Joseph was doubtful about it.

Irish looked back to Jordan and asked lightly, "Am I right?" She was clear about Jordan's personality.

Dare he grabs her with his brother? Irish could be certain that Jordan dared not to do it.

Having been along with Jordan for a long time, she could clearly feel that Jordan cared for Joseph very much. He respected his brother and also complained about him. She could understand this kind of state of mind. The more he cared for him, the more he valued everything related to them.

Per Jordan's personality, he was the kind of person who would just give up silently while knowing that they both fell in love with the same girl if there was no contradiction.

However, Jordan hated Joseph now, so it was true that he dared not to grab Irish, but it didn't mean that he wouldn't say something to make Joseph furious.

Irish did it to tell him that she belonged to his brother. She also helped him out of such an embarrassing situation.

Not everything should be done so completely. She did it to help him, not destroy him.

Jordan did as she imagined. He just closed his lips lightly, neither admitting nor denying.

Maybe he was unclear about his mind, either.

Irish thought it was good. At least when he was not clear, any decision would not be made by others or by him under pressure.

Irish believed that Joseph would not believe her words. If her words were real, Jordan's behavior was immoral.

She believed that Joseph knew why she said that. She did it not only for Jordan's dignity but only for their dangerous relationship.

The atmosphere got quiet again.

After a while, Jordan said with a lower voice, "If you are really, for my goodness, please let me race my motorcycle."

His attitude became milder.

Joseph didn't shout to him, looking at him, "No. You must go abroad. You can do everything when you go abroad, but racing motorcycles are forbidden."

"Why do you oppose it?" Jordan became angrier.

Joseph just lifted up his voice, unhappy," "Race motorcycle? Was it not enough for you to make your coach lose two legs two years ago, and now you want his life? Jordan, you should be more reserved. Do not let me do everything for you, okay?"

"You just look down upon me!"

"Yes, do you want my respect? If you are really able, you will not make accidents happen on the one surrounding you."ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom


"Okay. Okay. Could you please have a good talk?" Irish was even mad. She avoided a topic, but another tricky one appeared. She really doubted whether they both were father and son. They seemed not to be brothers, actually.

Joseph's words obviously hurt Jordan. He laughed loudly with hatred and embarrassment. It was the first time Irish saw Jordan laughing so loudly. She felt frightened.

He pointed at Joseph, saying word by word, "Are you entitled to say this? Haven't you made accidents happen to the ones surrounding you? Leo regarded you as his best friend, but how about you? You never took friendship into consideration. Between jewelry and friendship, you choose the former. You even almost killed Leo! Do you think that Jenny's death has nothing to do with you? Let's talk about me!"

Jordan patted his chest and even crept, "Joseph, I am your brother, but you only cherish your own interests. Why do I become like this? You made it happen! When I was young, I respected you. Wherever you went, I would follow you. I showed off to the whole world that I had a perfect brother. I felt so proud of you. However, what did you do to me? Where were you when I was kidnapped? You were only concerned about your diamond mines instead of me. You made me know in despair that the brotherhood was just a joke!"

Jordan had been kidnapped, and it was like a thunder in the ear burst, and then hearing it, Irish was dumbfounded.

Joseph and Jordan were each other's only relatives in the world. From this point of view, the relationship between these two people should be attached to each other, and they should care for each other. But the degree of irregularity between these two people could easily be felt by outsiders. Irish once thought about the reason and was convinced there must be a reason. Otherwise, Jordan would never be so revolting against Joseph.

Of course, the reason thought by Irish was very simple but also very reasonable. She knew Joseph's character, facing his brother, the only relative in the world, who played not only the role of the eldest brother but also the role of father. Well, of course, he had a lot of burdens on him, for example, what road to take and how to develop in the future.

Once he had made up his mind, he was bound to do everything himself to pave the way for Jordan, as could be seen from the universities and majors he attended.

Irish felt that Joseph loved his brother deeply and loved him to the extreme, and always regarded him as a child, so no matter how old he was, Joseph had to interfere in his life, which, in his eyes, was for the good of his brother.

He was, first and foremost, a man of ideas and pursuits, who had something he wanted to do, but it was obvious that Joseph's interference was contrary to his ideals, and it was normal for Jordan to complain about Joseph.

Irish had always believed that it was Joseph who had a problem with how he cared about Jordan, so it caused many problems.

But today, she really knew that Jordan hated Joseph and had other feelings.

What exactly happened?

Why had Jordan been kidnapped? Who had kidnapped him? What kind of request did the kidnapper make to Joseph? And what did Joseph do at the time?

For rich children or relatives who were kidnapped and then blackmailed, Joseph was not the first or the last. Interests gave people motivation and evil thoughts, so it was unsurprising that some people focused on Joseph.

It could be reckoned that Joseph had not been kidnapped by people when he was a child because even then, Joseph was at school, and the kidnappers were not motivated to kidnap Jordan. Since Jordan mentioned the mine, that must be in the business circle, at least when people knew his identity as the person in charge of mining.

And what about Leo?

Irish knew the fierce competition between the two men in South Africa and also knew what Leo did to Joseph. The reason why Leo fought back in South Africa and the reason why the relationship between the two men had become so subtle must have been something Joseph had done to Leo before.

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