

Liu Xueyi's words cut through the air with precision, his gaze locked onto Liu Huoyi's as he addressed the crux of the matter. 

The tense atmosphere in the room was palpable, the weight of past transgressions hanging heavily over their heads.

"From the very beginning, this has been about settling a debt," Liu Xueyi's voice was measured, each word deliberate. He didn't shy away from confronting the truth, even if it meant acknowledging the family's less savoury actions. 

"The Gao Family deserves retribution for the chaos their daughter caused. Our business may have been just the beginning," Liu Huoyi spat out.

"Should she and that Zheng woman had succeeded we would have had a bastard sitting as the future heir of the Liu Corporation." Liu Jinchen balled his hands into a fist on top of his thigh. 

Like his father, he hated gold diggers and no matter what reason either lady gave, they were going to suffer. 

"I plan on breaking the backbone on which Gao Yuemi stands."

Liu Xueyi's words reverberated through the room, their implications settling over each member of the family like a shroud. His clarity was a stark reminder of the lengths they were willing to go to exact revenge. 

Xu Fang watched, his gaze shifting between the heads, attuned to the dynamics at play.

Liu Huoyi's response was subtle, a flicker of acknowledgement in his eyes as he absorbed his grandson's words. 

His calm demeanour belied the fire that burned within him, the hunger for justice and dominance. It was a reminder that beneath his composed exterior, he was a force to be reckoned with.

The silence hung in the air, each person absorbing the weight of Liu Xueyi's revelation. The Liu family's legacy was tainted by a web of debts and grudges, a complex tapestry of power dynamics and personal vendettas.

Finally, after some minutes of speaking, Liu Huoyi's lips curled into a faint smile, a dangerous glint in his eyes. 

"You've hit the nail on the head, Xueyi," he acknowledged, his voice carrying an undertone of approval. "Indeed, there's more at play here than meets the eye. The Gao Family will soon realize the cost of their actions."

Liu Xueyi's gaze remained unwavering as his eyes settled on his grandfather, a silent understanding passing between grandfather and grandson. The desire for revenge was mutual, a common thread that bound them together.

Yet, beneath the surface, each individual harboured their own motivations and ambitions. The meeting was a delicate balance of power, ego, and legacy. 

As the discussion continued, the intricate dance of influence and strategy unfolded, a high-stakes game of chess played out in the confines of the office.

Xu Fang observed it all, his watchful gaze capturing every nuance, every emotion that played across their faces. The room was charged with tension, palpable anticipation of what was to come. 

Indeed, his instinct wasn't wrong. 


Having arrived late to the office, Andromeda made her way to her office to find Peng Xiaoli seated on one of the chairs, facing her personal chair in the office. 

A magazine lay between her fingertips on each hand while her undisturbed gaze remained stuck to the content she failed to notice Andromeda come in. 

At first, Andromeda paused at the door for a moment before entering and closing it behind herself. She took her seat opposite Peng Xiaoli and waited for her friend to acknowledge her presence.

It took up to another minute before Peng Xiaoli looked up at last and smiled at Andromeda as if nothing had happened just now.

"Tell me what has gotten you so engrossed that you failed to notice my presence on time?"

Peng Xiaoli chuckled and gently lowered the magazine in her hand to look at Andromeda.

"I'm glad you're back."

"Still not an answer to my question, Xiaoli," Andromeda mused slightly.

"True but proof that I knew everything happening around me, I knew when the door opened, when you stepped in, even took another step back to be sure I was lost and not seeing you," she explained, shocking Andromeda.

"Oh and let's not forget you picking up the pen from the other table close to the door and placing it in the pen rack before walking in."

At this point Andromeda was at a lost on what to say to counter her words.

"Okay then what were you reading?"

"See for yourself."

Peng Xiaoli's smile seemed genuine enough but there was something about it that didn't sit right with Andromeda, making her feel uneasy.

She turned the magazine around and showed the page to Andromeda.

Looking her straight in the eye was none other than a picture of herself during the fashion contest with her as the winner.


"Yes. You are trending and Starlight Apparel is as well, thanks to your victory," Peng Xiaoli explained.

"I see."

"Yes." Gently she placed the magazine down on the table between them and turned fully to face Andromeda in her seat. "Now that you have achieved your goal, what next?" 

For Andromeda that was the million-dollar question, she hadn't bothered about. 

Not that she couldn't but the fact that she was clouded with the problems around her since, she pushed every further thought of the future to the back of her mind. 

A deep sigh followed and all Peng Xiaoli could do was smile. 

"No rush. I understand the past weeks have been overwhelming for you. However, I want to see you shine, Miss Andromeda. I believe getting this award is just a start. No doubt you will go places and I would love to be by your side all through."

"And you?"


Not expecting Andromeda to throw the question to her right away, Peng Xiaoli stuttered for a second. 

"Hahha. Don't you have a goal you wish to pursue? I mean you have been with me for years. I never have heard you say what you want."

A soft smile spread out on Peng Xiaoli's lips as she nodded her reply. "Yes, I do."

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