callius still managed to capture a bunch of little things and details that could help him while using his magic.


As another vine narrowly missed him, Callius swiftly evaded the attack, his agility and reflexes on display even though he was limiting his strength. His face was serious, fully focused on the spar in front of him as he was scanning the environment. 

'It feels like he is looking down on me.' Diana's eyes gleamed with a mixture of irritation and determination. She refused to be underestimated, especially by her own brother. 'It makes me feel irritated.' 

Even though she knew that, her brother was not someone that would look down on her, deep down in her heart, the need to prove herself pushed her to summon a stronger spell, casting aside her initial reservations.

'I really don't want to hold back anymore.' Since she was someone that always overwhelmed her past fellow disciples at that time, she was accustomed to lowering her magic output and holding herself back. But that would end right here.

Her eyes turned the color of green as she started her chant with a little voice.

But, of course, that didn't pass Callius' eye even in the midst of the intense battle. Callius recognized the shift in his sister's demeanor. He knew that the time had come to elevate the spar to a new level. 

'Let's test this.' 

Since this was a spar that was meant to improve their skills, instead of trying to interrupt her sister's magic as he would normally do, he decided to confront her in the battle of magic using his own.

With a calm resolve, he instantly began to channel his mana, harnessing the power within his core. Of course, when it comes to magical fights and controlling his magic, Callius had yet to reach the level of Diana, who had been training for four whole years. 

But that didn't mean he was someone to be underestimated. 

As he started chanting, his voice filled the air, and the incantation flowed from his lips, resonating with the ancient energy of magic. The mana swirled around him, responding to his command. It was time to shed his evasive tactics and showcase his own magical prowess.

The training room crackled with anticipation as Callius conjured his mana, his eyes fixed on Diana. The atmosphere grew heavy with the impending release of power. It was a moment that would test not only their individual skills but also show whose pride was greater between the siblings, as one wanted to test his skills and see himself in terms of his skill, while the other one wanted to make her the only one that was on the eyes of him.

With a surge of seriousness, Callius unleashed his spell, the mana around him taking shape and form. The room trembled with the force of his magic, casting an aura of awe and intrigue as the fire swirled around him.

Though, if one looked closer, one could see his control was still yet to reach perfection. Yet, the level of mana and the purity itself was worth taking note of, thanks to the efforts that he made before coming to the academy.

As for Diana, she sensed the fire mana amplifying in front of her brother. With her control being remarkable, she immediately conjured her spell in seconds, as the vines that were lying underneath were raised once again.

However, different from before, there were several types of different-looking vines with unique properties were being raised.


One of the vines, armed with thorns and determination, lunged at Callius with remarkable speed and precision. Its aim was true, aiming to disrupt his fiery assault and gain the upper hand.


Simultaneously, another vine, its tip gleaming with mysterious energy, emerged from behind Callius. It propelled itself towards him with remarkable swiftness, bypassing the fiery obstacles in its path.

The clash was imminent, the convergence of fire and nature echoing through the air.


With a resounding explosion, the fiery spell collided with the oncoming vine, causing a dazzling display of sparks and energy. The force of the impact reverberated throughout the training room, rattling the very foundations of their magical sparring ground.

Though, this time, the vines that were blasted had a rather different property as they left a dazzling green smoke into the environment.

Diana watched intently, her eyes tracing the aftermath of her spell. She knew that this was the moment to seize the advantage, to press forward and test the limits of her brother's abilities while also putting herself into his mind. The spar had escalated into a symphony of elements, an intricate dance of fire and nature.


Another chapter is on the way, don't worry; I won't hang you on the cliff for too long.

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