Chapter 2108: Decision

"I suppose it's a bit late to be asking...but I assume this means you've made up your mind...?"

Staring down at what could best be described as a teenage version of Shiroyasha, Vahn couldn't help adopting a wry smile as he marveled at her semen-covered frame. He had released his seed inside of her the first time, but, as could be expected, his source energy had been a little too potent. It had taken her several minutes just to regain her senses, and, after the fact, she made sure he shot it out on her body until it had practically caked her from head to toe.

Though she could hear Vahn's words, Shiroyasha didn't immediately respond to his inquiry. Instead, she just continued to stare up at the ceiling with a glazed look in her eyes and a rather silly smile on her face as her modest chest heaved up and down.

Watching as Shiroyasha absentmindedly smeared the semen on her body like someone drawing art in shaving cream, Vahn's smile became progressively wrier until he ultimately extended his hand to cast cleaning magic. This caused Shiroyasha to issue an adorably girly yelp, but, upon realizing that she was no longer covered in his energy-dense seed, her expression immediately soured as she sat up and exclaimed, "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing!?"

Rolling his eyes, Vahn used telekinesis to draw the rapidly de-aging demoness closer as he said, "I'll give you more later. For now, be a good girl and tell me what you're thinking..."

Though she didn't resist Vahn's embrace, Shiroyasha snorted at the phrase 'good girl'. Then, using her much longer, blade-like horns, she sliced a thin line beneath his chin as she teased, "I'm many things, Vahn Aldrnari Mason. But a good girl? Not even in your dreams..."

Licking the blood flowing from Vahn's chin, Shiroyasha's de-aging process promptly slowed before her body began to rapidly increase in size. She had already known he was incomprehensibly special before summoning him but it was observing Leticia sucking his blood that alerted her to how truly special he was.

To inhibit her more demonic aspects, Leticia typically wore a black and gold ribbon in her hair to suppress her power. It was the reason for her child-like appearance, and, more importantly, the reason she was allowed to wander around the Little Garden freely. She could remove it for a short period of time to regain her true form and drastically increase her strength, but, should her power remain unsealed, she would eventually rampage just as she had three years prior.

For the most part, the only person that could remove Leticia's seal was herself. Certain conditions also needed to be met, so, despite being formerly one of the most powerful people in the entire Little Garden, she was currently much weaker than her original self. This was a punishment that had been forced upon her by the Central Network, so, without the aid of Divinity or a very powerful Gift, it should be impossible to circumvent.

Demonstrating how common sense simply didn't apply to him, Vahn had given Leticia permission to suck his blood even without the latter asking. There was nothing particularly strange about this, but, moments after the rather intimate session had begun, Leticia's body had rapidly developed to resemble her true self despite the fact her ribbon was still fastened to her hair.

The most important takeaway from this event was the fact that the Central Network hadn't flagged Leticia for violating the numerous contracts that bound her. The Administrative Program seemed to have determined that this was the natural result of sucking Vahn's blood, so, after a considerable period of deliberation, Shiroyasha decided to bite the bullet, or, more specifically, Vahn's earlobe.

In other words, while Shiroyasha had found a convenient way to circumvent the restrictions that had been placed on her, it wasn't accurate to say she had made up her mind. There were still a few things she needed her position as Floor Master to accomplish, so, after shamelessly lapping up the blood trickling from Vahn's chin, she licked her lips before musing, "Now, to answer your previous question. Let's just say you're well on the way to convincing me..."

Punctuating her words, Shiroyasha traced one of her inordinately sharp nails along the length of Vahn's shaft, but, unlike his chin, the flesh comprising his most important body part didn't give. It deformed in response to her touch, but, even if she were to channel an attack that could sever the void itself, there was a good chance it would emerge unscathed.

Understanding that Shiroyasha was still on the fence, a teasing smile developed across Vahn's face as he gave her pale pink, visibly tense nipple a flick. This caused her to flinch, but, instead of losing her smile or admonishing him, Shiroyasha's golden eyes gleamed with a seductive light, her hand tightening around his shaft as she sonorously purred, "Naughty boy..."




After dropping off Jin, Asuka, and Yo, Vahn returned to the Sage Dragon's Hearth with Black Rabbit in tow. There, he carried the befuddled bunny to the bath in order to wash her body and comb out the fritz from her hair. As adorable as her little "explosion" had been, a frilly pink afro didn't exactly suit her.

While that was going on, another version of Vahn retired to the massive Library that existed within. This was Leticia's favorite place in the estate. She didn't need to eat or sleep, so, unless he told her to get some rest, Leticia spent most of her time reading in the library or wandering the estate in a vain attempt to find something to clean. This might sound sad and somewhat lonely when viewed subjectively, but, in actuality, Leticia simply enjoyed being a Maid.

Demonstrating this, the first thing Leticia did upon returning to the estate was retrieving one of her favorite outfits, a Maid uniform inspired by the titular Alice in Wonderland. She had apparently read the story when she was very young, and, despite living in the highest realm in existence, the idea of entering a mysterious and magical world had always fascinated her.

Fortunately for Vahn, Leticia was the naughty variety of Maid, so, after retrieving her outfit, she gave him quite the show by stripping down and casually donning each piece of clothing as he observed her silently from a chaise lounge. There was something truly magical about witnessing a petite girl with golden blonde hair don a pair of pristine white panties and matching hose, so, even if he knew she wouldn't be wearing them for long, Vahn continued to observe her without even trying to mask his wolfish grin.

Well aware of the way that Vahn was looking at her, Leticia pretended to be bashful by turning her back to him as she changed. In truth, she was just giving him a view of her backside. It was a rather immoral sight to behold due to her slender build, but, every time she would bend over to pick up a piece of fabric, Vahn's pupils would briefly contract before dilating in awe.

After a solid twenty minutes, Leticia, now fully dressed, quickly fixed her hair before making her way over to where Vahn was observing her in abject fascination. In response, he dutifully sat up straight, as, whenever they were alone, Leticia liked to straddle him. It made sucking his blood easier, but, far more important than that was the fact it allowed him to hug her more easily. She, like many taciturn girls, enjoyed being held more than anything else. She had even informed him at one point that she was genuinely glad to have a small chest as it allowed her to feel even closer to him whenever they hugged.

Though he had initially thought that was Leticia's attempt at a joke, Vahn quickly realized she was being completely serious. That day, he ended up holding her for the better part of ten hours, and, ever since, it had become routine for them to simply embrace one another whenever they wanted to talk.

To this end, Leticia shamelessly climbed atop Vahn's lap, casually straddling his hips as she linked her arms around his body and rested her head against his chest. In response, Vahn unhesitantly wrapped his muscular arms around her tiny frame, gently caressing her back for the better part of ten minutes as they both calmed down.

"I'm sorry..."

Breaking the silence, the first thing Leticia did was apologize. She hadn't even thought about it at the time, but, the moment Vahn arrived, Leticia realized how monstrous her actions had been. Her first instinct had been to try and conceal the truth, but, having never spoken a single falsehood in her entire life, she simply didn't know how to begin...

"I know..."

Despite his words, warm energy began to flow from Vahn's hands as he cradled Leticia even more gingerly in his arms. His intentions were to help her calm down, but, seemingly having the opposite effect, Leticia's body tensed as she whispered, "I want you to punish me..."

Without demonstrating even a hint of shock, Vahn continued to embrace Leticia's body as he softly muttered, "There is no punishment I can mete out that will weigh more heavily on your conscience than the guilt you're currently feeling..."


Weakening his hold on Leticia's body, Vahn stared directly into the petite Vampire Princess's eyes as he said, "Enough. You know full well what you did was wrong. Rather than asking me to punish you, you should be thinking about how you can make amends through your actions. You may have been tainted by darkness, but, deep down, you're an exceptionally kind and caring woman. From now on, focus on what you can do to help people. That is how you will find absolution. Besides...this isn't my first rodeo. Even if I did punish you, it wouldn't really feel like a punishment..."

Though she was a little confused by the spontaneously wry smile that had developed across Vahn's face, it didn't take long for Leticia to realize what he was trying to say. This caused a subtle blush to spread across her face, but, rather than shy away, she placed her right hand over his heart and said, "If it's you...I wouldn't mind..."

("Yeah, I have no doubts about that...")


Keeping such thoughts to himself, Vahn responded to Leticia's remark with a relatively tame kiss before pulling away with a smile and saying, "You've been through so much, Leticia. It would break my heart to treat you in such a manner. If you feel that way after our children have fully grown, I'll consider it. For now, just allow me to pamper and love you at my leisure...okay...?"

Though her expression didn't change much, Leticia blushed a deep shade of crimson in response to Vahn's words. He could even feel her body gradually heating up, but, after several seconds of tense silence, her heart began to gradually calm as she returned a rare smile and said, "If that is your wish, it is only natural that I oblige..."




Had he been aware of the enviable position Vahn was in, the hateful scowl upon Laius's face would have been exponentially more extreme. He had spent the last ten hours trying to remedy the bald spot on his head, but, no matter what he tried, the hair simply wouldn't grow back. When he asked a specialist to take a closer look, he learned that the roots had been completely destroyed. To make matters exponentially worse, even the pores in which that sat in were effectively erased, a thin layer of scar tissue almost indistinguishable from normal skin covering the entire bald spot.

"That bastard! Just you wait, Vahn Aldrnari Mason! When I'm through with you, you'll be begging for death...!"




(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Sauce Energy op...','DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let me Love You...','This idiot has no idea how in over his head he is xD...')

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