The girls all looked at each other, they were all surprised that something like that was even allowed to happen.

"What is the meaning of this? Who were they?" Asked Lillia. She sounded irritated to have been spied on.

"They were sent by the guild master's and I had no choice but to let them listen in." Explained Cynthia.

"But why?"

"It seems that there is some concern, that during the course of your quest you might have come into possession of some sensitive information."

"Like what?"

"I have no idea, they wouldn't give me an explanation… Believe me, I was just as irritated by this as you are. You're all supposed to be heroes, we're supposed to be celebrating your success not treating you with suspicion. I protested, but the orders were absolute."

"Does my father know about this?"

"Yes… He signed the order."

Lillia fell silent upon hearing Cynthia's response.

"Like I said before, I'm sorry that you were subjected to that. I'm embarrassed that I had to allow it happen."

"Please don't be, it wasn't your fault." Serin said, trying to reassure Cynthia.

"I'm the head of this branch, but I can't stop their agents snooping on my adventurers. It's infuriating! However, I'm glad that you picked up their presence Theo. I was banned from letting you in on what was going on, but if you realised what was happening on your own. Then it can't be helped. By the way, how did you notice?"

"It was just something about the situation, that room and you seemed a little on edge considering we were just there to talk about our quest. You were occasionally glancing over at the mirror, so I checked using one of my skills." I explained.

"I can't believe I gave myself away like that."

"Well, it was just a guess on my part, and I think they realised that I noticed them."

"That explains why they were happy to leave, before I questioned you any further."

"Is this sort of thing happening regularly?" Asked Serin.

"No… They do interfere from time to time, but it's rare that they will send agents to listen into an interview like that. But then again, it's pretty rare that one of the demon lord's officers is taken down…"

"Do we need to be concerned?"

"I don't think so. You explained yourselves exactly like in Lillia's report. I think they were looking to see if there was going to be any discrepancies, but they left empty handed."

"Still, I'm surprised that would send people to listen in on us, especially with Lillia and Altria among our group."

"Yes, so was I. I'm surprised the king allowed it."

"Our next stop is the royal palace. I'll make sure to find a moment alone and mention it to him later. I want to know what was going on." Lillia said.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked.

"I am his daughter… I was planning on staying behind and talking with him a while, anyway, seeing as it's been so long. This just gives me an extra reason.

That wasn't what I meant. I didn't think for a minute that she would be under any threat from her own father. Me on the other hand…

"Just remember Theo's position when you speak with him Lillia." Cautioned Serin.

"I will."

"Part of me wonders what they would have done if they found out that you had come across some sensitive information…" Mused Cynthia.

"I suppose that all depends on what they have to hide and how much they want it kept secret." Replied Serin.

"That just makes me wonder if there isn't something… Otherwise why would they have done that? Either way, I don't like it. It doesn't sit well with me. The adventurers are the only ones that are still risking their lives to fight the demon lord and they are treated like a security risk!" Cynthia said, almost slamming her hands down on her desk.

She looked genuinely annoyed.

"Well, we didn't come across anything unusual. So, I guess we won't find out." Altria added.please visit

"I suppose that's for the best, but please know I would have done everything in my power to protect you if you had." Cynthia said trying to reassure us.

"Thank you, Cynthia. I know you would have." Replied Lillia.

"I suppose I shouldn't keep you much longer. Don't you have to go to the palace this afternoon?" Asked Cynthia.

"We do, I suppose we should get a move on. I think they'll be sending for us soon enough." Answered Lillia.

"Then I'll let you go. Again, I'm really sorry about earlier."

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault and at least now we know they are watching adventurers."

"Yes… Anyway, I'll walk you out."


Cynthia got up from behind her desk and strode towards the door. We all followed behind as she led us back along the hallway and down the stairs. She stopped as we reached the door that led out to the front desk.

"Well then, I'll leave you here. I wish you luck with your future adventures. Remember after this we will all be expecting great things from you." Cynthia said with a laugh.

"We'll try not to disappoint." Relied Lillia.

"And remember, if anything comes up or if you find yourselves in trouble, you can always come to me."

"Thank you, Cynthia. I appreciate that."

"Now, off you go." Cynthia said while opening the door to the front desk.

We all piled through and the receptionist seeing that we had returned, opened the hatch so we could leave. She looked a little awkward, as if something had happened. In front of the reception desk was a large queue, the crowd seemed to have grown somewhat since we had gone upstairs earlier. It soon became apparent why this was, because when someone in the crowd saw us going to leave, they shouted.

"Hey it's them. The heroes!"

As soon as they did, the crowd in front of the desk broke out into applause. Everyone there was clapping us on. No one in the group quite knew what to make of it.

"Looks like word has gotten out." Lillia said looking on at the crowd.

"I'm really sorry. I tried to cover for you, but word got around when you were seen going to meet the guild master earlier and I couldn't disperse them." The receptionist said, clearly worried about it.

"That's okay, it was going to happen sooner or later. Couldn't be helped." Replied Lillia.

It was strange being applauded by a whole group of people spontaneously like this and I was beginning to wonder, how we were going to make out our way of the guild building. Then Lillia stepped forward.

"Thank you everyone. We appreciate your support and recognition. Now as much as I would like to stay and perhaps enjoy a drink with you all, we can't. We have important matters to discuss with the king." She said in a clear voice.

She was surprisingly natural at addressing a crowd, well I suppose she was a princess. As soon as she had spoken, there was a loud cheer and the crowd in front spilt down the middle, giving us a clear path to leave. Seeing this Lillia turned to us.

"Come on, we should go."

We all followed Lillia out of the guild, giving the occasional handshake here and there to the people as we passed, almost as if we were celebrities. Finally, we made it out on to the steps at the front of the building. Part of me was worried that there would be another crowd there, but it seemed that the news hadn't spread that far yet. There was however, a rather fine looking carriage wating at the bottom of the steps.

"It looks as if they have sent for us." Lillia said as she noticed them waiting.

Lillia headed down to the carriage and was greeted by the driver who instantly recognised who she was. She turned back and waved for us to follow her. We followed down the steps and joined her in the carriage. Once we were all on board we rolled away from the guild towards the palace.

"Well, I think we might have to think about finding somewhere different to stay for the rest of our time here. Things might be a little difficult now everyone knows who we are." Lillia said as we left the square.

She was right. While it was nice everyone clapping us like that. It was obvious that the attention would likely soon become a bother if we stayed in the guild.

"How much longer are we going to stay in the capital?" I asked.

"That depends. I think Serin still wants to visit her family, perhaps another day or two." Answered Lillia.

"Maybe we should move to somewhere else, what about our gear?"

"We can get that sent to the new place. It won't be a problem. I think we'll book into somewhere new once we've been to the palace."

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