She hated this man who betrayed his marriage and abandoned his wife. He hated him, who had let her mother wait for him a lifetime until she died. The grudge had already deceived her, and she forgot that he would also get old someday. It was a sorrowful pain for her, which was inexplicable and bothered her mind. She even began to hate herself. After taking a deep breath, she then replied indifferently, "It doesn't matter. I am not interested in any topics here."

She didn't offend him as usual, which somehow relieved Henry now that he could perceive the change in her attitude. For a long time, he just hoped that she would not avoid him and could take a look at him, never expecting her forgiveness. But now he was so eager for her forgiveness and hoped she would call him daddy. Therefore, he said a lot to her, and in the beginning, he talked with her gingerly, and he was even more cheerful when he found she would reply to him occasionally.

Irish just ate silently, and her mood was getting more complex since Henry had acted like this.

"Taste this dish. It is prepared for you specially. I ate this course accidentally, and I thought you must like it." He still regarded her as a little girl, so when he found that she did not reject him as usual, he was at a loss and didn't know how to get along with him, so he still treated her in the same way when she was a kid. Irish perceived this, and her nose twitched, so she clenched her fork and tasted the food after a long while. Henry was so pleased and hastily asked her, "What do you think of this? Does it taste good?"

"Not bad." She replied indifferently.

"Eat more if you like it." Henry was ecstatic, and his hands trembled violently.

Looking at him, whose hair had turned white and who was so excited because of her perfunctory reply, she felt sore, so she lowered her head, took a deep breath secretly, and didn't disappoint him.

Others were also eating, and it was different from the family feast last time since the topics were much more relaxed this time because Henry reminded all of them not to say some harsh remarks and discuss official business, or the one who violated the rule would be evicted out.

Perhaps it was because of Henry's order, no one mentioned some unpleasant things while Lilith was the most active one, and everyone was amused by her frequently. Irish also felt better until....

Ruby was pouring wine for Joseph across her, which made her feel disgusted, while Joseph's movement punched her heart violently since he accepted her complaisance naturally. She felt her heart pierced by a needle, and the pain soon spread all over her body. In fact, she had to admit that Ruby was more considerate than her. She began to feel the food tasted bland and insipid, and she finally lost her appetite. After seeing this, Henry asked her carefully, "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling sick?"please visit

She shook her head but stirred the food on her plate. Henry smiled and took the initiative to mention her childhood, "You act the same as when you were a small kid." Irish kept silent to his words while Henry began to recall something in her childhood, so he continued, "Isabel, do you still remember a cockhorse? A red and carved one. You liked it very much upon seeing it, but that was not for sale, and you began to cry. Your mother and I didn't know how to...."

Hearing this, Irish slammed her fork on the table and interrupted Henry with a bad attitude, "Enough! My mom is dead. This memory is a failed topic for everyone here. Do you think it is pleasant to recall your past memory? Do you know these memories are like poison to me? Every time I recall it, I have to die for once."

She hated him for so many years, but when she looked at his pale face, she felt sore. She began to irritate him since he made himself so rabid. And she was also angry that he refused to accept treatment in the hospital, and she even hated herself since she regretted coming here today. But she still felt sorrowful to this man who she detested. Why? She also wondered why Joseph let her bear all of this alone.

Henry was at a loss since he saw she was full of rage, and then he realized he had said something wrong, so he hastily apologized, "Isabel, I didn't mean that."

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom "I don't want to hear these old memories from you." Perceiving his gingerliness, the sorrowfulness finally exploded in her heart. Her nose twitched, and her eyes were tearful. She stood up and took an issue to wipe her mouth carelessly, saying with a different and even trembled voice, "I have something else to do, and I have to go now."

"Isabel....." Henry's anxious voice sounded behind. But she forced her to ignore that since she hated herself for being like this, and she hated herself for being tenderhearted.

When she got out of the Lake family, she drove in the street aimlessly. There was no noisy sound from the Lake families, and the oppressive luxury also vanished. But she was anxious because Henry's smile and gingerliness filled her mind. She couldn't remember details about the small cockhorse clearly, but she knew her mom once mentioned it to her. She liked the cockhorse very much and was reluctant to leave, and her mom told her that she loved the flavor of it. But Henry asked for the owner for a few days, he still refused his request, so her mom figured out a method and took her to ride on a merry-go-round, and finally, she was comforted. She didn't like the memory because she thought it was too cruel.

She stopped at an intersection, and after looking around, she found that she was in the Blue Harbor. She was tired and parked her car and then walked into the harbor, sitting down on a bench near the fountain.

It was bustling in this place since people were relaxing on this holiday here, including many lovers, and they just kissed in public. A blast of wind rose; some leaves fell down to her foot. It was a withered phoenix tree leaf. She picked it and thought flourishing leaves would also finally return to the land as human beings. There were many beautiful young lovers, just as the handsome young man passed by in front of her just now. A beautiful woman took the initiative to strike up a conversation with her while another woman soon rushed up behind and held the man's arms, walking away cheerfully while the first woman was so embarrassed and stood there motionlessly. It was a normal scene, but it suddenly reminded Irish. She stood up abruptly and realized she may have made a mistake since she had forgotten the purpose of going to the Lake family. She went there to reconcile with him, but she just left without hesitation. Did it mean that she had left a chance for Ruby to get alone with him?"

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