As it turned out Lillia's guess was pretty close. We slowly rolled up the slight hill towards Lintz just as the sun was going down. From the distance Lintz looked similar to Dunshelm, the city we had left behind. Old looking and surrounded by city walls, it was perhaps a little smaller. Unlike Dunshelm, there was no queue to make our way into the city before the gates closed for the evening. We were almost the only traffic on the way into town.

After a brief stop at the gatehouse, while the guards checked over our paperwork, we rolled into the town. The villagers took us all the way to Lintz's adventure's guild, stopping at the bottom of the steps that led up to it. As we unloaded our gear and stretched our legs after the long ride, Janet, the woman that had been speaking with Archibald before our departure came to say goodbye to us.

"Thank you all for the escort in town."

"Oh, think nothing of it. It turns out that we weren't needed at all." Replied Lillia.

"Thankfully! But your presence put all our minds at rest, especially after everything that had happened to the village recently."

"Where are you off to now?" Asked Lillia.

"We have to drop off our goods at the store house, before it closes for the evening and the horses at the stables."

"Then I won't keep you any longer. We'll be in town for a few days, all of us are staying at the guild house. If you need us, look for us there."

"I will, thank you. Well, we should be off. Good evening."


Janet left and we waved her and the rest of the villager's goodbye. Even after only quickly passing through the town as we were taken to the guild, I could tell that things were much quieter here. There were very few people wandering the streets even for this time at night. I wondered just how much they would be able to sell in the markets here. The nearby dungeon occupied by the officer in the demon lord's army, clearly had quite the effect on the town.

As the carts rolled off into the distance, we all stretched and tried to bring the life back into our limbs. We'd been shaken down the bones for almost an entire day, in the back of that cart. I didn't know about the others, but my butt was still almost numb. Once the carts had rolled out of sight, we picked up our gear and headed up to the guild. Just like in Dunshelm the guild house building was one of the older and grander buildings in the town. As we stepped inside, I was expecting at least this place to be a little busy. It was dinner time after all, but even this place was almost deserted. There was just the odd adventurer dotted about the place here and there. No wonder no one had tried to take the officer down themselves… Or perhaps many had and failed.

Our first point of call was the front desk to announce our arrival and obtain sleeping quarters for our stay here. There was a single staff member manning the desk. They wore the same uniform as in our guild, a blouse and pencil skirt. The woman on duty was young and shy looking, like Jules she had dark hair tied back, only she was much smaller in the chest department and wore glasses.

"Good evening. How can I assist you?" She greeted us as we all stood at the desk.

"Good evening. I'm Lillia and this is my party. We've taken the quest to clear the dungeon, I've come to check in and acquire rooms, four if that is possible."

"Lady Lillia, we've been expecting you."

"Please, just Lillia."

"As you wish… Um, the rooms are already prepared for you." She said passing over the keys. "I'll let the guild know you have arrived safely."

"Thank you. Is food still being served? It's awfully quiet in here."

"Yes, please take a seat wherever you want, and the waitress will be along to take your order shortly."


Lillia took the keys from the guild clerk and we headed to one of the closest tables. This place had a completely different vibe from the guild I knew. It was strange being in such a large hall that was almost entirely empty. Everyone slung their gear down on the floor and slumped into the chairs as we waited for the waitress to come over.

We had only been sat a few minutes, when I noticed that one of the few adventurers that were in the hall, had been paying our group attention. They stopped looking and walked over to our table. I could tell from a distance she was an elf just like Lillia. She had light blond hair, was a slim athletic build and she had a similar sense of armour fashion as Altria. A dangerously short skirt, with chest armour, if you could call it that, a little more than a substantial leather bra. I wondered how it managed to hold in her chest as she walked our way, she had tits that put Lillia and Altria to shame. Even for this world she was a beauty. She smiled as she approached, walking straight up to Lillia who was sat with her back to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Lillia?" The elf girl asked as Lillia turned to see who it was.

"Siofra, what are you doing here?" Lillia asked clearly a little surprised to see this girl.

"I live here, I moved here about a year ago. I thought I told you?"

"No, I had no idea!"

"Anyway, what are you doing all the way out here? I thought you were still hanging out in Dunshelm doing your summoning and looking after the heroes."

"I am. That's why I'm here. We're on a quest."

"The dungeon?" Siofra asked, a slight look of concern flashed on her face.

"Yes… Do you know something about it?"please visit

"Of course, I do live here, but never mind that for now. Aren't you going to introduce me to your party?"

"Sorry, I was just surprised to see you. Everyone this Siofra. She's a childhood friend of mine, we both left the capital to join the guild together."

"Hi everyone." Soifra said smiling once more.

"The catkin there is Altria, the human woman is Serin and the man there is Theo."

"Nice to meet you all."

"Have you eaten yet? would you like to join us?" Asked Lillia.

"I wouldn't want to interrupt you all. I just had to come and say hi when I saw you. It's been so long."

"You wouldn't, please join us." Insisted Lillia.

"Please don't be shy a friend of Lillia's is a friend of all of ours." Added Serin.

"Well if you don't mind, then I will."

Siofra took the empty seat next me and opposite Lillia, her enormous chest bouncing as she sat. I had to marvel, almost wondering if a different set of physics applied to this world that allowed them to stay in place. Her fighting in that gear must really be a sight to behold.

"So, you are one of the summoned hero's that I've heard so much about. Are you going to save us all from the demon lord?" She asked turning to me.

"I hope so, that is if I'm not killed in the attempt." I replied.

"Well there is always hope."

It looked as if she was about to ask something more, but just as she was about to open her mouth she was stopped in her tracks by the sudden arrival of our waitress.

"Evening all, are you ready to order?" Asked the waitress.

The waitress went through the group taking our orders and then left. As she walked away Lillia started up the conversation again.

"Siofra, you've lived here for a while now. Can you tell us anything about the dungeon?"

"Yeah… I know enough that I know that the reward isn't fitting the danger level." Replied Siofra.

"You mean it's worse than the guild has let on?"

"Yes, it is, but you should all be okay at your levels, well most of you at least." Soifra said looking at me.

"Have you ever been inside?"

"I have, I was paid to scout out the first couple of levels once."

"You know, we would be happy if you could join our party. It would help us out no end having another member that's a ranking adventurer and one that knows the layout of the place."

"No, sorry. I don't want to go inside there again. The reward is definitely not worth it."

"What if I asked you as a friend?"

"I'm sorry, but my answer would still be the same… But, I don't mind sharing with you what I know."

"I suppose that we will have to make do with your information."

Soifra explained what she knew about the place, potential traps and unseen dangers that we would need to avoid at least as far as the first few levels. She even went as far as promising to draw a map of what she knew. None of this explained why someone as high ranking as her wouldn't be willing to join our party, even at the request of an old friend. I couldn't help but worry about what we were going to face when we went inside.

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