

"I know Director Qi wouldn't want me to make much of a public appearance, but how about a visit to the art gallery? New artworks are about to be showcased. I bet it would also help the art gallery."

Peng Xiaoli and Jian Xiaofei's heads shot up from the video they were watching on the latter's laptop, confusion etched on their faces.

"Art gallery?" Peng Xiaoli inquired.

"Yes," Andromeda said with a nod.

"Wait, how about the orphanage? I bet that would reel in the audience's emotions."

"No," Andromeda and Peng Xiaoli said at the same time. 


"The last thing I want is using innocent children for publicity. I can visit them on my own accord. I planned on doing so discreetly later but not for this."

Peng Xiaoli nodded in agreement. "I second that. However, have you considered places like the cinema, racing, a fan event meet and greet or…"

"You got it!" Andromeda's eyes widened, stunning both ladies with her reaction. 

"I did?" Peng Xaoli inquired after some time.

"Yes. We'll be holding a little fan meet and greet event at the racing ring," she enunciated, beaming at the idea. 

"A chance to see what their actress loves doing," Jian Xiaofei noted out loud. "This would be nice," she squealed.

"Hold your horses, wild sport," Andromeda teased. "First, I need approval from my agent and director."

"Oh," Jang Xiaofei chimed in, raising her hand. "Don't forget the grumpy CEO BF."

Everyone burst into laughter at her description. 

"That's not a bad idea, you know," Andromeda countered. 

"Yes, but no." Without giving her so much of a warning, he rose to his feet, his hands under her knees and the other on her back, as he carried her bridal style. 

"Let's go have fun, love."

"Alone and together?" 

No sooner had he said those words than the door pulled open, revealing Chu Fengjin and Xu Fang with their hands in their pockets as they stared at the couple. 

"Ahem!" Liu Xueyi cleared his throat, surprised that he'd been discovered by his friends. He shook his head, knowing they had unrestricted access to his office at any time.

"Huh, do any of you know how to knock first?"

Chu Fengjin and Xu Fang chuckled as they stepped into the office, closing the door behind them. 

"It's not the weekend," Chu Fengjin stated, ignoring Liu Xueyi's earlier question as he turned to face Xu Fang.

"Nope, but a mid-week getaway."

"Interesting," Chu Fengjin uttered with a nod. "Sounds so much like fun. I envy you." He brought his gaze back to Liu Xueyi, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Can I come?"

"No!" All three responded at the same time, making Chu Fenjing burst into a peal of laughter. 

"Oh heavens, look at yourselves," Chu Fengjin flashed them a small smile. "I understand the couples," he continued, turning to face Xu Fang, "what I do not understand is your input in this, Xu Fang?"

Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Xu Fang lifted his chin. "If I don't get a vacation, what makes you think you can?"

Chu Fengjin shook his head. "Says who I am working with you? I only came to escape the hospital not to be tied down here with you."

"Wow, so much for friendship and being in this together," Xu Fang grumbled.

"Yes. For today, though."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, Fengjin. You aren't coming along. It's for myself and Andy."

Saying that Liu Xueyi walked past them, stopping by the door when he heard Chu Fengjin's question. "And where will you two be?"

Liu Xueyi looked at Andromeda, a silent understanding passing them. "Somewhere." With that, he exited his office, leaving his friends behind. 

Chu Fengjin and Xu Fang exchanged glances briefly, and soon, both men were left chuckling.

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