Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 464 Sneak attacks are a staple of battles already

Chapter 464 Sneak attacks are a staple of battles already


"Sorry, but I have to say no to your request." Golden Alex said as he crossed his arms. "Why do you think that I, a glorious ruler, shall submit under your whims? Do you think that I am stupid? Hmph, if you think of me that way, then you are also insulting your Emperor!"

"You! Don’t you dare put the Emperor in this, you thief! You’re the one who stepped out of the line, you filthy spare!" Golden Alex’s reply must have been to insensitive to the Generals, so much so that the quiet Dragon King began snarling at him.

This general, who had golden scales lining his skin and a silver pair of wings attached on his back, gave Golden Alex a hungry and murderous glare. There was only viciousness in his face as he stared at Golden Alex, making it look like he wanted nothing more than to tear Golden Alex into tiny pieces right now.

Just his words alone were enough to show how much he was raging against Golden Alex, and there’s no doubt that if he takes an action, a lot of catastropchi things will surely happen.

"If you just followed your destiny and allowed yourself to be assimilated to the Emperor, then you could be living the best of your pathetic life." The Dragon King continued to say as his hands began to transform into draconic talons. "If you did not do that stunt of yours in the Empire, then we would have never reached this point..."

"Point my ass. I am a living individual, someone who is not brainwashed by that Emperor. You call him Emperor Litch? I prefer the term Emperor B**ch. After all, that’s just what he is good at. B***ing at you about all of his problems." It was Alex who made this message, although Golden Alex had no qualms on saying it directly.

"What did you just say?"

"I said, Emperor B**ch is a b**ch." Golden Alex said, emphasizing the terminology for the female dog with a sneer. "Why, got a problem with that?"


Both Plum Blossom Immortal and Dragon King looked like they had a seizure after hearing Golden Alex’s curses, something that made both Golden Alex and Alex snigger.

"Okay, that’s it. Let’s stop this bulls**t already. We thought we can persuade your heart, but it looks like you have no intention on listening to us anymore. You want a fight? Fine then, we shall give you a fight." The one who said these words was Void Master, with his purple skin and axe-shaped head glimmering in a haze of rage. "Alex, I know about your plight before, so I thought that giving you an offer to surrender will be fair to you. But you still had the gall to actually refuse our offer? Hmph, you can only blame yourself for what happens next!"

"Boom!" The four Generals then released the power that they had been suppressing since earlier, creating a tidal wave of pressure which crashed down on Alex and the Divine beings.

"Urk..." Golden Alex was like a tiny boat in front of a storm, with his body swaying and sinking against the released power by the Generals. He tried to resist against it with his power, but it was futile, as the qualitative and quantitative difference between him and the Generals were just too much.

"Golden Alex is only at the peak of the Fifth Stage, which means that there is no way for him to win right now. Even with the Divine Beings accompanying him, this fight will still lead on Golden Alex’s loss." Alex, who was also experiencing the pressure felt by Golden Alex, said these words in a grim fashion. His eyes were twitching as he observed the murderous generals, who looked like they are about to pounce at Golden Alex any moment now.

"I cannot let you be captured here, Golden Alex. If you were to be captured, Emperor Litch might regain his power." Alex hastily said to Golden Alex, who was still trying his best to resist against the pressure on him. "That’s why-"

"What? Do you want me to run away?" Godlen Alex shouted back mentally, with traces of indignation present on his mind. "F**k this, oringal Alex! Why should I dispel myself in front of these people? Do you really think I have no way to win? I am a great ruler, someone who will not back down against s**ts like them!"

"You have no way to win. Trust me on that, Golden Alex." Alex replied as he felt a slight pain in his head.

"No, I can still figh-"

"You’re feeling it, right? You’re already feeling the pain from being exposed to the released power by 4 Sixth Stage Generals... The longer that you feel this, the higher the chance that you will be captured." Alex muttered as he gave Golden Alex an unamused laugh. "Even with this kind of pain, are you still confident on winning?"

"Hmph, you don’t get to tell me what to do. Trust me, we can still defeat these 4." Even when Alex tried to make his point clear, Golden Alex still held on to his ground, refusing Alex’s command to be dispelled at this moment. "Intsead of advising me to retreat, why don’t you make Blue Alex and Black Alex come here? If they were here, then this situation can be resolved with our fists easily!"

"What the f- You know that there’s no way that I can make Blue Alex or Black Alex come here. Black Alex is still inside the Cosmic Guard Spaceship, while Blue Alex is now assisting Alina with protecting Sierra." Alex replied with a quick shake of his head. "As for White Alex and Kid Alex, they’re with Professor Frances, doing their own project. Do you know what that means? That means that you are alone in this ordeal, Golden Alex! You have no one to help you now, so you should just run already!"

"...You have no reinforcements for me? But then, why didn’t I feel panic from you when the 4 Generals appeared earlier?" Golden Alex replied, with his tone betraying the sudden shift in his feelings. Now, he sounded both unsure and wary, as if what Alex said made him reconsider his choices. "I thought you were confident that you can do something against them..."

"That’s what I thought too earlier. But there had been some developments, so none of the other Alex’s can assist us." Alex said, with his voice now sounding a little sorry for Golden Alex. "So just listen to me and start running, there’s nothing wrong with you doing tha-"


Out of nowhere, a massive explosion ripped the area that Golden Alex and the Generals were in, covering these people with hostile energy and deadly matter.

The sensation of death filled Golden Alex’s mind as the explosion made its way on his body, to the point that his whole body stared to break down.

His body tried to heal itself, but batches of additional explosions field the area once more, reducing Alex to just a bag of organs and skeletons.

It was only through his sheer will and the Conqueror’s Aura that Golden Alex managed to stay alive at this state, although his current injuries made it impossible for him to move.

As for the Divine Beings, they appeared to have incurred some injuries too, but because of their tougher bodies, their injuries were significantly smaller than his.

The worst that they got was a large gash on Peina’s throat, which began to heal amidst the haze and heat of the explosiosn.

The Generals on the other hand looked like they disappeared once the explosions started, making their current fate still unknown.

"Ugh...." Pain rippled all over Golden Alex’s body as he and Alex tried to make sense of what happened.

"The f**k? Who the hell just sneaked attacked me? Is it Ray? But from what I remember, he should have been heavily injured by Delia, and he should have been staying there at the battle area, near Blue Alex. It doesn’t make sense for him to just appear here!" Alex thought to himself as he focused his attention on Golden Alex.

If Alex was only worried earlier, right now he was extremely anxious with what was happening on Golden Alex.

"Ugh.... Even with Golden Alex’s [Observation Detection], he was still unable to detect the incoming attack? Ugh... this is bad. If this goes on, then he could actually die!" Alex thought to himself as he observed Golden Alex’s plight. "Oi Golden Alex, you cannot die right now! If you do, we’re screwed!"

Alex’s anxiousness continued to rise at this point, as he saw that the situation around Golden Alex just continued to get worse.


For Alex to feel like this is just normal, as there is no way that he can let Golden Alex die. Letting him die will be the worst case scenario for Alex, as this will trigger the negative effect of Queen Hydra’s Mirror.

[ Negative Effect of Queen Hydra’s Mirror: If one of the power clones die while the Queen Hydra’s Mirror in in effect, the power corresponding to that clone will disappear forever.]

This negative effect just implies that if Golden Alex dies right now, the Conqueror’s Aura inside him will disappear into nothingness! Of course Alex will not just let this happen, hence his advice for Golden Alex to run earlier.

"Hmph, don’t worry about me. I’m still alive but only barely breathing. I can cope with this. Just give me a few more seconds." Golden Alex mentally replied as he began flaring his Conqueror’s Aura.


This time around, he used his Conqueror’s Aura to force his cells to regenerate beyond their limits. He supplied them with his own power, making them do things that his normal cells will not do before.


Even with all the chaos around him, Golden Alex did not give any attention on them as he focused entirely on healing and giving commands to his cells.

"Come on.. you little ones. Just do your job and heal already!" Golden Alex snarled as he felt this muscles materializing. once more. "Come on, this is too slow! Hurry up or I will die!"

"Yes, you should really hurry up, Golden Alex." Alex said, with his attention not that focused on Golden Alex alone. Instead, Alex was busy observing the area above Golden Alex, as if he had seen something that piqued his interest there. "The bomber is just right above you, fighting against the Dragon King and Plum Blossom Immortal alone. And the bomber is winning against them... Do you get that? The bomber is winning against them! If the bomber can do that on them, then the bomber can also do that to you! So don’t be kind to your cells and make them hurry!"


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