Irish's phone rang, and she took out her phone and asked Cassie to wait for her for a moment.

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom It was so peaceful in this garden while Cassie was basking in the sun on the bench leisurely. She stared at the osmanthus and then bent down to snap it. She took some osmanthus in her hands and smelt its sweet fragrance when the breeze rose, and her coat slipped down from her shoulders.

Cassie then felt it was a little cold and was about to pick up her coat from the lawn. Unexpectedly, a man picked it up for her and soon draped it on her shoulder before she could bend down. She looked up and found that it was Roy.

He stood in front of her under the sunshine, which made him look more handsome, and his face was so well-defined that she could not move her sight from him. He was dressed casually in a dark coffee color leather jacket, a blue and white shirt, and coordinated the casual jeans underneath, and a dark green men's scarf with a casual outer jacket that was pleasant to the eye.

But his eyes looked distressed when he stared at Cassie.

Cassie did not expect he would come here and be shocked slightly, but soon she drew back her eyes silently. Roy stared at her, who was thinner than before, and his heart trembled when she moved her sight. The moment he sat down, he saw clearly that she shivered slightly, so he asked softly while holding her hands, "Are you cold?"

Cassie just felt warm, and she could feel the man's fresh breath in the air. Somehow, a sudden panic struck her heart, and she hastily drew back her hands and replied, "No."

She did not show dislike and indifference to him as usual and didn't turn to leave, which encouraged Roy. He turned to her and asked with a little bit of a flustered and worried voice, "Why did you take things too hard?"

Cassie clenched her hands, pinching the osmanthus in her hands without reply.

Roy sighed slightly and then said, "Cassie, I am sorry. I apologize to you for what I said that night because I was drunk."

"It doesn't matter." She knew what he meant. He called her suddenly that night and said, "I will definitely be with you." She was startled by him.

Roy felt weird about her attitude and couldn't help asking her, "Why not blame me?"

Cassie looked up while there was faint light flickering in her eyes, and she looked so sober. "Irish has told me that it is you who sent me to hospital, or perhaps I  would have lost my life already, so Roy, I have to thank you."

After hearing this, Roy then understood the reason why she did not repel him. He smiled bitterly and continued, "Cassie, I don't need your appreciation."

"But I can only extend my appreciation to you." She said indifferently.

He frowned and clenched her hands tightly. Though Cassie struggled violently, he still did not loosen his hands which made her very anxious, and said in a low voice, "Let me go. Irish will come back soon."

"Why don't you like me?" He ignored her words directly and then held her to face him forcibly.

The deep of his eyes were filled with depression and anxiety, and somehow she perceived his complicated emotion at the moment. She widened her eyes as a confused kid, which aroused an unnamed impulsion from his heart. He couldn't help lowering his head and kissing her lips.

The man's breath soon spread in her mouth, and she was too astonished to forget to resist him when his cold lips pressed down. It was not until he began to intertwine her tongue that she then realized and pushed him away with panic, "Roy, don't act like this."please visit

He held her in case she would run away and looked at her firmly, "Forget him. Be with me."

Cassie prised his hands and said sincerely after calming down, "Roy, I really have no feeling for you. Though I really appreciate you, it is impossible for us to be with each other."


"Perhaps, love is always torture since the resonance between two lovers is rare. Roy, I am not the one you are looking for, so don't waste your time, okay?" Cassie refused him directly with a soft but firm tone, "You saved my life, and I am really grateful to you. And if there is anything I can do for you, I will definitely not decline your request, but I can't deceive my feelings."

His hands slipped down from her shoulders while his eyes were suffused with a grievance.

"I am sorry." Cassie bit her lips.

He leaned forward, crossing his hands, and looked forward. He sighed after a long while and then said, "You don't have to do anything for me, but I have a request for you."

Cassie looked at his back and waited for him to continue while he took a deep breath and then turned to her, "I saved your life, so it belongs to me. Without my permission, you have no right to dispose of your life, do you understand?"

Cassie smiled softly after hearing this but was a little bit bitter, "I don't think I have the courage to die again since I have suffered a lot this time."

Roy gazed at her sorrowfully.

At the entrance of the garden, Irish stood there quietly, looking at those who were sitting on the white bench while the leaves flew in the air. She thought Fredrick and Cassie were well-matched before, but it was more pleasant to see when she was sitting with Roy, which gave her a totally different feeling. They were two different types of men since Fredrick was learned and refined as a man from fairy tales while Roy was stalwart as the hero in the movie.

She suddenly felt that what Cassie needed was a hero who could protect her.

But Roy was a romantic hero, which was an undeniable fact. However, this romantic hero was tortured by Cassie these days, so he was submissive to ask for favor though he was arrogant before. He asked for an opportunity to stay alone with Cassie, so she created this opportunity for him today.

Therefore, she stopped Fredrick, who was about to rush forward to them when he came for them after finishing all the discharge procedures.

Fredrick looked ghastly and asked Irish unpleasantly, "Why is he there?"

Irish looked at them in the distance and replied slowly, "You don't care about her, but it doesn't mean others also don't care about her."

Fredrick was speechless after hearing this.

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