It was because life was dull and the way to pursue happiness was tough, and they may have given up in the process, so when others gained their happiness, they would be envious.

Of course, Adam's care was sincere, and he was pursuing what he wanted.

Irish explained to him that she was living at her friend's house but said nothing else to him.

However, it seemed that Adam had many words to say to her and was reluctant to hang up.

Irish was absent-minded when Adam suddenly said, "Irish, I know you are not happy these days, so why not go rock climbing with me together. I know a good place for rock climbing."

After hearing this, the first thought that came to Irish was, why would he know she was in a low mood? So she sighed slightly and was going to refuse his invitation. But she suddenly remembered Jordan's words and quickly changed her mind and accepted his proposal.

Perhaps Adam didn't expect that she would agree with him so easily, so he was so excited. "Really?" He asked in reply very excitedly.

"Yes." Irish replied again with a low voice and then added, "But you have to help me because I haven't climbed a rock for a long time." She remembered that Adam said he liked rock climbing, so he may be skillful at rock climbing.

"No problem. I will take care of your safety." Adam promised her firmly.

They had a temporary appointment then.

After the call, Irish called Leo, and he picked up the phone soon.

"Thank God that you finally called me." He said.

"Or what?" She took a bolster, leaning on it, and asked with a smile.

"Or I will force Joseph to tell me where you are with a knife."

Irish puckered her mouth into a smile.

"Be serious. Where are you?" Leo asked her hastily.

"Don't ask me where I am. Are you free this weekend? Or are you busy coping with the Runestone Group?"

"I will put aside everything if a beauty would like to make an appointment with me," Leo said slowly.

After hearing this, Irish hastily replied, "That's settled then."

"Well, I have to know what we are going to do."

"You can't live with your acrophobia for your whole life." Irish smiled slyly.

Leo was silent for a while and then replied, "In fact, I think it doesn't matter to live with acrophobia."

Hearing this, Irish finally played her trump card, "Be decisive. Will you come this Sunday?"

"Well..... okay," Leo promised reluctantly.

After putting down her phone, Irish was relieved. Though she admitted that she was a little selfish since she knew Leo had acrophobia, she knew it was the only way to convince Jordan. She had to overcome her psychological obstacle, so she had to get help from an experienced man, and that was Adam.

She understood Adam's intention, so she asked Leo to come with her together to let Adam understand that it was not a date between two people.


It was in the assembly room of the Runestone Group, and they were holding a senior leadership meeting.

Henry was sitting on the rostrum, listening to the work report, but he felt dizzy, and the report's content left no trace in his mind.

In this way, he gradually felt that the voice was getting inaudible, as well as the clicking sound of the mouse beside him.

There was a faint fragrance that freshened up him slightly.

He looked up slightly but found a woman's figure shrouded in a thin mist that blurred his eyesight.

The figure was getting closer to him until her face was finally revealed in front of him.please visit

Henry was surprised. It was Rachel!

"Mr. Henry." Someone called beside him anxiously.

It gave him a violent shudder, and when he took a look again, he found Rachel had gone.

He then returned to reality while the secretary looked at him with weird eyes.

"Mr. Henry, are you okay? Do you need me to call the doctor for you?" His secretary asked quietly beside him.

Henry took a deep breath and replied, "I am fine. Go on."

He wiped his forehead and found it was wet from cold sweat.

"Is Christmas coming soon?" He asked.

"Yes." The secretary nodded.

Henry leaned against the chair while his eyes turned dreary. Finally, he fell into meditation, and his thoughts began to drift away with the images in his mind.

Christmas Day was coming soon.

Rachel, did you come to blame me?

"Mr. Henry?" The secretary saw that his face was pale and was worried about him.

Henry urged his secretary quietly, "Order a bunch of white chrysanthemums for me after the meeting and cancel all of the arrangements this afternoon."

The secretary was shocked slightly and then nodded.


Lilith was scolded by her leader since she took the wrong diamond and the wrong tools to the appraiser.

Lilith was still absentminded when she had lunch, and she sat in a corner, but soon Cassie came over with the plate and sat down opposite her.

Lilith glanced at her but said nothing.

"I heard the matter this morning. It is unavoidable to make mistakes, so you don't have to worry." Cassie comforted her softly.

Lilith said nothing but sighed heavily.

"What happened to you?" Cassie usually got close contact with her, and they were also in the same department, so she knew Lilith well and knew she was a positive girl.

Lilith puckered her mouth and then said, "I am so worried."

"Are you worried for Jay?" Cassie asked directly.

Lilith nodded while Cassie smiled softly and patted her hands, "I have known him earlier than you and trust his capability, so don't worry, and he will be fine."

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom "But he can't be contacted now. And even the Anti-drug center also failed to contact him." Lilith sounded upset.

Cassie was shocked after hearing this.

Perceiving her astonishment, Lilith's worry flooded her heart. She grabbed Cassie's hands and asked anxiously, "You haven't encountered such a situation though you have known him for so many years, right?"

Lilith was right, and at least she had never heard from Irish.

But she knew that she couldn't add fuel to the flames at this crucial moment, and she calmed down quickly, trying to comfort Lilith softly, "Perhaps it is a special task, so it takes him longer. Moreover, he may be somewhere with poor signals, so he can't be contacted."

She was curious to know if it would be the case, as she said. In fact, Cassie didn't know what happened since even the Anti-drug center couldn't get in contact with Jay.

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