Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 2117: The Burden of Trust

Chapter 2117: The Burden of Trust

Returning home, Vahn allowed the two girls to rest in their rooms as he headed to the kitchen to prepare something to eat. He wasn't entirely sure what would happen but there was a fair chance things would get steamy during the massage. In preparation for this, he used Rindo's knowledge to prepare dishes that would increase their stamina. This wasn't really necessary but it never hurt to be prepared.

Once everything was prepared, Vahn briefly severed his connection with his other selves before stepping into Nono's room and promptly separating the interior from the Principal Axis of Time. A girl's first time was a precious occasion, so, even if nothing happened during the massage, he didn't want to have any other distractions. Thus, for this particular moment in time, Nono had his full and undivided attention.

Unaware of this, Nono just lifted herself from her bed with a sleepy expression on her face as she said, "You arrived sooner than I expected..." before covering her mouth and yawning. She hadn't even bothered to change out of her dress. This bed was so much more comfortable than the one she had back in Danamachi so the first thing she did upon reaching her room was plopping face-down and taking a nap.

While marveling at how adorable Nono's every action was, Vahn whipped out a chair before taking a seat next to her bed and asking, "Would you like me to feed you~?"

Returning a smile of her own, Nono seemed to contemplate her response for quite a while before answering, "Mmm...if you want to..."

Nodding his head, Vahn prepared a rather luxurious bed tray while Nono made herself comfortable with her back against the headboard. She enjoyed being pampered quite a bit, so, while she had no intentions of forcing Vahn to pamper her, she wasn't going to refuse. Thus, for the better part of ten minutes, she just allowed him to feed her until he broke the silence by asking, "What are your plans now that you've returned?"

Instead of immediately responding, Nono made a point to finish chewing her food before taking a sip of water and gently swishing it around in her mouth. She didn't want anything to be stuck in her teeth when she was speaking, so, for a good ten to fifteen seconds, Vahn was left silently observing her until she answered, "I haven't really thought about it. What do you think I should do...?"

Though she had considered a number of ways in which she could be useful to the Sage Dragon's Hearth, the only thing Nono really cared about was not being a burden. Even if Vahn asked her to become a Maid, she wouldn't mind. So long as he could continue living at his side without causing him any problems, she was happy.

Smiling wryly in response to Nono's words, Vahn skillfully cut the steak he had prepared for her into small, bite-sized pieces as he asked, "Didn't you enter the Game Board with the intent to become a Nurse? I'm certain you must have learned quite a bit studying under Miach."

Nodding her head in affirmation, a slight smile developed across Nono's face as she replied with a soft yet curt, "Indeed..."

Expecting her to say more, Vahn waited patiently for Nono to continue. It was only when an amused glimmer appeared in her eyes that he realized she was finished speaking. This caused a wry smile to develop across his face, as, despite the rather substantial difference in their ages, he suddenly had the distinct impression that Nono was in control of the conversation. It was almost like she was the one humoring him...

Demonstrating this was the case, Vahn continued feeling Nono until she had eaten everything on the plate. At no point in time did she attempt to break the silence or make conversation. Instead, she just continued to observe him, her sapphire blue eyes glistening as she happily nibbled at the tiny bits of food he presented to her mouth...

"I see you're still as taciturn as ever..."

Amused by Vahn's remark, Nono issued a delicate-sounding giggle before adopting a slight smile and saying, "Yes...though my body has changed, it was important to me that I remain the same..."

Gesturing towards the tray covering her lap, Nono waited for Vahn to remove it before grabbing the hem of her dress and shifting to her knees. This allowed her to look down at him, her sapphire eyes glowing ever so slightly as she said, "Coming to the Divine Realm taught me something very important about myself...I am a very selfish person...I think you have to be in order to accept such an invitation..."

Though he half-expected her to raise her dress to reveal its contents, Vahn's gaze remained focused on Nono's eyes as she released it's hem and added, "You have given me so much...yet...even after all this...I can't help wanting more. That's why I made a decision...do you want to hear it...?"

Punctuating her words with a suggestive lick of the lips, Nono waited until Vahn nodded his head before answering, "I decided I would only change for you...no matter how much I learn...no matter how much time passes...I want to become a reflection of how you see me. You are such an amazing person, Vahn...to be recognized and acknowledged by you...I can think of nothing greater..."

After saying more than she had ever said in her entire life, a truly breathtaking smile developed across Nono's face. Then, without waiting for his response, she turned around moved aside her auburn locks so that he would be able to loosen the strings of her dress. She could do it herself, but, now that she was back home, she wanted Vahn to dress, disrobe, and even cleanse her in the bath. She wanted him to entrust him with everything. In exchange, she would give him everything he asked for...no matter what...

Resisting the temptation to ask Loi-chan what the heck Nono was thinking, Vahn only hesitated for a brief moment before standing up and helping to remove her dress. It was a long flowing garment that flowed to her ankles but left her back, shoulders, and her cleavage showing. It was actually very similar to the dress she had worn prior to entering the Game Board. So much so that he was pretty sure she had the original tailored as her body grew and developed...

Feeling her body heat up despite the face she had just disrobed, Nono shyly covered her breasts as she peered back to gauge Vhan's reaction. She was serious about entrusting everything to him, but, at the same time, she couldn't help feeling curious. She wanted to know how he viewed her. More specifically, she wanted to know whether or not he still viewed her as a child or much, much more...

Noticing Nono's gaze, Vahn's aquamarines met her shimmering, sapphire blues for the better part of a full minute with neither of them saying a word. He understood that she wanted him to dictate how their relationship developed but he wasn't entirely sure what that meant. He was too used to giving the women around him everything they desired. Encountering someone whose only desire was to experience whatever he was willing to give her left him feeling at a loss...

Deciding to just proceed with the massage, an uncharacteristically nervous smile developed across Vahn's face as he said, "Lay on your stomach..."

Nodding her head, Nono sprawled out on her stomach with her arms supporting her head. This allow her relatively plain yet form-fitting vanilla colored panties to come into view. She was curious to see whether or not Vahn's eyes had shifted to them, but, instead of looking back, she just closed her eyes and focused on relaxing.

Seeing how calm and relaxed Nono's aura was, Vahn just shook his head before climbing onto the bed and straddling her pillowy, remarkably full bottom. This caused her aura to flare up for a brief moment, but, shortly thereafter, it died down as a hot sigh escaped her lips.

Though he could have whipped out a massage table, the kind the two girls asked for was the type he gave to his other women. Sarina was the one that had made this clarification, but, as Nono had nodded her head, Vahn assumed she was interested in experiencing the same.

With that in mind, Vahn habitually rubbed his hands together before pressing his thumbs into the pressure points in her lower back, the colloquially termed 'Sea of Vitality'. Girls with large breasts typically experienced tension in their shoulders and lower back. Nono's had developed into some rather sizeable D's, so, before having her roll onto her back and treating them directly, he intended to loosen up the muscles supporting the two immaculately shaped mammaries.

Thinking he should compliment her, Vahn suppressed his growing nervousness, saying, "Your body has matured quite a bit. You're no longer a delicate flower waiting to bloom. You've fully blossomed into a breathtaking beauty..."

Though she couldn't help smiling in response to Vahn's comment, Nono's own was a curt, "Nn..." as she focused the majority of her attention on the movement of his hands. She was well aware of his status as the Godhand so she had been looking forward to this for quite some time.

Suppressing a dry laugh, Vahn decided to just focus his efforts on the massage. He was tempted to try and get a rise out of her by complimenting her butt, but, fearing a similar response, he promptly dismissed that thought. Instead, he decided to ask Sis for advice, asking, ("Am I imagining things or has she managed to take complete control of this situation by relinquishing it to me...?")

(*She really is quite something, isn't she? She is so confident you would never hurt her that she has entrusted every aspect of your relationship to you. Even if you raised her butt right now, I doubt she would even blush...*)

Though he was a little taken aback by the brazenness of Sis's remark, Vahn didn't really question it as he nodded his head in agreement. Nono had thoroughly placed the ball in his court. She would happily reciprocate, but, unless he was the one to initiate intimacy, she seemed perfectly content to focus on improving herself and simply living within the Sage Dragon's Hearth. It was almost like she was a blank slate or a lump of clay...patiently awaiting the changes he would introduce in her...

("Sarina was right to be cautious. If I had met someone like Nono at the very start of my journey, I never would have left that cave. It's almost scary how 'accepting' she is...")

Nodding her head deep within Vahn's mind, Sis was in complete agreement despite saying, (*She is like this because of her trust in you. If the two of you had met back then, I imagine she would have filled the role of a big sister rather than a blank slate...*)

Imagining his former self curled up in the embrace of the current Nono, a wry yet nostalgic smile developed across Vahn's face. There were a couple of women who had served as sisterly and even motherly figures for him. Had he met any of them near the very beginning of his journey, he might have stayed beside them to this very day. After all, as strong as he had become, he had never cared about increasing his strength. He just wanted to see and experience the world alongside the people he cared about...everything else just kind of happened...

Shaking that thought from his mind, Vahn dismounted Nono before saying, "Turn over..." in a now-relaxed tone. He expected her to immediately comply, but, due to the comfort provided by his tame yet thorough massage, Nono had long since fallen asleep. He just hadn't noticed it due to the long silence and his wayward thoughts...

Restraining a soft chuckle, Vahn briefly considered his options before promptly deciding to lay next to the sleeping beauty. She really was quite beautiful, and, due to her decision, she was growing on him a lot faster than he ever thought possible. Thus, while he wasn't entirely sure how they should move forward, that didn't stop Vahn from moving aside her bangs and placing a gentle kiss on the auburn-haired girl's forehead...




(A/N: Alternate Titles: "Are we sure Nono wasn't the one spending time with Loki...?','The beauty of simplicity...','Ladies and Gentlemen...she gottem...')

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