Endless Ascension

Chapter 12: Lolita Yunman

Chapter 12: Lolita Yunman

Qin Ze's sudden rise has shocked many and angered quite a few.

At night, in a courtyard of the Qin Family, candles flickered.

"This pill is called the Fiery Sun Pill. Upon ingestion, it can instantly double one's strength. Take it with you."

"Father, rest assured, I'll make sure he doesn't come out alive from the Autumn Hunt."

"Kun, don't take this pill unless it's absolutely necessary."

"Understood, Father."

Qin Xiangtian's eyes flickered with uncertainty. He wasn't sure if giving the Fiery Sun Pill to Qin Kun was the right decision. While the pill could indeed double one's strength instantly, it came with a severe side effect—it depleted one's lifespan, leaving the user utterly exhausted after the effect wore off. In other words, once taken, the user must defeat their opponent, or the consequences would be unimaginable.

Qin Ze was someone he had to kill, for reasons he kept to himself.

However, Qin Ze had now become a key protected figure in the Qin Family, making it impossible to strike him directly. The only hope now rested on the Autumn Hunt.

According to his information, Qin Ze was at the sixth level of martial cultivation, while Qin Kun was at the peak of the seventh level. With the Fiery Sun Pill, killing Qin Ze shouldn't be too difficult.

Three days later, within the secluded training grounds of the Qin Family.

This place was reserved for the elites of the Qin Family, and ordinary individuals were not allowed to enter.

Standing on the steps, Qin Zhantian looked at the dozens of young martial artists above the fifth level, feeling a sense of emotion. They were the fresh blood of the Qin Family, who might one day become its pillars or achieve even greater heights.

"How many of them will emerge alive?" Qin Zhantian silently asked himself.

Qin Ze stood quietly in a corner, afraid that he might lose control and attack Qin Xiangtian, the "BOSS" in his mind. For three days, he had been consumed by thoughts of how to kill Qin Xiangtian, to "defeat" him.

While it might seem like a game, he was facing a real person, a human with intelligence just like him. Dealing with such a "BOSS," Qin Ze knew he couldn't act rashly. He needed a plan, thorough preparation, and a step-by-step approach.

Qin Zhantian delivered an impassioned speech before announcing the rewards for the first place winner of the Autumn Hunt.

The crowd was brimming with high spirits, as if fueled by an endless source of adrenaline.

The Hunting Contest, though nominally a competition, was in essence a brutal slaughter, devoid of any rules or mercy.

For three days straight, it was a relentless cycle of killing.

For the younger generation, this was a trial, a spiritual baptism. Those who survived with luck would become the focus of the Qin Family's nurturing efforts, and in the future, might even contend for the position of Clan Leader.

To survive, one had to be ruthless.

This was the unwavering law of existence.

The hunting grounds stretched across the mountains near the Kunlun Range, where mists swirled and poisonous miasmas lurked. Roars of ferocious beasts echoed through the forest, serving as warnings: Danger ahead, keep away.

Once inside, the fifty-seven Qin Family disciples automatically dispersed, each fighting for themselves, except for a few groups who stuck together.

Qin stood at the entrance, casting a cold smile into the dark, dense woods, his thoughts echoing, "The hunt has begun..."

"Hey, let's go together. I... I'm a little scared..."

A timid voice drifted towards him.

Qin Ze hesitated when he saw the trembling girl not far away, ready to decline, but then a system notification sounded in his mind, "Accept Yun Man's team invitation. Task reward: 100 experience points, 50 Qi points, 20 Production points."

"What the hell is the system up to now? When did it start offering team invitations? She's not even a player."

Confused, Qin Ze knew that having a girl by his side would only slow him down, hindering his hunting efficiency and potentially exposing his secret of cultivating the Dragon Elephant Void Scripture.

Yet, declining would incur a system penalty. Reluctantly, he mentally muttered, 'Accept' and calmly replied, "Alright."

Yun Man jumped with joy, innocently exclaiming, "Really? That's great, heehee..."

Qin Ze shook his head and sighed, but as he gazed at Yun Man's delicate features and slender legs, he found some solace. In this brutal journey, having a pretty companion by his side was a pleasant distraction.

The two of them moved forward together, strange insects darting out from the trees now and then. Yun Man would instantly shrink into fear, hiding behind Qin Ze, only to recover swiftly and unleash astonishing violence, stamping every insect to death without mercy. It was unclear whether she feared or hated them.

As they approached the fringes of the Kunlun Mountains, the area was relatively free of demonic beasts, allowing the two to travel with ease. Occasionally, Yunman would burst into childish antics, much to Qin Ze's amusement and frustration.

Her actions, though naive, exuded an endearing charm.

In a different life, Qin Ze might have chosen a scenic spot to cultivate a deeper bond with her, discussing life, dreams, and aspirations. But in this present reality, the uncertainty of the next moment kept such notions at bay.

As they ventured deeper, the trees grew denser, casting a sinister shadow over their path.

"Hey, can we walk slower? I'm scared," Yunman whispered, her voice barely audible.

"No," Qin Ze replied curtly, showing no mercy. Yunman pouted, her cherry lips forming a petulant expression, and glared at him, feeling utterly betrayed.

Suddenly, a loud, heavy panting was followed by screams. Qin Ze's eyes narrowed, and he halted immediately. After a moment of listening intently, he instructed Yunman, "Stay close to me. Don't lose sight of me."

"Hey, what are you going to do?" Yunman's question was cut short as Qin Ze sprinted off like a leopard, darting through the trees with grace and precision.

Yunman's eyes widened in shock, tears welling up in her big, frightened eyes. She stamped her foot angrily before glancing around at the dark, foreboding surroundings, and immediately chased after Qin Ze.

Qin Ze didn't increase his speed excessively, knowing that anyone who could enter the hunting grounds must possess at least the fifth level of martial cultivation. He trusted that Yunman would catch up easily.

Yet, to his surprise, it took only a few breaths for Yunman to catch up, her movements so graceful and light that she seemed to float on air, like a fairy descending from the clouds.

"Hmph, what are you staring at?" Yunman's huff was met with Qin Ze's silent admiration. Inwardly, he marveled, "This little girl, she's got some serious skills."

The Fierce King Tiger, a second-tier beast, measured ten feet in length, its body adorned with flames-like patterns, its strength terrifying. Its hide was harder than steel, and the only way to slay it was to strike its head.

Yet, its speed was extraordinary, making it nearly impossible to hit.

Qin Shan, Qin Niu, and Qin Hu formed a triangular formation around it, trapping the Fierce King Tiger, which had already lost an eye, cornered and desperate.

Joy shone on their faces. Qin Niu chuckled inanely, saying, "A second-tier beast is nothing after all."

"Haha, exactly..."

"Shan Brother, a second-tier beast is worth 5 points. How are we going to split it among the three of us?"

"No need to split yet, let's kill it first."

"That's right."

Suddenly, they launched their attacks simultaneously, but their strikes lacked the ferocity of before. Qin Ze, hiding in the shadows, saw through their deception immediately. They were holding back, distrusting each other.

It was only a matter of time before they turned on each other.

"Niu, why aren't you putting in effort? You're barely using three layers of your Ox Strength. What are you up to?"

"Dammit, don't just blame me. Shan isn't any different."


The Fierce King Tiger let out a deafening roar, clawing the ground fiercely before leaping towards Qin Hu. Qin Hu's face contorted in fear, shouting, "Help me..."

At this moment, Qin Shan and Qin Niu revealed sinister smiles. Help you? In your dreams.


The Fierce King Tiger snapped Qin Hu's neck in one bite, blood splattering everywhere.

"Niu, I'll take two points, you take three. Let's finish it off."

"Haha, got it."

Qin Niu channeled his full Qi, unleashing ten layers of his Ox Strength. His fists, like mountains cracking, slammed into the Fierce King Tiger's head, flipping it over and leaving it writhing on the ground, barely alive.

"Ha ha, Da Niu, the full power of your Man Niu Jin is indeed formidable." Qin Shan placed his hands behind his back and walked slowly towards Qin Niu.

From the shadows, Qin Ze sneered coldly, thinking to himself, "So greedy."

As Qin Shan drew closer, he abruptly thrust his hands forward, unleashing a fierce burst of qi. Qin Niu, on the other hand, merely smiled coldly and declared, "You're still far below my level."

Anticipating Qin Shan's move, Qin Niu had already activated his qi skills, preparing for a lethal strike.

Their fists and palms clashed, and both men were violently thrown back, their internal energies churning violently. Blood spouted from their mouths as they struggled to contain the shock.

"Ha ha..."

"Truly spectacular..."

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