Chapter 518 New Addition



Flashes of light bathed the big room in a white glow as Liu Xueyi stood in front of the camera, his charm and charisma radiating with every pose.

He was in the middle of a high-end photoshoot for a luxury watch brand.

The photographers and crew were in awe of his ability to bring a sense of elegance and mystique to the shots.

"Yes, perfect. Just like that. Hold that pose for me."

"Ah, brilliant!" The photographer groaned as he took a few more shots of Liu Xueyi.

"Yes, and that is a wrap for the moment. A quick break please," another man, the owner of the photo studio announced.

"Sure thing," Liu Xueyi responded and walked off set.

During the break, Liu Xueyi took a moment to refresh. He was wearing a sleek, black long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves folded a bit and the top three buttons left undone.

His outfit emphasized his tall, well-built frame.

As he walked over to a nearby table where Andromeda was enjoying a refreshing ice cream cone, he couldn't help but wear a mischievous grin.

Andromeda looked utterly chic in the light summer dress she wore while her gaze was fixated on her treat as she savoured her ice cream with evident delight.

She hadn't expected Liu Xueyi to join her for a treat. Her eyes sparkled as she noticed him approaching.

"Hey, love."

"Hi Hon," she greeted.

"Phew. I thought that wouldn't end. I do not want them ogling at me without my girlfriend's approval." He wriggled his brows at her.

In turn, Andromeda giggled at how cute he looked, complaining about his handsomeness.

"I'm not entirely complaining. It just shows your girlfriend has great taste," she pointed out, offering him a spoonful of her ice cream. "Want a taste?"

Liu Xueyi's eyes twinkled with amusement, and he accepted her offer. But just as he moved to take a bite, she playfully withdrew the spoon and grinned mischievously.

Andromeda giggled at his surprised expression. "You've got to be quicker than that," she teased.

He chuckled at her antics. "Oh, you're in for it now," Liu Xueyi warned, raising an eyebrow.

They engaged in this playful trick back and forth twice, each time ending in laughter.

But on the third attempt, Liu Xueyi moved with lightning speed, catching her wrist in his firm grip.

He held her hand gently, preventing her from playing the same trick a third time.

"Once bitten twice shy won't be my lot."

"Huh, check again hon, twice you were bitten."

His lips curled up into a smirk.

"Then, it shall be twice bitten thrice shy."

"You're naughty," Andromeda teased once more.

"And you love me."

Their gazes locked, and time slowed down as they stared into each other's eyes. The air between them was charged with a kind of magnetic attraction.

As Liu Xueyi took the ice cream from the spoon, their eyes remained locked on each other.

Andromeda couldn't help but notice how seductive his lips looked, moving sensuously as he savoured the ice cream.

"Like anything you see in particular?" He asked, taking his time to assess the look in her eyes.

They were filled with ripe desire.

"Yeah, love the way your lips…"

He licked his lips slowly, this time making sure every fiber in his body concentrated on her.


Even his words couldn't stop the magnetic pull they felt. And just as their lips were about to meet, a voice intruded upon the intimate moment.

"Liu Xueyi, we need you back on set for the next shot. Time is money!"

They broke apart reluctantly, turning their heads to see a crew member calling out to Liu Xueyi.

He let out a quiet sigh and gave Andromeda a wistful smile. "Duty calls. I'll see you later, okay?"

Andromeda nodded with a playful pout. "Promise?"

"Promise," he said with a wink before heading back to the set, leaving Andromeda with a heart that raced and lips that tingled from the almost-kiss they'd been interrupted from.

Andromeda was still recovering from the almost-kiss when Mr. Yuan Song, the Vice CEO of the luxury watch brand, approached her.

He had witnessed the chemistry between her and Liu Xueyi and had an idea that could make the upcoming watch commercial even more enticing.

With a warm and inviting smile, Mr. Yuan suggested, "Ms. Kai, I've been watching you two."

Andromeda blinked uncontrollably, knowing they'd just been caught.

"You have?"


Her cheeks flushed, but she managed to keep her calm composure. "I see."

"It's nothing to be shy about, Ms. Kai. I mean, what's better than the thrill of young love?"

She giggled at his compliment. She couldn't call them young, given their ages, but still, it made her feel like a teenager all over again.

"The chemistry between you and Liu Xueyi is electric. How would you like to join the photo shoot and the commercial?"

Andromeda blinked in surprise. She'd been more than happy to watch Liu Xueyi work, taking this as part of her break from work and all, after the fashion show.


A big but, that is—to actually be a part of the photo shoot was something she hadn't expected.

"You want me in the commercial too?"

Mr. Yuan nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! I had this idea while watching you two. We can change the theme a bit to make it work."

He explained his idea—the commercial would now revolve around the loving relationship between a couple.

Liu Xueyi would be portrayed as a busy executive running late for work, and Andromeda, his loving and understanding partner, rushes to catch him at the door.

She would present him with the watch, making sure he was on time, and they'd share a tender moment.

Andromeda hesitated for a moment, thinking of her initial role as a spectator. It was great having such an offer. In fact, it was an honour for her.

He may be her boyfriend, but sharing the screen with him officially was something she didn't think of other than as his partner.

"I appreciate the offer, but this was supposed to be Liu Xueyi's gig, not mine. I don't want to intrude."

Mr. Yuan dismissed her concerns with a wave of his hand.

"Nonsense, Andromeda. Your presence will elevate the commercial to another level. Besides, it's a perfect fit for you two, and it could make the message even more powerful."

She hesitated still but Mr. Yan wasn't willing to let her go easily.

"Also, it is better you do it, than someone else. I do not want to start explaining many things to another model and trying to build a chemistry when we have the natural thing here on set," he added.

"You do have a point but…" Andromeda's voice trailed off, her gaze searching for an escape in her boyfriend.

Seeing this, Mr. Yuan turned to Liu Xueyi. He already knew where that 'but' was going.

"What do you think, Liu Xueyi?" Mr. Yuan inquired, his voice rising by a pitch. "Would you like to work with Andromeda on this commercial?"

Almost immediately, Liu Xueyi's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, a small smirk playing across his lips.

Before replying, he grinned at Andromeda and said, "I can't think of anyone I'd rather work with on this. If we're doing this, I want it to be with Andromeda."

Andromeda couldn't help but feel her heart flutter at his words.

She did not need to think further. His words sealed the deal for her and she knew how hard it was to make Liu Xueyi change his mind on things that would benefit her.

Her decision was made.

Turning to face Mr. Yuan, she smiled and gave a nod. "Alright, I'm in."

With a warm smile, Mr. Yuan clapped his hands together. "Great! Let's make this commercial unforgettable."

Scooping more of her ice cream, she was led by one of the crew members to the dressing room to be fitted for her role.

A couple of minutes later the shoot continued with a renewed sense of excitement, both for the crew and for the romance between Liu Xueyi and Andromeda.


Having gotten the acknowledgement from both actresses, Director Qi made the necessary adjustments to the character list and had it posted online in their group chat for all to see.

Seated on one of the long relaxing chairs in her lounge, Fang Qian Wisn picked up her glass of wine and took a swig of it, before leaning back to relax.

Suddenly the sound of a ping rang out from her phone, alerting her of a message.

She picked it up and unlocked her phone screen to see what it was about. Although the heading had piqued her interest, a wicked smile hung on her lips.


1. Liu Xueyi/Ye Yuan — Luo Chen

2. Fang Qian Qian — Zho Huifen

3. Celine Lian — Peng Mei-Xiao

4. Renshu Ru — Wang Tian

5. Andromeda Kai — Xu Ming

6. Yu Weilan — Xu Xing (Xu Ming's sister)

7. Taio Rong — Hao Tian

"What!" Fang Qian Qian hollered the second she laid eyes on the fifth and sixth names.

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