Endless Ascension

Chapter 268 - 268, Falling into Madness

Chapter 268: Chapter 268, Falling into Madness

In a coma, Qin Ze felt his body lifted by a force and flew into the void. In the blink of an eye, he left the Ten Thousand Snake Valley and walked towards the direction of the Refining Hall.

Breaking through the second level and being knocked unconscious with just one casual move shows the terrifying power of this force.

Qin Ze doesn't even know what Sword Spirit is, let alone have ever seen it.

But suddenly in my heart, I remembered Wu Tian's words, "I have never seen such a powerful sword before." I sank to my heart and said, "Could it be that the master of the Sword Spirit is Shen Yan, the lord of Lieyang Palace

Shen Yan has only broken through one level of emptiness and hasn't made any further progress in decades. How could he summon such a powerful sword spirit

Although the sword spirit is not limited by the power of the alchemist, it is probably not an ordinary difficulty to refine and summon the sword spirit with Shen Yan, who has broken through the banquet level.

Moreover, the sword spirit is extremely difficult to control, and even a slight mistake can backfire, with unimaginable consequences.

Who exactly is it

Qin Ze kept thinking about this question in his mind, and eventually his consciousness became increasingly blurred, until he even lost consciousness.

I don't know how long I've been unconscious.

When Qin Ze woke up again, he was in a refining room, specifically Shen Yan's exclusive refining room. He was shocked and silently asked, "Is it really Shen Yan

The refining room is very simple, with not many items displayed, but there are a few that Qin Ze is extremely familiar with, such as the Dark Sea Fire, the Geng Jin Qi, and a bumpy stone with a unique material. It cannot help but think of the "Demon Star Meteorite" that Shen Yan found decades ago

These few things make Qin Ze one of the oak trees.

It is indeed used for refining

From the beginning, Qin Ze secretly speculated that Shen Yan would collect these to secretly refine a divine weapon, but he didn't expect that it hadn't been refined yet.

You're awake

Shen Yan pushed open the door and entered, glanced at Qin Ze, and gave a faint smile.

Master, why am I here? What's going on with the Sword Spirit

Qin Ze pretended to know nothing and wanted to stand up, but suddenly realized that he had no strength at all and felt like he was completely exhausted.

Suddenly, his brow furrowed and he immediately released his true energy, only to find that Dantian was also imprisoned and dared not display any true energy.

Don't waste your efforts, even the Great Luo Immortal can't break through the trapped dragon bracelet on your body. "Shen Yan still maintained a faint smile and amiable appearance.

However, at this moment, Qin Ze felt extremely disgusted.

Master, did the disciple do something wrong? "Qin Ze leaned against the side, his eyes filled with questions, but his heart secretly became anxious.

He didn't know what Shen Yan meant by arresting him, but it definitely wouldn't be a good thing.

And looking at her faint smile, Qin Ze felt an impulse to hit someone. He didn't feel it before, but now he finds that smile incredibly disgusting.

You did a great job and surprised me

Shen Yan walked over to the furnace cauldron, and a burst of true energy was released slightly from his palm. The flames in the cauldron immediately spewed out.

The flames were raging, and the room should be hot, but Qin Ze couldn't feel any warmth. On the contrary, he felt a chill rushing towards him, and the temperature in the room suddenly dropped.

Do you know why flames become cold

Shen Yan looked at Qin Ze's surprised expression with great interest and said, "Because it is the Xuanming Divine Ice, the best fuel in the world, even stronger than the True Qi Fire, and of course slightly inferior to the Dark Sea Strange Fire you found

This is what I got a hundred years ago

A hundred years ago? "Qin Ze's heart tightened secretly." Could it be that Shen Yan was preparing a hundred years ago

Do you know what is the strongest in the world

He is a alchemist

Do you know why

Because only alchemists can refine the most powerful treasures, immortal artifacts, divine artifacts, and even immortal royal artifacts

The divine weapon that cannot be produced for thousands of years seems to be nurtured between heaven and earth, but in fact, it is just the Heavenly Dao treating heaven and earth as furnace cauldrons. It takes tens of thousands of years to produce one after refining. The reason why its power is powerful is because it contains the intention of the alchemist, that is, the power of the Heavenly Dao

Shen Yan's eyes twitched slightly with fanaticism, and then he crouched down in front of Qin Ze, laughing and saying, "Do you know why I caught you

Qin Ze shook his head awkwardly.

But I was shocked by Shen Yan's words just now. If it weren't for the Dragon Blade, could he kill the strong defensive Purple Crystal Beast?

Magic weapons can indeed turn an ordinary person into a superpower.

But the source of power is everything.

Why does Da Yuanman need to overcome tribulation to become holy? Go against the heavens, transcend the control of the Heavenly Way, and achieve the great fearless sage, surpassing the Heavenly Way.

Because you are the perfect tool


Shen Yan suddenly burst out laughing loudly, his laughter extremely sharp and piercing.

Are you mixing up Qin Ze's heart was suddenly shaken, and he suddenly realized that humans can indeed be used as weapons. The perfect fusion of divine thoughts and weapons can unleash power countless times stronger than ordinary magic weapons.

Only evil alchemists can do this.

Now Qin Ze finally knows.

From the beginning, he fell into Shen Yan's trap and became an accomplice in killing himself. He obtained the Dark Sea Fire and the Geng Jin Qi on behalf of Shen Yan.

There is no good person in this sect

Qin Ze cursed fiercely in his heart, looking at the pair of trapped dragon bracelets on his arms. Despite the constant luck in Dantian, he couldn't condense any true energy, let alone break through the trapped dragon bracelets.

As Shen Yan said, even Da Luo Jin Xian cannot break through the trapped dragon bracelet.

If I don't find a way to escape, I will become a tool mixer and never reincarnate. I didn't expect to be killed by the Red Moon Demon Lord, but instead refined into a magic weapon by Shen Yan.

Damn it, is Laozi so tragic? "Qin Ze was extremely angry in his heart, his eyes fixed on Shen Yan, with a cold gleam in his eyes.

It's useless for you to look at me like this, "Shen Yan stood up, looked at the fire in the cauldron, and then suddenly emptied his hands, furrowed his brow, and sent out his powerful true energy. He coldly drank," Sword Spirit, come out... "" Buzzing

Ringing bells, ringing bells

A strong sword roar echoed in the room, and then a silver long sword engraved with mysterious runes slowly appeared in the void beneath Shen Yan's right palm.

Draw the spirit

Qin Ze finally saw clearly, looking at the long sword suspended in the air, his heart was greatly shocked. An ordinary sword, with just a few mysterious runes, has the power to rival the Great Perfection realm?

He is the sword spirit who saved you yesterday. It took me eighty years to finally refine it. In half an hour, you will merge with him and become a peerless divine weapon. Qin Ze, you should be proud

Starting tomorrow, everyone in the world will tremble when they hear your name

By the way, your future name also has the character 'Tian', but it's not Qin Ze, but the 'Jingtian' Jingtian Divine Sword. Isn't that a good name

Shen Yan felt proud and gently caressed the sword spirit, revealing a motherly gaze. The price she paid for refining the sword spirit was that her own cultivation was difficult to further improve.

Only when the cultivation of divine weapons is successful, everything invested is worth it.

Without madness, how can one become possessed?

Shen Yan's ambition is greater than anyone else's. When the Hidden Heavenly Machine fell, she missed the perfect opportunity, but this time she will definitely succeed.

Only when the refining is successful, the three great elders do not take it seriously, let alone the patriarch Long Xiaotian.

The top ten immortal sects will all be at her beck and call.

She wants to prove to the world that the alchemist is the strongest being.

Shen Yan has become obsessed.


As soon as Shen Yan drank, the sword spirit buzzed and exploded, transforming into countless sword shadows in mid air before rushing straight into the cauldron. The flames released by the Xuanming Divine Ice instantly enveloped it.

In the furnace cauldron, the sword spirit is suspended in flames, and sword qi is raging.

Shen Yan's eyebrows trembled, and with one hand, a powerful force suddenly erupted. The 'Demon Star Meteorite' on the table instantly fell into her hands.

The powerful true energy on the palm wrapped around the meteorite, and in the blink of an eye, the second layer of the furnace cauldron was thrown away. With a sudden drink, the flames grew louder with a loud bang.

The demon star meteorite fell into the furnace cauldron, emitting black flames and making a ghostly cry.

Shen Yan smiled contentedly and crouched down again to look at Qin Ze, saying, "It's your turn next." "Before I died, I had a question that I never understood," Qin Ze looked at Shen Yan and said.

Shen Yan said in a big way, "I'll tell you back anything I know

Why did you capture Flame Heart and them? "" They are of no use to you. You can summon sword spirits and don't need to threaten me with them to deal with me, "Qin Ze asked.


Shen Yan gave a faint smile and suddenly said, "They are very safe. After you die, they will be even safer." "Wu Tian didn't lie to me, it was indeed you who caught them," Qin Ze gave a bitter smile.

Everything is in Shen Yan's calculations.

I used to think I was cunning, but compared to Shen Yan, Qin Ze is far behind.

How much ambition is needed to sustain the great perseverance of refining a divine weapon that can lurk for a hundred years?

The black gas in the demon star meteorite in the cauldron gradually faded and then began to slowly melt. Shen Yan showed a happy expression and looked at Qin Ze, saying, "Don't worry, you won't die, and you'll never die." "You should feel happy and honored

Qin Ze gave a bitter smile, struggled to stand up, and looked at Shen Yan. His eyebrows twisted heavily, and he shouted, "Explosion!!!" A black jade pendant rushed out of his chest.

Suddenly releasing a powerful force of the universe, it charged straight towards Shen Yan.

The demon lord gave him a talisman.

Anyone who is not a master of the Great Perfection realm will be killed.

Boom boom

The room made a loud bang and shook like a mountain.

Qin Ze snorted coldly, "Shen Yan, just because you want to refine me

The power of the universe on the black jade pendant was extremely powerful, instantly impacting Shen Yan's chest. The entire room was scattered and chaotic, with dust and ashes flying everywhere.

As long as Shen Yan dies, Qin Ze can escape. As for how to untie the trapped dragon bracelet, this is a matter for the future. The key now is to save his life.

After knowing that Yan Xin and the others were okay, Qin Ze immediately made up his mind.

There was a deafening noise in the room, and the stone slabs on the ground shattered into powder. Five fingers were nowhere to be seen in the entire room. Being hit by the power of the universe, Shen Yan, who had broken through the first level of the air, had no choice but to die.

Qin Ze walked towards the door, but as soon as he took a step, he was caught by a force, lifted up by the force, and thrown directly into the cauldron.

Haha... "" Do you want to kill me? "" In the next life... "" Haha... "As the dust cleared, Shen Yan became extremely fierce, with disheveled hair and bloodshot eyes. He laughed wildly, as cold as a ghost crying and howling like a wolf, extremely wild!!.

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