Irish seemed to think of something, "I still couldn't understand why those papers burned themselves without any reason."

"It was due to a solution of polyether and methyl diisocyanate." Joseph told her, "Later, I saw the comburent in the study room, and there was a special solution on the papers. And it contained some elements with a characteristic of spontaneous combustion, such as polyether and methyl diisocyanate."

Actually, when Irish was in senior high school, she hated chemistry and physics the most. She felt more confused when Joseph said it. She knew his expertise in science, and it was just a little case for him.

However, she couldn't understand it.

"Put it simply, and it is just one of the raw materials of plastics." Joseph figured out her doubt and tried his best to express it clearly, "When the other party specialized in these self-igniting solutions, the amount of the polymerization inhibitor was deliberately added. As a result, some raw materials could be self-polymerized to radiate heat, spontaneous combustion, etc. But, of course, many added conditions are needed for spontaneous combustion, and the environment in the study room at that time was the most suitable."

After a great while, Irish opened her mouth with astonishment and said, "I had looked through some information about Joie and learned that his father worked in the plastic factory when he was still alive. No wonder he has an idea about these things." Actually, Joie was not highly educated, and this was the reason that could explain it reasonably.

So when Ruby sent these papers into the study room, Irish used this period of time to look through the information about the suspect again and asked some questions to the steward. Of course, these questions were not only targeted at Joie alone. And as Joseph ordered the steward to ban the entry of incoming and outgoing from the Lakes the next day, he also adopted some measures on the air conditioning. He and Irish all thought that the suspect would take advantage of any opportunity because he couldn't go out and had to kill those who would threaten his security.

Irish planned to test the suspect by asking questions, which was why Irish handed that questionnaire to them. She only wanted to put pressure on the suspect since she thought he would target those papers later on.

So how could he approach those papers during such a short period of time?

That required Irish's plan that stop her from checking these test papers, and the suspect would reuse his method again. However, he didn't know that Joseph had blocked the air vents. And the reason why Irish's room was so warm was not because of the heater, but a small solar energy collector.

So Irish didn't fall asleep, and actually, she used the time to find more clues.

And the reason for which she told a lie was to let the suspect have more time to destroy the evidence.

As a matter of fact, those test papers were useless, and the only value was to lead the suspect to destroy them by himself. They were only tools, not the key to luring the suspect out. The trap they set at the very beginning was the key.

And in the trap, the most qualified supporting roles were Ruby and Shirley. Looking at them earlier, Irish realized they were still willing to eliminate the culprit. She indeed made use of their mentality, but she had never expected that they would cooperate with her perfectly.

Ruby and Shirley were all born with dignity, and they hated to be controlled by Irish.

When Irish announced that they two couldn't go out that morning, they felt so annoyed. And when Irish ordered Ruby to collect those test papers in front of so many servants, Ruby must have felt unsatisfied so that she couldn't have kept these test papers appropriately. She must have thrown them into the drawer casually and didn't lock them.

Irish felt grateful that Ruby did it that way; otherwise, the play wouldn't have finished if the test papers had been kept well.

The test papers burned themselves. Some disclosed that it was because of the ghosts and monsters. What's more, Shirley added some speculations, so the atmosphere became more mysterious. Actually, Irish stated it deliberately, and she expressed clearly that she would only believe that ghost existed if she saw the real ghost appearing in the Lake's house.

The papers were kept in the study room, and Joie targeted them to destroy the evidence.

During this leisure time, Irish called Joseph and told him everything was fine.

But Joseph didn't think Irish would lock the door disregarding the danger, and drove Joie to jump from the window. Actually, she had planned to lure Joie into the room and then catch him.

"You suspected Joie from the beginning? Why?" Joseph asked.

Irish thought about it for a while, "I figured out some abnormal actions and couldn't explain it until now. I can only guess that his mentality is strange."

Joseph was confused.

"Actually, I picked out Joie's test paper. Although the test paper is only a tool, its question is related to mentality actually. And found out that Joie's answer is so strange. I can't understand why he answered in that way."

There was only one question on the test paper that stated this: You were in your dream, and there were many flowers beside you. When you woke up, a beautiful woman was kissing you with a flower in her hand. You stood up and killed her. Why?

"This question is so strange." Joseph thought about it for a while and couldn't make any answer too.

"His answer is strange."


Irish recalled Joie's answer. Stating, "Because she killed me, I want to change her into a flower."

Joseph was startled, "His answer?"

Irish was also deep into thinking. What did Joie want to express? She thought.

And when they were just thinking about that weird answer, Joseph's phone rang. He got it through, and then he frowned when he heard something. His voice became a little cold, "I will come immediately."

Their conversation ended, and Irish asked him what had happened.

He picked up his coat, "Something happened to Joie."

"I want to go with you." Irish lifted the quilt immediately.

Joseph pressed the quilt and was ready to walk to the door, "No." His eyebrows frowned.

Irish covered his wrinkled forehead and kissed him, "I'm really okay. In addition, I have an advantage over others in dealing with suspects with abnormal mentality."

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