The strange city suddenly started to fill up with people coming out of the buildings with all kinds of shapes.

Clyde who was still in the wheelchair could only stare at them with a frown, scrutinizing without hesitation. Because what he saw would indeed make anyone feel astonished.

Some people wear clothes like people who lived in medieval Europe. They also gave off an aura that said they really came from a far past.

Then Clyde saw people dressed the same as he saw in his everyday life. They look like modern people living in the twenty-first century. They look normal by Clyde's standards but when looking at everything around them, they are just as odd as everybody else.

Then there are also people... or creatures that look like people. They have pointy ears and long hair. They had an appearance that was so striking in Clyde's eyes. There's no way he didn't know about them.

A world-famous race in fantasy stories. The Elves.

Besides Elves, several other creatures seem to come from the fantasy world. There are Dwarves who live next door to the Elves.

Clyde was sure that there were more he didn't see yet.

Once again Clyde felt the strange sensation as if he was dreaming when he had a fever. A strange dream that was a combination of all kinds of things he had seen or read about.

Because of that Clyde didn't stop frowning since earlier. When he finally felt that his forehead was sore, Clyde just stopped looking and massages his forehead. The shackle chain makes a creaking sound when it hits the wheelchair's arm.

Samuel let out a chuckle when he saw it. "These are the residents in this fort. Everyone is used to it so they assume that the strangers next to them are just their neighbors in this fortress."

For Samuel, all of this may indeed seem comfortable. But Clyde still had a hard time imagining that Elves and Dwarves could be neighbors.

Clyde even saw the Elf and Dwarf talking to each other happily, even laughing occasionally. It seemed true, they had gotten used to it until there was no longer any hint of animosity whatsoever.

'If that's the situation, I also have to get used to it,' Clyde thought while looking at all the scenery around him.

"What should I do now?" Clyde asked Samuel.

"What do you mean? You still have to rest," Samuel replied.

Clyde shook his head as he exhaled. "No. You said I could train if I couldn't gain the power of the system anymore."

ƥαṇdα-ηθνε|·ƈθm Samuel glanced at Clyde from behind. His eyes seemed to be scrutinizing Clyde and now it seemed as if a lot of cogs were spinning inside his head. Considering what he should do next with Clyde.

"First, take off this shackle." Clyde shook the shackles in both of his hands in an impatient motion.

Not hearing anything from Samuel, Clyde turned to him.

"What's wrong?" Clyde asked.

"Uhh... I didn't know about that." Finally, Samuel said. But what he said didn't sound too pleasant to Clyde's ears.

"What do you mean?" Clyde was starting to feel annoyed.

"Your condition can get worse at any time," said Samuel.

"You said my condition was much better than you thought."

"Yes, but... there is still a potential for you to be a danger. You will still have to wear the shackle until I decide you can take it off."

Samuel could see Clyde's jaw tighten suddenly. His gaze on him also became sharper.

However, Samuel was not worried. As strong as Clyde was before, now he is just an injured patient.

He couldn't use the power of the system and the shackles wrapped around his arms and legs wasn't ordinary shackles that he could just crush.

"I'm feeling better already. Let me practice," Clyde said, insisting.

But Samuel just shook his head and gave the same answer.

"No. I can't do that."

Clyde wants to try to fight back. But, he decided to be wiser. There's no point throwing tempers here just because of that. After all, he also still didn't really know the true condition of his body.

Perhaps he still had a bit of his former strength left. However, Clyde was sure that he still couldn't fight against Samuel and his shackles.

So now the wisest thing he could do was just sit back and wait. Until he could know better.

Clyde sighed in resignation. "Fine."

Samuel smiled. "Good. Don't worry. It won't take long before I can be sure that you are no longer a danger. Just wait until then."

Clyde didn't answer.

Samuel took him to a place that seemed to be the center of the city. There is a large fountain that continues to emit water without stopping. And around that fountain is what looks like a portal.

"Where are you taking me?" Clyde asked.

"To give you an idea of ​​our strength, I will take you to where our fighters usually train," Samuel replied.

Samuel pushed Clyde closer to one of the portals. As they got closer, the vortex began to change to reveal a view on the other side.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Clyde could see a glimpse of what was at the portal's destination. It is a very broad plain. Surprisingly, the scene there was bright as day with the scorching sun.

Before Clyde could ask, Samuel had pushed Clyde into the portal.

A moment later Clyde was in the middle of the wide plains that he saw. The portal was still spinning behind him.

Clyde moved his eyes. It didn't take long for him to find people who seemed to be involved in a fight.

There was a woman who was fighting a man. The woman had short hair and was quite tall. Clyde thought the woman's body might be the same as his and she fought with a sword.

The man she was fighting was a man with a slender build. He moved with shrewd movements as if dancing with his sword.

The two of them were fighting with swords. Clyde could see the sparks and hear the shrill sound of their clashing swords even though they were quite far away.

But their movements were much faster and stronger than those of ordinary humans. Clyde immediately knew that they must be fighting using the power that the system gave them, or something similar to it.

"You can see that. They both move at an incredible speed," Samuel said as if he could read his mind. "However, they don't use the power of the system anymore. Instead, they train the power."

"Their Character Information is also corrupted?" Clyde asked.

"Yeah, same as you. They almost died too."

Clyde turned again to the two people who were training again. It turned out that those two were not the only ones who were practicing.

Far away, on a slightly raised part of the ground that almost formed a hill, there were also people throwing something like fireballs at each other.

"What about the people on the hill?" Clyde asked while pointing with his forefinger.

"They are the same. But they have a higher affinity with natural Mana so they can use magic attacks."

Clyde frowned. "Mana? You mean Magic Power?"

"Ah, right. In your Character Information, the ability to use Mana is referred to as Magic Power," said Samuel.

Clyde nodded briefly after understanding that. Then he continued to look at the people who were practicing it.

Clyde found it hard to believe they were fighting like that without using the power of the system. It was unfortunate that his Character Information - his system power - is be broken.

'Could it be that I have to start all over again?'

But it didn't have to be like that because there was still his [Private Attribute: Easy-Mode] which Clyde knew was still undamaged. It's possible that if he really had to start from scratch, he would still get a big advantage.

But Clyde still hopes that the power of the system can still be repaired somehow. Because he has a lot of his Stats Points, Skill Points, and Coins there.

Clyde let out a long breath. 'Ah, I'll figure out a way to put it all back later.'

Suddenly when he was thinking about all his possessions, a sun-reflecting object was spinning in the sky.

When Clyde looked up, he noticed that it was a piece of blade spinning in the air and flying towards him.





The blade of the sword rotated so fast and headed straight for his head.

If Samuel didn't move quickly and catch it, then the blade would sink into his head.


A screaming sound came from in front of him, Clyde blinked a few times to regain his senses. Did he just almost die from being pierced by a piece of a broken sword?

When he looked up, Clyde saw the two people who had been practicing swords running toward him. As soon as they got close to him and Samuel, the man immediately looked at Clyde with a smile.

"Ah, you must be the new guy who has been sleeping for a month!" the man said.

Clyde noticed a broken sword clutched in his hand. "And you must be the idiot who foolishly let your sword break and almost killed me."

"Ah hahaha." The man scratched the back of his neck laughing. It was as if what he had just done was nothing serious.

"I'm sorry," said the woman beside him. "I went too far to break his sword, again."

Hearing that, it was obvious that something like this had happened more than once.


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