Ben didn't recognize Lilith because they had been taken away by the police that night before they had a chance to come in contact with each other. So after seeing her, he first froze and then smiled and took the initiative to pour her a glass of fruit juice. "There are many beautiful and graceful girls in the Lake family," he said. "It seems that to hear it was less true than to see it with your own eyes.

"Besides my two sisters, I'm nothing," Lilith said lightly.

"Two sisters?" Ben was stunned. He heard that there were only two girls in the Lake family.

Lilith knew his idea and reiterated, "Yes, I have two elder sisters."

"Oh. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," continued Ben, who knew the Lake family from her parents and didn't take them seriously. He stared at her.

Lilith felt goosebumps and lifted her eyes as if smiling, "It looks like you have seen a lot."

It seemed like stabbing something at Ben, who stood there for a while and smiled awkwardly for a long time. Lilith did not have too much affection for him, and naturally, she would not think of developing any affection. "To be frank, I don't think we are right for each other, so don't waste your time with me."

Ben disagreed. "I thought we could try."


Lilith heard this and got a headache. She did not want to get along with this person after every day, having to worry about her own drinks having foreign powders in them or not. Just thinking about how to decline politely, she inadvertently took a glance at a familiar figure.

It was Jay.

He and several of his colleagues also came to the restaurant for dinner. It was late in the afternoon, and the restaurant did not have many people. Nevertheless, they were talking and laughing, which made it seem more crowded. Jay, dressed in plain clothes, sat down with them. Laughing, he also inadvertently glanced around the environment because of professional habits, not expecting to see Lilith close by.

Lilith, like feeling electric shock, hurriedly turned her head. Her heart jumped, and her whole body felt numb. Not knowing what was happening, Ben thought her appearance was cute and could not help reaching out to cover her hand, asking with concern, "What's happening?"

His action was bold and abrupt. Lilith had originally wanted to shake him off, but the thought of Jay's usual indifference to her naturally made her angry, and she said, "It's alright."

"Don't get me wrong. I love to play, but I don't take them seriously. I think you're the one I'm looking for. If you're with me, I promise I won't be bad to you, and I won't do bad things outside." Seeing that she did not refuse, Ben felt so pleased that he directly clenched her hands, enjoying the soft, silky touch of her hand, and even his eyes became bold, staring at her

V-shaped neckline, and began to imagine what she looked like without clothes on.

Lilith resisted the impulse to slap him in the face and turned away. Not far away, Jay seemed to be talking and laughing with his colleagues. She had no intention of stepping forward, and her jaw clenched. Quietly, she drew her hand back and said in a light tone. "You have to understand one thing, Mr. Ben. I only met you here to appease my family. In fact, you don't suit me, and I don't suit you, so let's just get through this today."please visit

"No." Ben Winston got up and sat next to Lilith.

Lilith frowned and moved inwardly, but his arm wrapped around her shoulder, and his voice was very ambiguous, "Do you believe in love at first sight? I think I fell in love with you at first sight. "

But she felt nothing.

"Mr. Ben, listen to me…."

"Listen to me first," he hugged her more closely and stared down at her evasive face. "My parents have business dealings with your family, which is why this is the most suitable match. Rather than having to go on blind dates one after another, you could give me a chance, and maybe one day you will like me."

Lilith was stupefied by the smell of cologne on him, and the mucous membranes of her nose seemed to be stuffed with a layer of sticky fragrance. She could not even sneeze and was so miserable that she could not care whether Jay paid attention to her side or not. She wanted to get rid of the man.

On the other hand, Jay's conversation with his colleagues seemed a bit absentminded. When he entered the restaurant and accidentally glanced at the woman's figure, the tea seemed to taste wrong, and the food didn't taste good either.

"Jay, your team has been doing quite well. You boys should not take the lead in our criminal investigation team," A colleague joked.

"How come, who didn't know you were Sherlock Holmes?" Jay lifted the teacup against his lips and replied with a joke, but his eyes looked unwittingly at Lilith, and his brow frowned slightly.

When he saw Ben holding her hand, the smile on Jay's lips withdrew, and his eyes darkened.

"Jay is a workaholic, but fortunately, he is not in my group, or I would be exhausted." Other colleagues were also joking.

Jay did not respond this time because he saw that Lilith did not push the man away.

"What are you looking at?" Someone hesitated to ask Jay. Jay did not reply but continued watching.

Other people also noticed that he was not in the right state. Looking at the situation, the leader of the criminal investigation team looked at it for a while and said, "Isn't that Ben Winston, the young master of the Winston family? Well, I don't know which girl he's going after. He's a famous playboy who, by virtue of his money, has harmed many girls, but there was no proof. If there were any evidence, he would have been taken back to the police station to talk."

Lilith was on the back side of the booth, so when everyone looked at them, they could only see the front side of Ben.

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