Endless Ascension

Chapter 281 - 281, Explosion!!!

Chapter 281: Chapter 281, Explosion!!!

Dantian repair is indeed a problem.

But the urgent task now is how to kill the Crimson Golden Lion Beast. It is very difficult to kill it with regeneration technology. Even if you cut a U-turn, it can regenerate. What else cannot regenerate?

Qin Ze, calm down.

I thought to myself, 'Try again!'

With one control of the right hand and a strong grip, the sword slowly rose from the formation, then shook and emitted a 'buzzing' sound, releasing the powerful force on the sword.

The Red Flame Golden Lion Beast felt the aura emanating from the Ba Jian's body and its expression changed.

However, without taking a step back, he took the opposite step and with a loud bang, his entire body rushed out like a rocket launch.

Bang, bang, bang

Step by step, the thunderous aura directly oppressed Qin Ze's mind. The strength of the Crimson Flame Golden Lion Beast was no less than that of any martial cultivator in the Great Perfection realm, so the aura it released could fiercely suppress Qin Ze's Sea of Consciousness.

My heart trembled and my brow furrowed like a mountain.

Ba Jian, come out


Qin Ze fell silent and drank, as a powerful sword, no less powerful than the Great Perfection realm, sliced through the void. The space twisted, and the sword suddenly grew larger, flying into mid air and abruptly cutting off.



The Red Flame Golden Lion Beast has evaded.

It seems that you are also afraid of the power of the Sword Spirit, "Qin Ze sneered, then used his mind to control the Sword Overlord to pursue. Then, the dragon elephant divine power in the dantian poured all its strength into his arms, and his arms stirred in a wave. The thick power was transmitted to the blade, and with the sound of the dragon sword 'zheng', his violent aura became even stronger.


The Red Flame Golden Lion roared like a big mountain, pressing down directly.

Qin Ze held the knife in both hands, his heart tightened, and as the Crimson Golden Lion charged forward, he rushed out. He looked up and drank heavily, "The Heavenly Sword is in perfect form

The dragon shaped sword surged out, striking directly into the sky.

The two meter long dragon sword fiercely pressed down on the Red Flame Golden Lion Beast, leaving a long incision in its abdomen.

The power on the Dragon Saber crazily destroyed the cell tissue in the body of the Red Flame Golden Lion Beast, and finally the fierce sword aura shot straight into the sky from its back.

A magnificent and unparalleled knife.

Qin Ze turned his head and did not stop there. The powerful sword that had been following behind the Red Flame Golden Lion Beast suddenly changed and once again slashed heavily.


The body of the Red Flame Golden Lion Beast is divided into two parts.

Blood splattered everywhere, intestines spilled all over the ground, and the scene was terrifying.

Uh, uh, uh, uh

The body was split in half, in excruciating pain, but the Crimson Flame Golden Lion Beast did not die. It lay on the ground in unbearable pain, with a furious nose and fierce eyes.

Still not alive

Qin Ze's expression was taken aback, and he jumped onto the head of the Crimson Golden Lion Beast. The dragon sword struck heavily, causing the skull to rupture and the brain matter to radiate. The scene was extremely bloody.

Not dead yet.

No matter how severe the injury is to the body, one will not die.

This is really Qi Sha Qin Ze, "he shouted angrily," I don't believe that killing is immortal

Jumping into mid air, the Dragon Saber fiercely examined the already shattered head, but even so, the system still did not sound a warning sound.

If the system has not improved, it means that the Red Flame Golden Lion Beast has not died yet.

Is it necessary for your grandfather to do this

Qin Ze cursed loudly.

Suddenly, his expression was startled, and a sound of breaking through the air whistled in.

The tail of the Red Flame Golden Lion Beast swept out with lightning speed, which shocked Qin Ze greatly. He couldn't believe that such a powerful beast could unleash such immense power after being injured.

It's too late to avoid.

Qin Ze held the dragon sword in both hands and unleashed his full strength.


Qin Ze was instantly blown away and shot heavily backwards, hitting several hundred feet away. His arms were numb and his muscles and bones were as if they were broken, causing immense pain. If it weren't for the Dragon Saber resisting some of the force, it would have been even worse.

Giggle, "

At the same time as Qin Ze flew out, the Red Flame Golden Lion Beast rapidly regenerated, and the dark aura on its body kept pouring into its body. In less than a few seconds, half of its body had already grown, just like the other half on the ground, and then its head, tightly wrapped around its neck, emerged with a fierce expression.

In ten seconds, a fierce and explosive Crimson Gold Lion Beast stood up alive, with a stronger aura than before. Its two bloodshot eyes were full of anger, and before Qin Ze could get up, it rushed out again quickly.

Can't you kill him

Where is its weakness

Dark aura

That's not right

Qin Ze furrowed his brow, thinking about how the body of the Red Flame Golden Lion Beast would be split and quickly heal, and how it would be injured three times before and after, and then quickly regenerate.

There must be a cover door

It's impossible to not die

There must be, where is it

Qin Ze was extremely anxious in his heart. Seeing that the Red Flame Golden Lion Beast was about to charge forward, he still couldn't think of a solution. Just killing it a few times didn't work, and killing it multiple times was useless.

Boom, boom, boom

Within the seventeen layers of the Sealing Demon Formation, there is an unparalleled frenzy. All the surrounding beasts dare not approach and hide far away, even Qin Ze dare not attack.

Because Qin Ze is the prey of their overlord, the Red Flame Golden Lion Beast.


Qin Ze's heart sank. His body had just been split in half, with the part without a tail discarded and the body with a tail regenerated.

It must be the tail

Its strongest attack is its tail.

Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that there were countless thin, sparkling light spots on the tail, which were very weak and difficult to detect in the thick fur. Moreover, the most intense dark aura on the body of the Crimson Gold Lion was in its tail.


Qin Ze gave a cold smile, grabbed his left hand, and shouted, "Blood Sword, come out

Two sword spirits appeared, and Qin Ze's mind was stirred. The Ba Sword and Blood Sword both broke into the void and disappeared. At the same time, Qin Ze's Dragon Sword was raised high and struck heavily.

The dragon shaped sword rushed out with a strong aura, rolling up layers of dust and confusing the eyes of the Crimson Flame Golden Lion Beast.

The wild dragon set sail, and the divine elephant shook the sky


The powerful anti evil power was released and attacked along with the dragon shaped sword qi.

Boom boom

The dragon shaped sword qi was shattered, and the power to suppress evil was dispersed.

Qin Ze stood there coldly, motionless.

The Red Flame Golden Lion Beast is extremely ferocious, with its giant tail thrown out heavily, and with a stroke in the air, it swept away like black lightning, carrying an incredible power.

The giant tail possesses immense power, not only that, but also contains the hellish divine power bestowed upon it by the hellish Asura King, crushing all power.

Mao Mao's strong physique was only strangled once and almost died.

You can see how powerful the tail is!

Cut off

When the giant tail shook and Qin Ze was less than half a meter away, Qin Ze drank heavily.

Blood Sword and Tyrant Sword rushed out simultaneously, fiercely slashing towards the giant tail.

The giant tail broke into two pieces.

Ah... "

The Crimson Golden Lion let out a howl like a pig, a more agonizing cry than the previous ones.

It hurts, isn't it

Go die

Qin Ze, who had long been ready to take off, suddenly clenched his hands, his dragon sword flashed, a cold light suddenly appeared, and he struck with one strike.


The head was split open, and blood gushed out.

At the same time, a system prompt sound sounded in Qin Ze's mind.

God bless, we must unleash the technique of regeneration


This is taken from fre𝒆webnove(l).𝐜𝐨𝗺

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