Endless Ascension

Chapter 291 - 291, Headmaster System

Chapter 291: Chapter 291, Headmaster System

After the death of Emperor Quan, Qin Yao became excited.

Because not only killing him can gain a lot of experience, but also completing Li Xiaoyao's mission.

What excited Qin Yao the most was the 'random lottery once' in the task reward.

For Qin Yao, an experienced gamer, although this reward is his first time, he is familiar with many lottery systems in the game.

Tell Li Xiaoyao to recover and let Ba Jian and Blood Sword guard him. He is completely focused on the system lottery.

Ding "

Are you sure about the lottery


After silently reciting 'yes' in my heart, a circle appears in my mind. The circle is divided into eighteen grids, and in the center of the circle are the large words' start'.

Eighteen squares support randomly selected prizes.

Looking at them, Qin Yao immediately swallowed his saliva. When he saw the first beauty of the Immortal Sect, Yingying, she didn't even do that, but her eyes became straight when she saw the items placed in the grid.

First level servant, level saint realm

Tongyao Tower, level artifact

Killing God Technique, Level God Level

The things filled with eighteen grids are all stunning, some of which Qin Yao has never heard of before, such as the 'first level servant' grid with a ghost face, but the servant's level has reached the realm of a powerful saint, which is too terrifying.

Just seeing these, Qin Yao couldn't resist and was extremely excited.

Too fucking excited

Old Yao bless me, bless me to draw that 'first level servant'. With Li Xiaoyao, I will have two powerful sage bodyguards. Will I still have to walk horizontally in the Yao Yuan Continent in the future

I don't care about anything that breaks into the void, or any powerful sage. I want to be the hegemon, the first hegemon of the Yao Yuan Continent

To become a powerful saint and break into the void, to enter a world where saints are as numerous as dogs, is not to be bullied, what is the meaning of life.

Pursuing the highest level of martial arts is all nonsense.

Entering the world, the taste of living, waking up to the power of the underworld, lying drunk and beautiful to the knees, this is the way of the king. Do whatever you want to do in the Yao Yuan continent. Whoever dares to disobey him, kill!

Who dares not comply?

In my heart, I silently recited the various gods and Buddhas, the Western Emperor, Satan, and so on, and then secretly said, "May all the great gods bless you

Let's start

Driven by thoughts, the lottery system quietly began to operate, with the light flashing from one grid to another, gradually slowing down from its previous rapid pace.

Wow, stop, stop, stop, stop

When the first level servant grid was shining brightly, Qin Yao was extremely excited, but before he could be too excited, the light flashed directly to another grid. When Ge saw the divine armor, Qin Yao's eyes were stunned and he shouted, "Stop, big brother, stop for me

The light once again crossed over and landed in a grid with only one 'door' character, finally freezing in place.

Qin Yao was suddenly stunned.

Your sister

What the hell

Ding "

Congratulations to player 'Qin Yao' for obtaining the newly added system 'Leader System'. Would you like to add it to the system

The sect leader system? "Qin Yao listened to the system prompt, his expression shaking, and he silently recited," Yes

After a few seconds, the system beeped again.

Add failed

Why? "Qin Yao asked suspiciously.

Player 'Qin Yao' is currently not a sect leader and cannot be added. The system will collect rewards within ten days, and the countdown to ten days will begin

What's the situation

Qin Yao was stunned for a moment. He hadn't figured out the situation for a while. It was clearly a reward system for him, but why couldn't it be added? Not only can't I add it, but I also have to recycle it back within ten days. Isn't that a trick?

The system belongs to you, sir. Please explain to me clearly why I am taking back my reward. Believe it or not, I will kill you, "Qin Yao cursed loudly. After a few seconds, he muttered again," Okay, I can't kill you, you win

Hey, Bai was so happy that he didn't make anything out of it

Qin Yao shut down the system and let out a long sigh, his eyes filled with disappointment, as if he had fallen from Yaotang into hell. The feeling was too unbearable.

If you are not the sect leader, you cannot add it

What if I were the sect leader


Suddenly, Qin Yao thought of the Qianji Sect and his mouth curved slightly. He thought to himself, "If it's not the sect leader, then take away one of them. After all, there is the sect leader ring of the Qianji Sect. Only by killing Long Xiaoyao and eliminating the three elders, who in the Qianji Sect would dare to oppose him? When he self declares himself the sect leader, wouldn't the system be able to retrieve the reward

Thinking of this, Qin Yao felt great.

For the sect leader system, although he doesn't know what to include, the rewards are all good things, and he doesn't believe how much worse it would be?

Furthermore, the Qianji Sect should have had him as the sect leader, and even the ring of the sect leader was passed down to him by Zangyao Ji.

It's only a matter of time before you become the leader of the Qianji Sect.

However, it seems that time is not enough for him to escape from the demon sealing array.

Old Li, how is your cultivation recovering? Can you trigger the Yao calamity? "Qin Yao asked with concern, now it can only rely on Li Xiaoyao.

Among the three realms, only he is the Great Perfection Realm, and only he can trigger the Yao Tribulation, causing the Nine Yao Mysterious Thunder to bombard the Yaotu in Jiulong Town.

All hope is in Li Xiaoyao.

Watching him practice with his eyes closed, Qin Yao couldn't bear to disturb him, but the 'sect leader system' was reclaimed by the system after ten days.

The cultivation has been away from the body for too long, and now it's this body again. It may take a few days to recover, "Li Xiaoyao said calmly.

Although the cultivation has been restored, it has been too long since leaving the body, and it will take more time for the dwarf's body cultivation to align with the body.

Li Xiaoyao also wants to leave the sealed magic circle as soon as possible and go outside to breathe fresh air.

The restoration of cultivation cannot be rushed. Once it exceeds the limit, it will lead to a backlash of cultivation, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

How many days

Qin Yao furrowed his brow slightly.

In this dark and endless demon sealing array, even ghosts don't know how to calculate time. He has been in the demon sealing array for some time, who knows how long it has been?

If there is only one day in the formation and one year outside, wouldn't that be... "Huh

Laozi is currently in the Demon Sealing Formation, so the system should calculate based on the time here. So, hehe, there is still a glimmer of hope, "Qin Yao secretly rejoiced.

Anyway, there's no rush now.

But the more anxious he was, the more worried Qin Yao became, because he didn't know if he could suppress the other demons in the sealed demon formation.

The four guardians were intimidated by him, but what about the other demons?

If some demons who are not afraid of death and pledge allegiance to the Yellow Spring Emperor rush towards us, wouldn't it be dangerous?

No, those demons will definitely have doubts if we wait like this, "Qin Yao's heart sank and he thought to himself.

To intimidate other demons in the Zhongfeng Demon Formation, relying solely on the 'Startling Sword' is definitely not enough. The deadly technique of approaching can only be released once a day, and can only be killed once. If those demons are not afraid of death and continue to advance, it will be disastrous.

To control the ten thousand demons in the sealed demon formation, we also need the power of the four major protectors.

Only when they enter four places can they subdue all the demons.

Yingying, don't wander around here. I'll let the Blood Sword protect you. "Qin Yao smiled lightly, his mind stirred, and the Blood Sword instantly flew to Yingying's side.

Yingying asked, "Brother Qin, where are you going

I'll go down and take a look, don't worry, I'll be fine

After finishing speaking, he smiled for a moment.

Immediately walk towards the passage.

Jinlun, are we still having a disciple of the Immortal Sect act recklessly like this? A little brat who broke through the realm of emptiness rode on our head and pooped, and asked us to guard him. How do you expect us to join the clan in the future? No, I'm going to kill him

The Four Great Protectors of Emperor Huangquan, with astonishing strength, were completely stunned by Qin Yao just now. Looking back now, although I was still scared for a while, I have become much clearer.

Si Ren is a senior member of the demon clan, second only to the top ten demon kings in their status. Today, he has fallen to become a gatekeeper for a disciple of the immortal sect.

This is simply a great shame.

One eyed, the power of that sword just now couldn't even resist the Emperor. Do you think we could be opponents? Although his cultivation level is in the realm of breaking through the void, his cultivation technique is extremely terrifying. Have we ever encountered such an entry

Did you notice that when he came in, he only broke through five levels of emptiness? After killing the emperor, his cultivation continuously broke through two levels and reached seven levels of emptiness. Has the outside world changed? The realm of emptiness actually killed the powerful saint. Yao, if we go out, will anyone be able to kill us


Can we still go out in our lifetime

Four people sighed at the same time, it has been tens of thousands of years, disappointed time and time again, and breaking through the sealed magic circle has become a fantasy.

Of course I can

Qin Yao's clothes were disheveled, his hair was sharp, and he walked down with an extremely satisfied expression. He had a faint smile on his face and coldly glanced at the four guardians, showing disdain. However, he secretly thought to himself, "Acting is really a technical job

Great immortal

Great immortal

At the same time, all four of them bowed and said, even the one eyed man who had just threatened to kill him had a respectful expression on his face, not daring to show any disrespect.

Although I said that, I dare not take action and my heart is filled with fear.

Qin Yao waved his hand to indicate that there was no need to be rigid, with a mysterious and inscrutable look on his face. He said with a smile, "I know you all have doubts. Not only you, but also all the demons below. If you don't agree, you can come to me. I'll fight until they win

Of course, if you don't agree, you can start now

Qin Yao exhaled lightly, the door wide open, and there was no breath in his body.

Great Immortal, we will submit

Yes, we obey. Who dares to disobey

Haha... "Qin Yao laughed a few times and said in a low voice," Don't you want to break through the seal of Jiulong Town? I have a way, only if you obediently obey, and within ten days, I will take you out

Can you take what the immortal said seriously

Do you really have a way to break through the seal of Jiulong Town

The seal of Jiulong Town cannot even be broken by the mighty sage, the Yellow Spring Emperor. You

Qin Yao glared at him and said, "Where is the Yellow Spring Emperor now

He's dead

How did he die? "Qin Yao asked again.

He was killed by the immortal

Qin Yao said, "What does that mean? It means I'm stronger than him

As long as you don't disturb me in any way within ten days, I will definitely be able to break through the magic circle, and you will be the second to go out The four guardians secretly became excited, longing for the outside world. After being trapped for tens of thousands of years, they finally saw a glimmer of hope.

Daxian, we listen to you

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