Endless Ascension

Chapter 30 - 30: Framing and False Accusations

Chapter 30: Chapter 30: Framing and False Accusations

The night of drinking and candid conversation was the happiest evening that Qin Ze had experienced since his transmigration.

The following morning, Qin Ze woke up early and made his way towards the Qin residence. The experience of slaughtering livestock at the Seventh-Rank Slaughterhouse as a Martial Practitioner now held little significance for him, and he had grown weary of the routine. Meanwhile, the butchers at the slaughterhouse in the eastern part of the city had been struggling without Qin Ze's swift knife skills, drowning in work.

The early morning streets were deserted and quiet.

As Qin Ze approached the Qin residence, the servants who were busy cleaning saw him and their eyes lit up. They quickly rushed forward, smiling broadly and bowing respectfully. "Young Master has returned," they greeted.

Qin Ze nodded slightly, taking in the grandeur of the surrounding courtyards and mansions. "Which way is the Library?" he asked.

One of the servants immediately dropped his broom, hunched his back, and scurried to Qin Ze's side. "Young Master, allow me to show you the way."

Qin Ze sneered inwardly. The Qin servants had never treated him like this before. Memories of being bullied and humiliated by them lingered in his mind. Now, seeing their obsequious faces, he couldn't help but show a cold smile and speak with authority, "Well? Don't you know how to lead the way?"

His tone carried a hint of anger, but the servant didn't take offense. Instead, he smiled even wider, hunched his back, and led the way.

Qin Ze followed leisurely, overhearing whispers from other servants.

"Ah, Xiao Sanzi beat us to it."

"Young Master Qin Ze is now the most favored talent in the Qin family. It's said he hunted down a Fifth-Rank beast..."

"He came in first at the Autumn Hunt Competition, accumulating points almost twice as many as Qin Feng's."

"Young Master Qin Ze was always a genius. What right does Qin Feng have to compare?"

"Exactly, Young Master Qin Ze is truly a dragon among men."


The praise grew increasingly exaggerated. Qin Ze's status and position had undergone a remarkable transformation. Anyone who dared to cross him was essentially crossing the Qin family.

"Ah, yes, the first prize of the Autumn Hunt Competition," Qin Ze replied, maintaining his respectful demeanor and a genuinely sincere expression on his face. He appeared as harmless as a lamb, concealing the cunning schemes brewing within his mind from even the most discerning eyes.

As Qin Ze grew more deferential, Qin Xiao felt increasingly important and exalted, his tone becoming haughty. "Rewards, huh? What kind of rewards are we talking about?"

"For my achievement as the top scorer in the competition, I'm entitled to select a martial art manual from the library's collection, as per the rules," Qin Ze explained calmly, his eyes never leaving Qin Xiao's face.

Qin Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, remembering the strict guidelines surrounding the distribution of rare manuals, especially those of higher grades. Yet, he couldn't deny Qin Ze's right to the reward. Instead, he tried to maneuver the situation to his advantage.

"Ah, indeed. But you must understand, Qin Ze, our library holds a vast array of techniques, yet only a select few are truly worthy of your talents. Perhaps, I could guide you in your choice, ensuring you select a manual that truly complements your abilities?" Qin Xiao suggested, a hint of manipulation in his voice.

Qin Ze smiled politely, his mind already racing ahead. He knew that Qin Xiao would try to steer him towards lesser manuals, keeping the valuable ones for himself or those he favored. However, Qin Ze had other plans.

"Thank you for your kind offer, Uncle Qin Xiao, but I believe I'm capable of making an informed decision. I've been studying various techniques and have a clear understanding of what would best suit my needs at this juncture." Qin Ze replied, his voice steady and confident.

Qin Xiao's expression flickered with frustration, but he quickly regained his composure. "Very well then, let us proceed. But remember, once you've made your choice, it cannot be undone."

With those words, Qin Xiao led Qin Ze into the towering three-story pagoda that was the Qin Family's Library. Inside, shelves lined the walls, stacked high with ancient tomes and scrolls, each containing the essence of martial knowledge passed down through generations. Qin Ze's eyes gleamed with anticipation as he surveyed the vast collection, already plotting his next move.

"Ah, my apologies for my forgetfulness. Yesterday, the patriarch himself gave me specific instructions regarding your visit. Please forgive my oversight, Qin Ze nephew." Qin Xiao chuckled, but his eyes lacked warmth.

"Thank you for showing me the way, Uncle Qin Xiao." Qin Ze bowed his head respectfully and gestured for Qin Xiao to proceed.

As Qin Xiao strode ahead confidently, Qin Ze followed closely behind, like a dutiful servant. Occasionally, Qin Xiao would admonish him, warning him not to damage the precious manuals. Qin Ze nodded obediently to each instruction, his demeanor of reverence almost making him nauseous.

Qin Xiao, on the other hand, felt a sense of satisfaction. As the guardian of the library, he held a relatively low position within the Qin Family, often viewed as merely a steward with little real authority. Those with even a modicum of ability in the family barely acknowledged his existence, which fueled his desire to bully and mistreat those deemed insignificant, like Qin Ze had been in the past.

Ascending to the third floor of the library, Qin Xiao couldn't help but feel surprised. "This youngster has big ambitions, indeed," he thought to himself.

The library was divided into three levels. The first floor, the largest, housed over five hundred mediocre manuals, some barely qualifying as lower-grade techniques. The second floor contained four hundred volumes of practical combat manuals, accessible only to disciples above the Lingdong realm or those with special permission from the patriarch or notable contributions to the family.

The third floor boasted fewer than a hundred manuals, including several upper-grade combat techniques and auxiliary manuals. On the vast continent of Tianyuan, cultivators fell into several categories: martial artists, artifact cultivators, alchemist cultivators, and even more enigmatic practitioners. Auxiliary manuals were primarily used by artifact and alchemist cultivators, but they were exceedingly rare. The Qin Family possessed only crude copies of such manuals.

Flipping through a few manuals, Qin Ze found none to his liking. Having the divine-level technique 'Dragon Elephant Great Void Scripture' made it difficult for him to settle for lesser manuals.

Throughout this process, Qin Xiao hovered nearby, watching Qin Ze's choices intently, his eyes darting back and forth as he secretly speculated which manual Qin Ze would choose.

"Uncle Qin Xiao, how about this upper-grade technique, 'Barbarian Wilderness Divine Fist'?" Qin Ze pulled out a slightly worn manual with a faded cover.

Qin Xiao's gaze fixed on the 'Barbarian Wilderness Divine Fist,' his eyes gleaming with greed as if he wanted to devour it. Swallowing hard, he said, "An upper-grade technique indeed. With its mastery, one can effortlessly shatter boulders. It's a formidable technique, even the patriarch practices it..."

Seeing Qin Xiao's avaricious expression, Qin Ze sneered inwardly and leaned in, whispering softly, "Do you want it?"

"Yes..." Qin Xiao blurted out without thinking, then caught himself and quickly amended, "But what's the use? Such a fine technique would never fall into my hands."

As the guardian of the library, Qin Xiao's authority was severely limited. Apart from escorting individuals into the library, he didn't even have the privilege to peruse the lower-tier manuals, let alone acquire advanced ones. Qin Ze, of course, was well aware of this.

"I have the right to select three manuals. I'll give you one. Who dares to object?" Qin Ze declared with a heroic air, his words ringing with righteousness, painting a picture of naive generosity. Qin Xiao's heart swelled with joy at the prospect.

If he kept it a secret, who would ever know that Qin Ze had gifted him a manual?

"Are you serious?" Qin Xiao asked, incredulous, staring intently at Qin Ze.

"It's only natural for a nephew to show respect to his uncle. Do you think I'm lying?" Qin Ze thrust the 'Barbarian Wilderness Divine Fist' into Qin Xiao's arms.

Overjoyed, Qin Xiao glanced around nervously, ensuring no one was watching, before swiftly tucking the manual into his robes and donning a sly grin.

With a nonchalant air, Qin Ze pretended nothing had happened and walked to the other side of the library, leaving Qin Xiao stunned in place, his heart pounding with excitement and gratitude towards Qin Ze.

Shortly after, Qin Ze chose his manuals, walked to the registration desk, completed the formalities, and promptly left the library.

As Qin Xiao basked in his newfound joy, he casually flipped through Qin Ze's registration records, only to feel as if his head had exploded. The ledger clearly stated three manuals.

"Didn't he only have the right to choose three? If he gave me one, he should only be able to take two..."

"But he's taking three, and there's still one more..."

"Oh no..."

Just as he was about to return the 'Barbarian Wilderness Divine Fist,' a patrol team arrived in full force, with Qin Ze standing nearby, a triumphant smirk on his face.

"Qin Xiao, how dare you steal an upper-grade manual from the library! Arrest him and search him thoroughly!"

"Yes, sir!"

Qin Xiao, a mere eighth-rank warrior, paled at the sight of the patrol team, each member more formidable than him. His legs turned to jelly as he shouted, "I didn't steal it! It was Qin Ze, Qin Ze did it!"

The patrol team swiftly retrieved the 'Barbarian Wilderness Divine Fist' from his robes, and Patrol Leader Qin Yan, without hesitation, kicked him hard and shouted, "For stealing an upper-grade manual, arrest him immediately and imprison him in the cliffs at the rear mountain, awaiting the patriarch's judgment!"

"Yes, sir!"

Qin Xiao promptly fainted from fear.

Qin Ze, filled with elation, sang a tune incomprehensible to passersby as he strode away, leaving a trail of mischief in his wake.

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