They also have to earn a living, so they have to cherish time. That was why they couldn't wait here and couldn't get the chance to make money.

Joseph was restless, but he looked more severe since he heard the words of that worker, and his face seemed to be iced while his eyes looked so unpleasant. Finally, when Daisy was about to step forward and comfort him, Joseph took out his wallet, took all of the cash to the man, and said coldly, "Keep waiting here."

The man picked up the money on the ground while another worker also stepped forward as if they feared the money would be blown away by the wind. However, after getting the money, those men were not anxious anymore and bowed unctuously to Joseph.

Joseph ignored those men and stood before Rachel's tombstone, staring at her smiling picture on it, and sighed heavily. He never believed in the supernatural and didn't believe there was another world for the dead. The reason why living people paid homage to the dead was that they wanted to seek psychological comfort. The dead people were like distinguished lamps, and how could they be omnipotent after death since they could not help too many people when they were still alive?

But now he was praying for Rachel's blessing in his heart, and he hoped Irish would be safe.

He moved his eyes and looked at the pedestal of the tablet, which was clean, and there was no wild grass around. It was the workers of the cemetery who cleaned up here. It reminded him of the scene when Irish stood before the grave monument. The cold wind almost swallowed her up. Joseph suddenly felt sore, and his heart trembled, but soon a light flashed in his mind.

When the thought popped into his mind, it only left a shadow, but Joseph immediately grabbed it. The hunch that condensed in his brain was even stronger when the idea was getting clearer as if the fireworks were blasting in his mind. Joseph squinted, and soon a bold idea emerged.

"Come over here." He turned to those workers and said loudly to them.

Those workers thought they could start the work, so they hastily walked forward with their tools.

Others didn't know what he would do, so they also stepped forward.

Joseph pointed at the pedestal of the tablet and said after a long while, "Lever it up."

All of them were shocked by his words except for those workers since they came here to bury the remains, so they were about to unclench it.

Steven rushed forward and stopped them, roaring at Joseph, "What are you going to do?"

Daisy was also confused and said in a low voice, "Mr. Dover, Irish is not here, and you can't ask them to lever it up and have to wait for her to bring Mr. Henry's remains."

Joseph ignored Daisy's words and didn't look up at Steven but roared at the workers, "Why you still don't start work? Lever it up."

"Stop!" Mary rushed forward and blocked in front of the tombstone, "Stop! What are you going to do? No one could lever it up before you explain to us clearly."

Joseph took a look at the watch and looked worried. Mary was blocked in front of him, and he had no choice, so he had to explain, "I suspect that it is an empty tomb."

All of them were shocked, especially Mary, who almost screamed, "It is impossible."

Steven also shook his head and said, "We buried Rachel's ashes in person, so it is impossible to be an empty tomb."

"Lever it up, and we could find the truth." Joseph said firmly and stared at Steven with his profound eyes, "I have to know if it is an empty tomb, and only in this way could I find Irish."

"What do you mean?" Steven was stunned.

Joseph stared at the picture on the tombstone while a cold blast of wind rose at this moment. A piece of leaf swiped from Rachel's picture fell on the tombstone soundlessly and made a creaking sound.

His heart also trembled, and he sighed and replied, "Now we have eliminated the possibility of kidnapping and accident. Why doesn't she come here? Henry is her father, and she wouldn't go wrong at such a crucial time."

Steven was astonished and said after a while, "But what if she really had an accident on the way to the cemetery?"

"So we have to check out if it is an empty tomb," Joseph replied word by word.

The cold wind wiped his eyebrows while all of the people there were silent. Perhaps they were startled by Joseph's idea.

Joseph didn't want to lose time, so he ordered those workers to start work.

The workers stepped forward and then began to unclench it with the tools. Before Steven could react, they had started to lever it, and it was too late for him to stop them.

Soon the experienced worker prized up the location where the urn was buried without causing any damage, but when they completely prized it up, they gasped with surprise.

"S....Sir, look." One of the workers called Joseph stutteringly and pointed at the position under the pedestal of the tombstone with his eyes widening.

Joseph stepped forward, and soon he also frowned tightly.

Steven and Mary also rushed forward, but soon Mary's scream sounded, "How could it be possible? How could it be an empty tomb? Where is Rachel? Why are her ashes gone?"

Steven stood in great astonishment, and he mumbled while shaking his head, "It is impossible. It is impossible to be empty. I buried it in person."

Joseph squatted and touched the soil in it and then pinched it to observe carefully. He found that it was much moister than the soil outside. And then he observed the pit, which was gentle without an imprint which meant that it was not transferred lately.

He asked one of the workers for his suggestion, and the man also squatted down, looking at the moist, and then took out the tool to measure the situation of the tablet. He repeatedly looked at the edge of the tombstone and finally drew a conclusion, "I could draw a preliminary conclusion that the urn here was taken away more than ten years ago. Look, the imprint on the edge of the pedestal of the tablet is an old one, and it was caused ten years ago."

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