We made our way downstairs and into the guild hall. We had barely been there a moment when a voice loudly called out from across the hall.

"Theo, Lillia, over here." It was Siofra calling us.

Seeing this we headed over to the table where she was sat and waiting for us. It looked like she had got down early and saved a table for us. Not that there was really any need with this place being so quiet.

"Morning Siofra. You seem cheerful this morning." Lillia noted as she sat down.

"Am I? I'm just happy I get to go out with you in a party after so long."

"Right, well we are only going out to a training spot to help Theo level."

"Um, about that. I thought about it last night and I've changed my mind." Announced Siofra glancing over at me while blushing ever so slightly.

"Really? You're willing to come to the dungeon with us?" Lillia asked excitedly.


"What brough this about, you don't have an ulterior motive do you?" Asked Lillia suspiciously.

"No, I don't, I promise, this isn't about you… After I bumped into Theo last night and we spoke, I felt bad about leaving you all to go unguided down there, especially when you're taking someone that's unexperienced."

"That must have been some conversation." Lillia said turning to me.

I simply shrugged my shoulders and kept silent.

"He's surprisingly persuasive." Siofra explained.

"Hmm… Well never mind, we should hurry up and eat so we can head out. If possible, I'd like Theo to gain two levels today."

"Don't worry, I know just the spot." Explained Siofra.

As the two girls were talking the waitress appeared at our table ready to take our order. We gave our orders and waited for the food to arrive. With the place so empty we didn't have a long wait before the food arrived. After quickly eating we were ready to head out.

"Come on you two follow me." Siofra said as she got up from her seat.

She picked up her weapon. It was not at all what I had pictured her using. She had a massive double headed battle axe. It looked as if it was almost too large for her fairly narrow frame. I had no concern that she wouldn't be able to wield it proficiently, she was a ranking adventurer after all.

Lillia and I both followed as Siofra led us through the city towards the gates. It didn't take long before long we had walked across the city and were heading out into the countryside.

"So where are you taking us?" I asked Siofra as I walked alongside.

"Not far, it's about a thirty minute walk from here. It's out here on the plane."

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom "What kind of monsters are out there?"


"What! Unicorns are classed as monsters?" It wasn't at all what I'd expected either.

I had an image I pictured in my mind. It was a pure white horse with a spiral like horn, gracefully dancing across the planes. I suspected they wouldn't be like that when we came across them. As we walked, we eventually reached the top of a small rolling hill. From there we could make out the creatures that roamed on the other side. From where we stood, they looked small and they were definitely not the pure white creatures I had a mental image of. I couldn't make out any specific features, I could just tell they were horse like, and they were a jet black colour. There was an entire herd of the things. There had to be at least twenty five of them.

"How do we go about killing those?" I asked Siofra, as we stood on the hilltop looking down at the herd.

"We need to split a few off from the main group. If the entire herd comes down on us, we'll have some trouble."please visit

"But how?"

"Lillia's bind magic should be able to do that for us. Once we've done that, I think it will be quickest if I take them down and you finish them off."

"I won't argue with that strategy."

"I think that should work." Agreed Lillia.

"Okay, then let's go down there. How close do we need you to get Lillia?" Asked Siofra.

"I should be able to do something effective from fifty meters out."

"That's pretty close, but if we're careful we should be able to manage it without drawing the attention of the others."

We carefully headed down the hill approaching the herd, while trying our best not to grab their attention before we were ready. As we drew closer, I was able to get a better look at these creatures. They looked like warped horses, red eyes that almost looked as if they glowed against their black fur. Their horns were nothing like the fantasy imagery, they looked more like a giant twisted thorn than my idea of a unicorn horn.

Our group came to a stop as we came into range of Lillia's attack.

"Are you ready? You just need to split one or two of from the main group." Siofra asked Lillia.

"Yes, got it… Theo, you stick close to Siofra." Replied Lillia.

"Will do."

"Right, then let's go." Instructed Lillia.

Siofra put a bit of distance between us and Lillia. As soon as we were far enough away Lillia commenced the attack. At the side of the herd closest to us a long line of thick roots shot up from the ground. This wall of roots separated two of the dark unicorns off from the herd and as soon as it was clear that they were unable to join the rest, Siofra sprang into action. She ran towards the two stragglers letting out a loud cry to draw attention to herself. I followed behind her, leaving just a little distance having some idea what she was planning to do next. The dark unicorns were immediately alerted to our presence and like all the monsters I had encountered here previously, they flew into what looked like a rage, running madly in our direction.

Once they began their charge Siofra halted on the spot and clasped her enormous axe, while signalling for me to step back. She held on the spot until the first of the dark unicorns was down upon her. Then at the very last moment she sidestepped whilst swinging her axe horizontally into the dark unicorn's legs. There was a crashing sound and the first dark unicorn slammed into the ground in a cloud of dust while the second overshot us.

"Quick, finish it off Theo!" yelled Siofra.

I was already on the case. Carefully approaching the creature trying to avoid its flailing limbs, as it rolled around trying to get back to its feet. I managed to get to its head without incident and plunged my blade deep into its skull through its eye socket. The dark unicorn twitched a few more times before it fell limp, dead. I heard the usual tada noise to denote the gaining of points and then a message appeared to tell me I had levelled up.

"Stay sharp Theo. The second one is doubling back." Siofra called out.

I spun around to see the second dark unicorn fast approaching us and the same scene as before playing out again. Just like the first creature, the second fell prey to the exact same technique Siofra had used before. A last minute sidestep and a lightning fast horizontal swing that took the creatures legs out from under it. Just like the first it crashed into the ground heavily kicking up a cloud of dust.

"All yours!" Siofra shouted over as dust fell.

I ran over to the struggling creature to quickly put it out of its misery. As I drew close to its head, the monster struggled to get back to its feet. It madly lunged its head around trying to stab me with its horn. I was only just quick enough to jump back and evade it. I paused for a moment before lunging in and plunging the blade into the back of its neck and into the base of its skull. It twitched violently in death throes for a second, before laying still. There was the familiar tada noise to denote the experience gained and confirming its death.

"Good job. Let's get back to Lillia and see what's going on with the rest of the herd." Siofra instructed seeing the deed was done.

It only took a moment to get back to where Lillia was stood. She was still keeping the rest of the herd away from us. Constantly diverting them using a series of well placed thick roots to divert them every time they tried to get near to our position. It was working, but it was clear that the entire herd was now aware of our presence here. It was going to prove more difficult this time around and if we weren't careful, we could have the entire herd on us. We were on a large plane, if the dark unicorns thought about it, they could easily circle back on us. Lillia was doing a good job to have kept them off us for as long as she had.

"How many more do you need to level again Theo?" Lillia asked as we re-joined her.

"At least two more by the look of it." I replied, guessing from the amount of experience the last two gave me.

"Can you sperate another two off?" Asked Siofra.

"Possibly, it won't be easy though. It's taking most of my concentration just to keep the herd off us now they know we're here." Explained Lillia.

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