They all breathed a sigh of relief. The notification stating that they had succeeded in killing the T-Rex appeared in their vision simultaneously because they killed it together.

Clyde who watched from afar nodded his head. His gaze said as if he was satisfied.

'By now they must have gained a lot of Exp.'

Clyde still hadn't looked at their Character Information since earlier. But now that they seemed to have leveled up quite a few times, he had to make sure.

Although Clyde was sure that their Stats had gone up and they had also become much stronger than before.

'A little bit more. I have to make sure they have enough strength.'

Clyde nodded to himself. He then jumped from the piece of land floating. 

As soon as he got close enough, Clyde heard the laughter and their words of enjoyment grew louder.

He activated [Skill: Inspection].

'Ohh, that's pretty good.'

Based on what he saw Leon and Albert were already level 9. Rosie and Wiley were at level 8. Meanwhile, Lola was at level 7.

Clyde wasn't too surprised by the results because Lola's contribution was the least compared to the others. He also realized that Lola also miss her shots a lot.

They turned to Clyde as he approached.

Wiley said. "What do you think?"

"Not bad," Clyde replied curtly. Because his expression was flat, they felt that Clyde wasn't impressed at all with what they had done.

Clyde saw the dead T-Rex. Then said. "Let's take its bones. We can't take those crystals anymore so it's a shame. But let's take what we can take."

They were somewhat surprised when Clyde said that. But then he explained that the bones from the T-Rex would make a good weapon in Hammer's hands.

So they immediately do it without hesitation.

As soon as they finished, they thought that Clyde would tell them to go home.

But their hopes were soon dashed by Clyde's reply.

"You guys will be hunting again. Your strength is still insufficient and our time is limited."

Sighs of annoyance and frustration left their mouths. But it didn't take long because the five people realized that what Clyde said was true.

They needed to get strong as quickly as possible while they were still outside the Fortress. Because they didn't know what would happen once they returned.

So, the five people and Clyde continued their journey.

They encountered monsters again before they even got very far. This ruin seems to be packed with monsters.

And now that the huge predator in their territory was dead, the little monsters - which had been avoiding them before - began to attack even more boldly.

Just like before, Clyde just stood back and let them fight.

This time there was no significant problem. Although the number of monsters overwhelmed them, they seemed to be able to handle them well.

Aside from the fact that what they were facing was only a small bunch of monsters, their Stats had also increased many times over from before.

They continued hunting for several hours. The sun was starting to go down so Clyde told them to head back to the Fortress.

During those few hours, they were able to go up three levels so at least Lola could reach level 10.

Leon and Albert were level 12, while Rosie and Wiley were already level 11.

They were all grateful for the result and no one complained even though they had to undergo an exhausting hunt.

So their strength increased several times.

"Remember, don't say anything about what happened here. And don't use your power too much in the Fortress."

Clyde reminded them again when they were already in front of the portal.

"There seems to be something in the Fortress preventing us from using the system's power, huh?" Leon said.

"That's possible. That's why we have to be careful."

After that, they entered the portal and left the Ruin with lots of materials.


When they reappeared in Hammer's room, the Dwarf jumped at the sight of them.

Hammer's big eyes watched them one by one. After confirming that the number of those returning was the same as when they entered, Hammer heaved a sigh of relief and sat back down in his chair.

"I thought one of you would die," Hammer said.

"What are you saying? You really think like that?" Clyde laid the bones of the T-Rex on the floor. "We're fine and you should already know that."

Not only that, as soon as Hammer looked at the faces of the new people Clyde had brought to the Ruin, he saw a look of satisfaction. It was as if they had just gotten a big prize instead of the danger when Clyde brought them there

'That's weird.' Hammer frowned. Couldn't understand what was going on.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"Anyway, please make weapons for them. The weapons they are using now are quite dull," Clyde said.

"Yeah, sure."

Clyde turned to Leon and his friends. "You guys can rest if you feel tired. Tomorrow we'll probably do the same."

The five of them nodded and walked away leaving the place.

Hammer looked at Clyde. He could read the meaning of that look now. Clyde wanted to ask about something he was working on.

"I finished that," said Hammer.

"Where?" Clyde immediately asked him without wasting time.

So Hammer immediately stood up from his chair and walked towards the drawer at the end of the room.

He took the silver necklace and gave it back to Clyde.

Then Hammer took something from his trouser pocket. It was something that looked like a bracelet with a pink color. The bracelet also gave off a kind of thin pink mist.

"Use this by flowing your Mana. You know the rest," said Hammer.

Clyde looked down at the necklace and bracelet. Then said. "Thank you."

"Remember. I won't have any repercussions if the Senior Council doesn't like what you're doing," Hammer warned again.

"You don't have to worry about that." Clyde showed a smile of confidence. He seemed to have confirmed that nothing had happened before even doing anything.

And somehow, Hammer had a hunch that he could be sure of that.

"I'll go now."

Clyde left Hammer with a pile of bones scattered in front of him.

"Well, at least now I've got new materials. Let's focus on this right now."

Hammer immediately distracted his anxious mind with the thought that he would create more weapons.


Vernik frowned deeply. His face which was already hard and full of wrinkles now seemed to have aged a few more years.

"Where did the boy take them?" Vernik asked the figure with a black hood in front of him.

"Last time I saw them they went to Hammer's place, sir. But I can't go in there without being noticed," the black-hooded figure replied.

Vernik's eyes were twitching wildly as a sign that he was deep in thought. Then he got up from the chair and headed to a hexagonal crystal on his desk.

The crystal is white. There was a fog that kept swirling inside it as if it had been trapped from a long time ago.

As soon as Vernik placed his hand on the cold surface of the hexagonal crystal, the white mist that was previously just swirling aimlessly began to unfold.

A moment later he could see Hammer sifting through the bones with a delighted expression on his face.

"They are looking for materials to make weapons?" Vernik muttered to himself.

He already knew that Clyde had gone to the Ruin to find materials for the Dwarf. And it wasn't a big deal because Vernik didn't think of Clyde as someone important yet. If Clyde died then, Vernik could not care less.

Vernik and the other two only received orders to save Clyde from the Selection Stage.

He didn't know in detail why The Oracle ordered them and just obeyed the order without thinking much. Just like he's been doing all along.

However, now that he knows Clyde's capabilities, Vernik feels that Clyde is not an ordinary kid.

Now, he must have another purpose for always going to the Ruin besides getting materials for the Dwarf.

Moreover, this time Clyde brought along five people who came with him from the same Selection Stage. 

Vernik licked his lips nervously. 'Could it be that he already knows what happened in this Fortress? I have to neutralize them now!'

He didn't feel the need to neutralize those people now as they were still too weak and wouldn't think of doing anything.

But Clyde's presence made him anxious. He didn't know why he had asked them to go to the Ruin. Was it just to accompany him? Or he wants to train them?

'It would be bad if they found out that they can use the power of the system outside this Fortress!'

Vernik turned to the black hooded figure. "Tell Madri and Maethion that I want to hold a meeting."

"Yes sir!"

ƥαṇdα- ηθνε|·ƈθm The black-hooded figure left that place and melted into a shadow.

"This fucking kid is annoying!"

Vernik never thought that Clyde's presence in the Fortress would have such a big effect. 


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