He felt sorrowful but, at the same time, felt guilty.

Cassie finally looked up and took a quick glance at him, smiled bitterly, and said, "I am losing weight."

"You are beautiful enough, so don't lose weight anymore."

Hearing this, Cassie was slightly shocked.

"I just want to know if you feel better. You know I can't step into your home, so I can only come to you in this way." He observed carefully and found she was in a relatively good state, so he was relieved a little.

"I'm fine. Thank you."

His heart trembled slightly because of her indifferent attitude, so he sighed and said, "Cassie, I'm sorry."

She began breathing fast and then shook slightly, "We're done. I never blame you."

"Then why do you treat me so indifferently?"

She looked up at him, trying to absorb his words.

"You are aloof to me. Is it because of Roy?" Fredrick asked softly.

Cassie opened her mouth slightly but shook her head after for a moment, "No."

She looked like a lost child eager to express herself but chose to be silent.

Fredrick felt sore and reached out, pulling her hands gently, "Cassie, I'd rather you kill me."

Cassie trembled as if there was an electric current flowing from it. She was about to draw back her hands subconsciously, but he tightened his hands. Her heart turned soft, and an unnamed emotion appeared in her mind. It reminded her of the moment when they had just started their relationship, and he also took her hands like this and said to her that he wouldn't let her go for his whole life.

But he finally went back on his word. She felt the severe pain in her heart again..

"Cassie, in fact ..."

"What are you doing? Let her go." When Fredrick was about to talk to her, an angry voice sounded, and then a tall figure rushed to them, pulling Fredrick's collar and slapping him violently.

Fredrick fell down immediately, and the table and the chair slipped down while coffee and juice also spilled over the ground.

Some customers were frightened by them and hastily left.

Cassie stood up abruptly out of astonishment and then found it was Roy.

Why is he here?

Roy looked like an irritated beast and then continued to step toward Fredrick, grabbing his collar and slapping him again, shouting at him at the same time, "Why do you harass her?"

The manager of the coffee house was so anxious that those waiters were all shocked by the scene.

Cassie rushed forward without hesitation, holding Roy's arms, and said anxiously, "Roy, stop! What are you doing? Let him go!"

"Move aside." Roy was even more irritated after Cassie meddled and violently drew back his arms from Cassie.

Cassie didn't stand firm and fell down immediately.

Seeing this, Fredrick hastily pushed Roy, rushing forward to hold Cassie, and then roared at Roy, "Are you insane?"

Roy stood there motionlessly and felt guilty.

Roy clenched his hands, stepping forward, pushing away Fredrick, and holding Cassie. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I …. I…. I just....." He said stutteringly and admitted he was crazy out of rage.

Cassie stared at Roy and then looked at the table and chairs which were lying on the ground and shook slightly, "Roy, why do you act so recklessly? You are an adult."

Roy calmed down and then said, "Cassie, why do you still meet with him?"

Cassie bit her lips after hearing his question. She didn't want to meet him, but she was driven by her heart to grant his request today.

Seeing her reaction, Roy frowned more tightly.

"Cassie, are you okay?" Fredrick was worried about her.

Roy roared at him abruptly when she was about to shake her head. "Get out of here. She is my girlfriend now. You don't have to worry about her."

"Roy, you can't be so unreasonable!" Fredrick stepped forward, glaring at him.

Roy was so indignant, and he didn't sleep well last night, which made him even more anxious, so after hearing his words, he clenched his fist again.

"Roy! Enough!" Cassie blocked between them and roared at him, "Have you lost your mind?"

Roy stared at her, astonished, pointing at Fredrick, and asked, "Are you speaking for him?"

"I just don't hope you won't be disgraced here." Cassie was muddled and continued, "You are not a kid, and don't you think you act like a spoiled kid today?"

Roy's face was dark with rage and turned more serious since Cassie spoke for Fredrick, so he walked to her, grabbing her arms, "Let's go."

He overexerted and caused pain for Cassie. "You hurt me!"

Seeing this, Fredrick hastily walked forward and pushed him away, roaring. "Even if she is your girlfriend, you can't treat her like this."

"It's none of your business." Roy resisted Fredrick but still held Cassie tightly.

He had bruised her arms, and the cold sweat had come out.

Fredrick was about to push him, but Roy clenched his hands into a fist and slapped him again suddenly while Fredrick was also irritated by him and began to fight back.

"Please stop fighting, or I will call the police!" The manager looked at the broken tableware, feeling desperate, and couldn't help shouting at them.

However, they just ignored his words and fought violently.

Finally, Cassie had no other ideas but yelled at them, "Stop, or I will go out and crash the car!"

Hearing this, they stopped fighting immediately.

Her words gave Roy a shudder, and then he turned to Cassie, "Well, I am sorry, Cassie. I will listen to you. Cassie...."

Fredrick also straightened his back, wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth, and stared at her vigilantly.

After a long while, Cassie said in a weak voice, "Roy, please leave here."

Roy trembled after hearing her words, "Cassie, what are you talking about?"

Cassie took a deep breath, staring at him, "Go. Go away."

"I am your boyfriend!"

"We don't fit." Cassie clenched her hands with her lips trembling, "I am sorry. I have tried to persuade myself to accept you and accept this fact, but I am really sorry because I can't deceive my heart. I tried, so I don't think we fit each other."

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