Jay found his voice. "How did you know it's my birthday?"

"It just shows that I love you." Lilith said brazenly, "Hurry up, and the candles are burning out."

Jay looked into her eyes, which were full of expectation, and his displeasure disappeared suddenly. Somehow it was as if a pool of candles had melted his heart, burning and hot, so that he could not bear to refuse her request. He obeyed and blew out the candles in one breath.

"You didn't make a wish." Lilith wrinkled her little face.

"Then...umm...for world peace."

His words made Lilith laugh, pointing at him, "World peace? Oh my god, you're kidding me."

Jay saw her smile, and his mood also became strangely happy. It would be a lie to say he wasn't moved. The girl had labored to prepare all of these things, which could move even a stone-hearted man.

"To be honest, I've never celebrated my birthday." First, he had no time. Second, he did not like noisy crowds. Every year at this time, he just received a phone call from his parents because he always forgot his birthday. This year in New York, he originally wanted to go home and have dinner with his parents, but the entire time he was thinking of Lilith dating other men, and he turned the steering wheel unconsciously in the other direction.

Mary was delighted to hear that her son was going to Lotus Park. She was a very trendy mother and knew it was a place for young people to enjoy. Jay could not help thinking that his mother would like him to take a girl home tonight, marry her tomorrow and have children the day after.

Lilith's brain was sneaky, and after listening to Jay, her eyes slyly turned. A smile in the corners of her mouth gently widened like a dazzling spring flower. "So, I'm the first person to celebrate your birthday?"

Jay thought about it, nodding, and it was true. Seeing him, Lilith was even more delighted, "Even my sister doesn't celebrate your birthday?"

"Like me, she doesn't celebrate her birthday." Jay knew that by 'her sister,' she was referring to Irish, and his eyes darkened slightly.

Lilith could see the change in Jay's expression and quickly changed the topic. "That would be even better. You will never forget that I'm the first person who celebrated your birthday, no, the first woman." She didn't know why Irish didn't celebrate her birthday, and obviously, there was something she didn't know about. But it was Jay's birthday today, and she didn't want him to be affected by other topics.

Lilith was so cheerful that she couldn't help but laugh, and he could not ignore her good mind. She looked very happy, cut a slice of cake for him, and personally put a piece to his lips, laughing, "Open your mouth."

The restaurant was quiet, but there were other diners, and their romantic gestures attracted others' attention. Jay was a big man with a lot of dignity and a brave man who had been dealing with criminals for many years. His character was reserved, and he was not that good at expressing his emotions. Lilith was quite the opposite of him. She was frank and enthusiastic and obviously talkative. So when she enthusiastically started feeding him the cake, Jay was very embarrassed, and his handsome face became uncomfortable for a moment. He pushed her hand away and had to whisper, "Put it down, I'll eat it myself."

"No, I want to feed you." Lilith giggled.

Jay subconsciously looked around and saw that people were looking at them and his whole face became red.

Lilith did not care about the other people, and her small mouth pouted, "Hurry up, my arms are sore!"

Jay had to obey her, opening his mouth quickly and eating his cake. He could see that Lilith bore a certain resemblance to Irish, they were both stubborn enough to make people helpless. He assumed that if he did not open her mouth, Lilith would hold the cake there until he did.

Seeing him eat, Lilith was satisfied. She smiled, asking him, "How is it? Does it taste good?"please visit

Jay nodded, "It tastes good." He never liked sweets like cakes, but it wasn't overly sweet.

Lilith became even happier, "I know you don't like sweets, but I went all over the city, looking around every big or small cake shop, and I chose this one." She looked at him again, "My feet are worn out."

He was moved.

Jay looked at her. His heart seemed wrapped in soft silk for a moment, and he glanced at her feet. "You wore high heels, of course, it hurt your feet. "

"Are you concerned about me?" Lilith asked, surprised.

Jay caught the pleasant surprise in her eyes, feeling pity for her. She was such an easily-satisfied woman, and he had always been stingy with his words towards her. His lips moved, and he could not help but say, "You are a silly woman."

It was late at night.

Jay's car drove very slowly, but they finally came to the door of the Lake's house. At a place where the cameras could not catch them, Jay switched off the engine and looked over at Lilith, who was blushing. "Here we are."

Lilith glanced at the window and nodded. Instead of immediately getting out of the car, she slouched against him and smiled, "Jay, I haven't given you a birthday present yet."

"You've already celebrated it with me." He could not drink because he needed to drive, but she had drank wine at the restaurant, and at this moment, her eyes were sparkling, her face glowing.

Lilith shook her head. "That's not a gift."

Jay raised his eyebrows.

"Can I give you a girlfriend?" Lilith came close to him and smiled.

"What?" Jay was startled.

Lilith giggled, "Me!"

Jay froze, but suddenly an indescribable feeling arose in his heart. She leaned in close.

"Alright?" Lilith pretended to be miserable again, extending her two fingers to grab his cuffs, gently shaking them, "Can I be your girlfriend?"

Jay's heart wobbled with her fingers, like a boat floating gently on a rippling lake. The woman in his arms was shy, but he yelled at himself in secret with anger. Jay, what are you fussing about?

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