Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 513 Worry, Solution, Strength

Chapter 513 Worry, Solution, Strength



Andromeda's mind raced her emotions in turmoil.

Yu Weilan's sudden return was unexpected.

Although she often wondered what would happen or become of her should the actress recover.

What will be of her role?

This development created a sense of confusion in her meticulously planned world.

She knew that Yu Weilan's presence could add another layer of complexity to her already demanding schedule and the fashion event needed her full attention.

"I see," Andromeda replied, trying to maintain her composure. "Well, it's good to hear that she's recovered. But why the sudden return? What did Director Qi say?"

Zheng Wei sighed. "Director Qi is taken aback by her decision. He's trying to figure out the best way to accommodate her return. Andromeda, I know this complicates things, especially with the fashion show so close."

Andromeda took a deep breath.

She knew the fashion show was her moment to shine in a different world, and she didn't want anything to jeopardize it.

"I appreciate you letting me know. Please keep me updated on the situation."

"No problems. I am sure Director Qi is thinking about how to adjust our schedule to accommodate Yu Weilan's return. Do not fret just yet. There is still hope to keep you as the 3rd female lead. The movie needs the traffic your addition brought."

"Sure, but I do not think I will keep my hopes up. Anything can happen. It is the entertainment world we are talking about here."

"I know. I know but let's trust Director Qi. After all, he should have thought about this before."

"Okie," she said and gave a nod before releasing a deep breath.

"Oh, and another thing. Be careful. Your anti-fans may use this opportunity should word get out to strike at you. You need to be strong and avoid social media posts for now."

"I'll try. I still need to keep up with my other job, the fashion event."

"Yeah. I am sure Peng Xiaoli and Jian Xiaofei would be happy to help do that for you and give feedback. This is crucial," he said sternly.

"Understood. Thanks once more."

Andromeda ended the call, her mind now divided between her responsibilities in the fashion world and the unexpected twist in the entertainment industry.

Although her resolve remained steadfast, doubt found its way in her heart.

Looking around, she tried to find the one person that was her rock but when she didn't, she exhaled sharply.

One thing was sure, she would find a way to make it all work seamlessly. The show must go on, in both of her worlds.

She wasn't about to let Liu Xueyi's hopes for her die.


Director Qi was in a tight spot.

The unexpected return of Yu Weilan had thrown a wrench into the gears of his carefully planned movie production.

He had seen potential in Andromeda and believed she had the talent to become a remarkable actress.

Yu Weilan, on the other hand, was an established name in the industry, and he didn't want to lose her either.

He made his way to Director Chao Jin-Ho's office. Director Chao Jin-Ho was known for his wisdom and experience in handling tricky situations like these.

Stepping into his office, Qi Fuyi heaved out a sigh of relief upon seeing Chao Jin-Ho.

"Thank goodness. Chao Jin-Ho, I need your advice," Director Qi began, his brow furrowed with concern.

Lifting his eyes, Chao Jin-Ho regarded his friend.

He wasn't a man of too many words but he had immense wisdom that made many look up to him.

Gesturing to the chair in front of him, he motioned for Director Qi to take a seat. "What's troubling you?"

At once, Director Qi explained the situation, the return of Yu Weilan and his desire to keep Andromeda in the film, believing that she had a bright future in the industry.

"I do not want to choose between either of them if you ask me. I find both very valuable. And after getting Liu Xueyi's approval on letting Andromeda act, I don't want him regretting this and putting her in a tight spot either."

Chao Jin-Ho listened carefully and then stated, "You should have thought of that before giving Andromeda Kai that role."

"I know. I fucked up but seeing her playfully act out the role while chatting with Liu Xueyi…it was how I wanted it, especially in her first act. She's a quick learner."


"Yeah." His eager eyes stared at his friend, hoping for some sort of miracle.

Chao Jin-Ho leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. After some time, he placed both hands on his desk and spoke.

"Why not give Yu Weilan another role in the movie? Create a character that won't significantly affect the script."

Director Qi's eyes lit up.

"Bingo! I just had the same idea. Look at this," he tattered, placing both hands before the Director. "Perhaps a secret sister of Xu Ming, Andromeda's character. I mean she won't cause too much effect. She can be the second in command in their hidden organization."

He chuckled loudly and collapsed both hands together.

"Ah ha! That way it is as though they are playing something similar but this time, her sister is secretly jealous of Xu Ming's position and the fact she gets to step into the light while she remains in the shadows."

"Good thinking. It adds depth to the storyline and provides an opportunity for both actresses to shine."

Director Qi nodded quickly, contemplating the scenes in his mind.

"Great. I can make her take on Xu Ming's role in disguise and stir trouble which would put both sisters at odds when she attempts to kill the second female lead which would in turn cause the second ml's wrath at his sister's life being in jeopardy."

"Nice. You see, more depth," Director Chao Jin-Ho enunciated and relaxed back in his seat.

It was like a viable solution, one that could potentially benefit both actresses and the movie itself.

"Thank you so much for your help," Director Qi appreciated.

"It was nothing. I am glad we can avoid trouble."

"Yeah, I hope."


The grand hall was bustling with activity—fashion and creativity.

Backstage at the fashion event, Andromeda was a picture of grace, her striking presence accentuated by the stunning starlit gown she was wearing.

Her makeup and hair had been meticulously done, and she felt like a true goddess of the fashion world. Yet, underneath that veneer of confidence, her mind was in turmoil.

The recent news of Yu Weilan's return to the entertainment industry had weighed heavily on her.

Andromeda had put in so much effort and commitment into her budding acting career, and the uncertainty of how this news might affect her was driving her to the edge.

As the music swelled, signalling the start of the show, Andromeda found herself unable to clear her thoughts.

The pressure of her role as the star model for Starlight Apparel was immense, and now it was compounded by the swirling doubts about her future in the entertainment industry.

Little did she know, her knight in a well-tailored suit was on his way.

Liu Xueyi had been informed of her stress and internal turmoil by Jian Xiaofei. Also, Zheng Wei let him know about the recent happenings and sought his help in getting her calm.

He was in the middle of an important business meeting, but without hesitation, he concluded the meeting and left, making his way to the fashion event to be by her side.

On his way, his mind was bombarded with thoughts of Andromeda.

What was she up to? How was she really taking it and how best to remedy the situation?

His arrival backstage was like a breath of fresh air.

Making his entrance like a commanding figure that drew attention from all corners of the room, he was dressed in a sharp black suit, exuding confidence and charisma.

He scanned the backstage area until he found Andromeda where she stood lost in thoughts, her face etched with worry.

"Andy." He headed in her direction quickly.

As though they were mind-linked, Andromeda turned around at the very same time.

Andromeda, who was lost in a sea of fashion and anxiety, finally caught sight of him. She was relieved to see him.

Her heart soared, and a radiant smile crossed her lips as he approached her. But before she could utter a word, Liu Xueyi closed the gap between them, took her into his arms and kissed her in a deep passionate kiss.

Ignoring the fashion buzz around them, they shared a connection that transcended words.

Liu Xueyi's kiss was filled with reassurance, love, and an unspoken promise that he would always be there for her.

When they finally parted, he held her close, and his warm embrace provided a comforting shield against the chaos in her mind.

Andromeda looked up into his eyes, her own filled with a mix of gratitude and relief. "Xueyi I…"

"Shh love, I heard. I know. Everything will be fine, Andromeda," Liu Xueyi murmured in a soothing voice.

His voice felt like a balm to her frazzled nerves.

"Right now, you need to focus on the show. I'm here with you, and we'll get through this together."

Andromeda nodded. Although her doubts still lingered, with Liu Xueyi by her side, Andromeda felt a renewed sense of resolve.

"Just remember, one step at a time," he assured her. "When is the show starting?"

"Miss Kai, we're starting," they heard Peng Xiaoli call out.

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