Asqa swallowed with a nervous feeling that started to rise in her heart. This is not the first time she has carried out assignments from the Archangel. But she has never done anything that is considered important.

"What should I do?" Asqa asked.

Joshua cocked his head toward a direction behind his back. "Follow me."

So Asqa immediately followed Joshua and they started walking away from that place. 

During the walk, Asqa still continued to feel nervous. Joshua realized what she was feeling from the look on her face.

"It's okay. You won't do it alone," Joshua said. "There are three other people who will be going with you. The Archangel just wants to give you more experience in carrying out missions because it will come in handy in the future."

Asqa nods but she doesn't say anything. She had an idea of ​​what happened in this place called The All Territory. 

All Celestials try to compete with each other so it's only natural that she is required to increase her experience and abilities.

Joshua took her to a hut located not far from where she had been sitting. In the small hut, there were already three people talking to each other. Two men and one woman.

One of the two men was tall and thin. His appearance is quite standard besides his pale skin.

The other man was big and wore a sleeveless white shirt so that his biceps stood out.

While the only woman among them looks small. She is only slightly taller than Asqa and has shoulder-length silver hair.

The two of them immediately noticed the approaching presence of Joshua and Asqa. 

They immediately stopped their chat and changed their attitude to be more polite, possibly because of Joshua's presence next to Asqa.

The three of them immediately stood up in a respectful manner like soldiers who saw their general approaching.

"These are your teammates," Joshua said while looking at Asqa. "They already have enough experience carrying out the Archangel's mission so you can trust them."

Asqa showed a small smile while nodding. Then she turned to them. The two men smiled at her but the silver-haired woman just stared at her blankly.

"I will let you two get to know each other now," Joshua said. "In a few days, you will go together to carry out the mission. So, prepare yourselves well."

After saying that Joshua left from their presence. Asqa felt a little awkward with the new team she joined. But because this is the task of the Archangel, Asqa will try to carry it out properly.

"I hope we can work together well," said Asqa. "My name is Asqa Starr. Nice to meet you."

"My name is Alessio," the lean man answered then pointed at his male friend. "This is Colmano. And this one is Cuzia. Glad to finally meet you. We have heard of your reputation in this place."

Asqa still wore her little smile that just looked like she was doing it out of politeness. Asqa was not the least bit proud of her good-sounding reputation. Because she feels that basically all that she is able to do now is not because of her own efforts. But because of certain someone.

"Thank you," Asqa replied briefly.

"How about we start training together? That way we can cooperate better when the time for carrying out the mission comes." Alessio made a suggestion.

"I think that's a good idea," said Asqa.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"Nice. Let's go."

They left the place to do the exercises. On the way to the training ground, Cuzia just stared at Asqa with a look that was hard to decipher.

Alessio said that she didn't need to worry and think too much about whatever Cuzia said or did. Most likely she will say or do something that offended her.

Alessio said that it was Cuzia's true nature so he first apologized to Asqa for all that. Asqa, of course, felt uncomfortable at first. But in the end, she could feel better after hearing Alession's explanation.

'Looks like I have to be more patient from now on.'

Asqa had already guessed what kind of difficulties she would face in the future because of Cuzia. 

But after the Selection Stage, her nature that previously couldn't stand such a situation had changed. She was sure that she would be able to endure all of Cuzia's annoying behavior.



Time keeps running. They went through every building and killed the monsters that were in the ruins of this city. Samuel said that they had to move as fast as possible so they moved faster.

ƥαṇdαηθνε| Luckily there were no strong monsters they encountered. So they don't need to take a lot of time before completing the sweep of a lot of buildings.

After that part of the day was over, they returned to where Samuel could open the portal. They didn't forget to bring the shells of the giant scorpion they had peeled earlier.

Samuel opened a portal and went inside carrying all the shells. When they returned to Sivagadh Fortress, they went straight to Hammer's smithy.

As they had expected, Hammer's men who were at work opened their eyes wide at the sight of all the shells they were carrying.

Hammer came out of his room and showed the same reaction.

"What are you guys carrying?!"

Clyde explained that the hard shells were from the giant monster he had just killed. Clyde didn't bother to go into more detail because he knew Hammer wouldn't listen. His eyes were sparkling staring at the shells.

So Clyde and the others put all those shells in front of Hammer and his men.

"You can make us something nice with these shells, right?" Clyde asked.

"D-Definitely!" Hamme replied. Then he raised his head to Clyde. "Trust me! You will get something good!"

Hammer said it with such excitement that Clyde couldn't bring himself to say that anything he made would be inferior to his equipment on the Selection Stage.

"Yes, thank you." Instead, Clyde said that and left from there.


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