After hearing Clyde's words, Lola returned to aiming after reloading the arrows on her crossbow with Rosie's help. This time she was determined to make every shot hit her target.

"Have you killed the raptor you shot?" Clyde suddenly asked and immediately broke Lola's concentration.

"N-Not yet. I'll get a notification when I finish killing monsters like the Selection Stage, right?" Lola replied.

"Yes. Then you have to shoot the raptor to death first."


Lola again increased her concentration to aim. The raptor she shot earlier only fell to the side after the arrow stuck in its eye.

Now the raptor is back on its feet. It let out a screaming sound as if it was complaining to its friends. Then the other raptors around started looking at Lola and Rosie.

"It calls its friends," Rosie said.

Lola who also realized that became even more agitated. She tried to aim but the raptor was already running towards them making it difficult for her to aim.

"Don't worry, Lola. I will protect you. You just have to focus on shooting them," Rosie said beside her. Rosie still has one hand supporting the crossbow while her other hand is already holding the hammer.

Clyde just watched from behind them. For now, they must try to fight on their own so they can be better prepared for threats in the future.

Given their experience, it shouldn't take long for them to get used to it. After all, they can already fight. They only needed to strengthen their Stats and they were better off doing it on their own.

Lola fired another arrow at the raptor earlier. This time her arrow deviated far because she panicked. Meanwhile, the three raptors were getting closer and closer to them.

"Pull yourself together," Clyde said. "What you have to do now is learn to shoot and don't have to worry about your surroundings because someone is already protecting you.

You can also use your Skills. So, use that Skill to help you kill your enemy."

Lola took a deep breath. Then focus to use her Skill.

Meanwhile, Rosie turned to Clyde with curious eyes. 'Why would he help us get to this point?'

Rosie couldn't figure out why Clyde would want to help them. He even specially brought them here and told them all kinds of useful information. 

Even though there were still many people who had been in the Fortress longer and were certainly more experienced than them.

'Maybe he has ulterior motives.'

Rosie actually wanted to think that Clyde did that because he was a good person or because he liked them. However, such a possibility sounds too good to be true.

"Rosie..." Lola called out because her crossbow started to go off the mark.

ƥαṇdαηθνε| "O-Oh, sorry." Rosie immediately fixed her arm again after previously only focusing on looking at Clyde with various questions in her mind.

A few moments later Lola's Skill was activated. Her vision turned black and white when she used her Skill to see into the future for thirty seconds.

Lola saw the movement of the three raptors who were getting closer to them. She took a breath and then ended the Skill before the thirty second duration ended since she didn't need that long.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

By now, Lola already knew where the raptors would be in a few seconds. So she was aiming at the direction she had seen in her vision.


The arrow flies swiftly through the wind. Then stuck in the eye of a raptor that she had shot earlier. 

Now the arrows had pierced the raptor's two eyes, causing it to lose sight and crash into its two other friends.

The three raptors fell to the ground from the collision. 

Lola, who had learned from her mistakes, didn't rush to celebrate her success because she had hit her target. Instead, she busied herself immediately reloading the arrows in her crossbow and then aiming again.

Clyde smiled looking at her from behind. Rosie also felt proud to see how Lola worked so hard with her crossbow.

Lola shot again after activating her Skill. The arrow stuck again in the raptor on the left. This time she hit its head.

The raptor wasn't dead yet only suffered serious injuries. Lola immediately loaded her crossbow again with arrows.

The position of the raptors who are still lying down after falling makes it easier for her. Coupled with Rosie who always helps her fill the crossbow.

After several shots, Lola finally managed to kill the three raptors.

"Haaa…" She breathed a sigh of relief. But then she glanced back to check Clyde's reaction.

Clyde chuckled. "You can feel relieved. That's enough for now."

After hearing that Lola and Rosie exchanged happy smiles. She even ignored the notification that appeared in her vision to hug Rosie.

'Did she just ask for permission to celebrate?' Clyde let out a small chuckle again.

Then Clyde looked ahead. The fight there was quite intense. Clyde, who had been paying close attention to Lola's progress, didn't realize that Wiley had joined the battle with Leon and Albert.

'So those are his Skills.'

Clyde saw how Wiley was hiding and fired a blowdart from behind so he wouldn't be exposed to the raptors. And when any of the raptors realized about him, Leon or Albert immediately acted to divert the raptor's attention away from Wiley again.

Every time the darts that Wiley fired hit a raptor, there was purplish smoke rising from where the darts landed. After that, decay began to occur and caused the raptor to weaken. When that happened, Leon and Albert were able to kill the raptor easily.

'He's pretty useful.' Clyde nodded in approval. 'He can tell when to shoot and when to run.

Even though he was hiding more than actually shooting, it was the right decision to make. Or maybe he's just too much of a coward?'

Whatever it is, Clyde admits that Wiley does have quite great abilities. If he could increase his Stats, he would become an even more powerful party member in the future.


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