Chapter 384 Harvest Overlord

"No no no no! I don’t think you should be any happy at all!" Asteria said as she started to shake her head. "There are many that fear Soul Reapers, and some of them had created specific ways to kill them. If your presence here were to be detected by the people from other Worlds, your life will be in grave danger!"

With the knowledge that she had before, Asteria already had an idea on how Soul Reapers were reviled and feared by many.

Soul Reapers were beings that can manipulate and consume souls of sentient beings. They have multitudes of abilities that were meant for souls alone, and there were no other types of creatures in the Multiverse that can best them in this aspect!

With this kind of power, nobody in the whole Multiverse can ignore the Soul Reapers. After all, having your soul sucked away by a Soul Reaper’s Scythe is an experience that nobody would want for themselves.

But even when Asteria already voiced out her worries, Kiera only shook her head at her, as if she never took this problem into consideration.

"So what if I am in danger? I don’t care about that danger." Kiera replied stubbornly "If this power will allow me to save Annie, then I will accept it, no matter how bad it will be for me."


With the way that Kiera talked now, it seemed that even her timidity was also wiped away by her soul change. Asteria was not sure if this change was a good change for Kiera, as she was now more reckless compared to before.

"...So you’re really serious about saving this Annie then. It seems like I can no longer change your mind..." Asteria said as she shook her head. "Okay then, just do your thing and save her. Remember, you only have 25 minutes left before your power disappears. You must save her within that time limit."

"I get it. I have heard you saying that since earlier. There’s no need for you to say it again, Asty."

"...I see. So do you need any info from me?"

"No, I don’t need your info anymore, Asty. I already know what to do." Kiera replied confidently as she raised her scythe high in the air. The scythe then gleamed malevolently under the light of the room, creating a chilling felling that made Asteria cold inside.

The wails of the dead coming from the scythe gradually got stronger as a thin, keening sound came from the scythe’s blade.

Kiera’s whole body then began to seethe and roil as flesh-like shadows crawled all over her black robes.

These shadows touched everything on her body, including the scythe that was now glowing with a green, cold, light.

Black, corrosive gas slowly came out of Kiera’s mouth as she uttered a chant with her now blackened lips.


After she said this chant, Kiera’s scythe, which was held comfortably by her hand, started to shake as its whole body became ghost-like. It then started to float in the air, as if Kiera has no need to hold it anymore.

The scythe appeared to have become an immaterial object, as the dust and dirt just went past through its body. Nothing seemed to be able to touch it now, and even Asteria was sure that her hands will just go pass through the scythe like it was just nothing.


Out of nowhere, this intangible scythe suddenly exploded in size, with its now massive blade shooting out of the room that they were in.

There were no obstacles that were able to stop the scythe from extending, as it immaterial form was something that nothing in this world can block.

The scythe continued to extend higher and higher until it reached the sky, which where it began to slow down.

A few more seconds passed by before the scythe stopped expanding, but by this point, the scythe was already large enough to tower over the whole Mountain of Enlightenment!

Asteria and Kiera’s grandpa could only look at the massive scythe with open mouths, as they did not expect to see something like this.

The malicious intent released by both Kiera and her scythe was so intense, that the two of them could not move away from their position at all. Kiera’s grandpa seemed to be more affected by this, as he started groveling on the floor while letting out tearful cries that he did not bother to hide.

As for Asteria, she appeared to be more surprised rather than fearful of the scythe, as if she was more worried about sudden power burst by Kiera.

"Oi Kiera... how could you be this powerful?" Asteria asked with trepidation as Kiera slowly touched the handle of her scythe. "You just had a temporary power-up, so your Soul Manifestation should have been weak too... There’s just no way... that you can be this cheatingly powerful!"

"Asty, why are you still asking me that question? I just asked for a power to save Annie, and I got one." Kiera replied as more black gas came out of her mouth. "If my power right now is too much just like what you said, then maybe I am just special. Maybe I just experienced some fortuitous encounter before that allowed me to be this stronger. But no matter the reason for my power is, I will not think about any of that for now. After all, I still have a friend to save."


Kiera then lifted the massive scythe with her left hand, not caring about the sudden disturbance brought by her action. She then pulled back her left arm as she assumed the pose of a woodcutter.

She pulled back her left arm so hard that veins started to bulge in her hand. Her fingernails also popped out from her fingers as her left hand slowly began to mummify. Kiera did not bat her eyes from these changes, as she kept her tight hold on the scythe.

Her dull eyes only focused on a certain direction, with her entire being focused on it alone.

When Asteria tried to look at this direction, she let out a wry smile as she realized that Kiera was looking directly at the place where the World Soul and the silver ball where located.

Kiera’s eyes flashed with a dark glow as she continued staring at this direction, ignoring her crying grandpa and the nervous Asteria.



Kiera then sent her left arm slashing down, which sent the scythe hurtling straight at the World Soul and the silver ball.

Nothing slowed down the scythe as it approached the two, making everyone who witnessed this shout in fear.

Kiera smiled coldly as she continued swinging down, with the glint of her eyes showing that she will not stop, not even when somebody tries to stop her.

This conviction of hers made the nearby Asteria shiver in fear, as she realized that there was no way to salvage their situation at all.


A shrill explosion then filled the area as Kiera ’s scythe reached her target. The whole Mountain of Enlightenment shook from the impact, making even the strongest Immortals rattle from the power emitted by the impact.

The shockwaves of her attack was so great, that Asteria was sure that everyone in this world could have possibly felt it.

Asteria naturally felt the shockwaves of course, although her tiny frame and almost invulnerable body allowed her to withstand it.

"What the hell..." This was all that Asteria could say as she watched what happened with wide eyes. "So this is one of a full-powered attack by a Soul Reaper... How terrifying indeed."

"No Asty. This is not the full attack of a Soul Reaper." Kiera suddenly said as she stared directly at Asteria. Kiera’s eyes showed that she was tired now, although she appeared to be hiding it under her malevolent gaze.

She tried to keep her trembling hand still as she inhaled the black gas around her. Her whole body appeared to be affected by her very own attack, although she tried her best to just pass it off.

"That impact was the first part of my attack. What happens from now on shall be the real one!"

Kiera then pointed her right pointer finger at the scythe, as a green flame began to flicker on that finger. This flame appeared to be weak, although it emitted a terrifying aura that was enough to scare even the worst of the criminals.

She blew this green flame with the air from her body, which made the flame fly straight towards the scythe itself.

The green flame landed on the base of the scythe softly, making no sound as it began to assimilate with it. The assimilation happened quickly, and before Asteria could know it, the green flames were now inside the scythe, where it continued to burn in a slow pace.

Once the green flames were inside the scythe, Kiera took one long look at the flames, as if she was trying to engrave its image on her mind.

This look only lasted for around 5 seconds before Kiera let out one hungry smile.

Kiera’s eyes glowed with the same color as her flames as she touched the scythe with both of her hands.

She braced her body close to the ground as her hungry smile continued to widen.

Asteria averted her eyes away from this point, as she appeared to not want to see what will happen next.

Kiera naturally did not take no note of this, as she was now about to chant the words that will be remembered in the history of this world.


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