Chapter 510 New Opportunities



Luckily for Andromeda, with more hands-on deck at Starlight Apparel, and talented designers working with her as well, business boomed for Liu Corporation.

Although she thought engaging in the entertainment world would be too hectic for her and her lapses wouldn't be covered in her other job, she was surprised things actually went well.

Daily she got reports from Peng Xiaoli and Jian Xiaofei who took control in her stead as her assistants.

And she had Liu Xueyi giving her acting tips whenever he got the time while joining her in rehearsing her scripts.

As time went on, their closeness grew and their love deepened. Even though she fell out more with her father, Andromeda felt a sense of ease.

Family was important to her but Liu Xueyi became that pillar and support.

Soon seconds turned to minutes, minutes to hours and hours to days with days becoming weeks.

Life was happening fast for Andromeda. As did the fashion and entertainment world. It almost became too much for her to bear.

She did not know how Liu Xueyi didi it but being roped in everything, especially now Manager Zheng was trying his best to get her name going and build her reputation nicely.

Not just that, Starlight Apparel was planning on hosting two fashion shows in the coming week and Andromeda felt like her head would soon be on fire.

She needed that masterpiece material, she needed her trade mark style and she needed Starlight Apparel to bloom and remain on top of the fashion industry.

That was a promise she owed Liu Xueyi and she did not plan on stopping.

Based on that regard, she had to model in some magazines to help out her shine and growing popularity.

The photo studio buzzed with energy and excitement as Atom Wung, a well-known photographer in the fashion and jewellery industry, prepared for Andromeda's photoshoot.

The shoot was part of a strategic move to promote Andromeda in the entertainment and modelling world, expanding her reach beyond just acting.

She stood in front of a gleaming vanity mirror, the dim studio lights illuminating her like a goddess.

Her makeup artist flitted around her, applying touches of makeup to enhance her stunning features.

Today, she was the centrepiece of a jewellery magazine shoot.

Andromeda's beauty was breathtaking.

Her golden blonde hair flowed like silk, framing her elegant face. Her almond-shaped blue eyes sparkled with a mysterious allure, and her full lips were painted a subtle, enticing shade of red.

The dress she wore, an elegant midnight blue gown, hugged her slender form like a second skin, its fabric shimmering as it caught the light.

In a word, she was mesmerizing.

If only Wu Bai, Sun Yichen or even Xie Tian could see her now.

They'd know what treasure they'd missed.

Atom Wung had a knack for bringing out the hidden depths of his subjects.

Directing Andromeda's poses with expert precision came like a cake in a box for him—as easy as the snap of his fingers.

As she gracefully moved, he captured her essence in each shot – sometimes playful, sometimes regal.

The camera clicked incessantly, immortalizing her beauty in a series of frames.

The more Zheng Wei watched, the more convinced he was that Liu Xueyi had indeed made the best pick in finding a woman to love.

She was absolutely the definition of beauty, brains and brawn.

Meanwhile, across the studio, another notable CEO, Li Xin, watched the photoshoot unfold.

Li Xin owned StarGlam, a rapidly growing cosmetics company, and he was always on the lookout for fresh faces to promote his products.

As he observed Andromeda in action, a plan formed in his mind. She possessed a unique blend of elegance and modernity that would be perfect for his new line of cosmetic products.

'I bet Carter Lee can wait his turn with his model.' Li Xin voiced in his mind.

After Andromeda's shoot was wrapped up, her manager, Zheng Wei, approached her with a mysterious smile.

"Manager Zheng," Andromeda breathed out, her smile enchanting even though he could see the exhaustion in them.

For someone who was new to all these, she did her best to carry herself.

"You did great, Andromeda. I'm sure they'd be happy having you model their jewellery."

"Thanks. Thanks for helping me out."

"No worries. It is my job." He flashed a smile at her but quickly his expression changed, his eyes becoming serious as he geared the topic elsewhere.

"Speaking about jobs," Zheng Wei began and turned his head a bit to the side.

His eyes landed on Li Xin who was busy discussing with Atom Wung.

"Umm, there's someone who would like to meet you." he turned to face her again. Luckily Andromeda had taken the hint and followed his line of sight earlier.

"Who's the red?" she inquired, eyeing Li Xin.

Dressed in a dashing dark blue suit with the buttons opened and a black thick turtleneck shirt inside, with his red hair styled to the back, having a punk raised, he looked gorgeous in his own way.

The more she accessed him the more she noticed subtle details about him.

His black painted nails, eyeshadows, earrings and his glamorous fashion sense. Somehow,s he found him intriguing.

"What about him?"

"Him," Zheng Wei began with a snap of his finger to draw Andromeda's attention to him.

"He is Li Xin, the CEO of StarGlam."

"The StarGlam?" she asked with raised brows.

"Yeah, the," he agreed, laying emphasis on the last word.

"He looks so young. I thought he'd be somewhat older. You know, like in his late thirties or something."

"No. I'm afraid his looks don't do his age justice. He is thirty-five and he looks twenty-five. Don't ask me how but, well he knows the good stuff."

At this point, Zheng Wei took a glance at himself and sighed alongside Andromeda. "That's that about that." he rolled his eyes. "He is here, and he wants to talk to you."

A soft scoff fell off her lips in disbelief and Andromeda shook her head.

"Me. I am no one important. Are you sure you do not have this all mixed up or something, Zheng?"

"No. Apparently, you, my dear star, caught his attention."

"Why or should I say on what?"

"He proposes an offer. Model his latest cosmetic product. The pay is quite grand if I must say. One fit for big-time actresses. His Vice never misses a chance to get the best actress. This is huge for the CEO himself to choose you."

Andromeda was intrigued, her curiosity piqued by the offer. Li Xin was known to be a shrewd businessman, and if he was interested, it was undoubtedly for a good reason.

They made their way to Li Xin, who was engaged in conversation with Atom Wung.

Li Xin's eyes widened in pleasant surprise when Andromeda arrived. He extended his hand, greeting her warmly.

"Andromeda, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've been following your career closely, and I'm truly impressed. I would like to offer you a unique opportunity."

Taking his hand, Andromeda received his welcome. She was always open to new prospects. I mean who wouldn't be?

Li Xin continued, "We are about to launch a new line of cosmetics, and we've been searching for the perfect face to represent it. Your elegance and charm are exactly what we… No. What I need for my billboard campaign. I'd like you to be the face of StarGlam's new cosmetic line."

Andromeda's eyes sparkled with interest, but before she could respond, her manager intervened.

"We appreciate your offer, Mr. Li, but we need some time to consider it. Andromeda has other commitments to fulfil."

"Oh, I see." Li Xin nodded, understanding.

"Yeah," Andromeda chimed.

"Of course, take your time. I look forward to your decision. However, I hope I get a response within the week. Business calls and you know, urgency is my keyword. Time is of the essence."

"Sure," Zheng Wei nodded.


Meanwhile, the news of Andromeda's new opportunity had reached Fang Qian Qian, the star actress who was supposed to be the StarGlam for their new make-up brand.

She was furious; the magazine shoot was supposed to be her stepping stone to becoming StarGlam's brand ambassador.

She had worked tirelessly to prepare for the role, and now it was slipping through her fingers.

Fang Qian Qian stomped away from the set, frustration coursing through her.

She had a feeling that Andromeda was behind this somehow, and she was determined to find out.

She found a quiet corner on the set and began venting her anger, unaware that Taio Rong was nearby.

Rong, observing her fuming, couldn't help but approach. "Fang Qian Qian, what's bothering you?"

Startled by his sudden presence, Fang Qian Qian looked up, her eyes filled with frustration. "It's nothing," she lied and looked away.

"Nothing? I think only one person in the whole industry is capable of making you this way lately. It's Andromeda, right?"

She sighed heavily and turned to face him. "Yeah, Andromeda. She stole the spotlight again! StarGlam was supposed to be my big gig, but now it's slipping away because of her!"

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