

The evening had cast a silvery glow on the streets, as Andromeda and Liu Xueyi drove home. 

The visit to the Liu family had been a long and promising one, discussing everything from family to the recent disturbances caused by Zheng Ying and Gao Yuemi. 

The weight of those discussions hung heavily between them, and the quiet comfort of each other's presence was more than welcome.

With everything happening with them, it was safe to say that how the family meeting actually ended was fitting and great. 

While keeping his eyes on the road ahead, Liu Xueyi broke the silence first. "You handled the family and public matters very tactfully, Andromeda. It's no wonder my parents adore you."

Andromeda chuckled softly as she lifted her knuckles close to her lips. "It's nothing, to be honest. My family problems are much worse. At the very least you can attend yours. Mine, the case is different."

He turned his head to the side briefly. From the tone of her voice, Liu Xueyi could tell she was still troubled about things even though she acted as though it did not bother her. 

"Also, it was a matter I could very much tackle. I also enjoyed my time with Grandpa Houyi."

Before long Andromeda went on to narrate some of the pleasant and funny moments during the family meeting to Liu Xueyi that she rendered him speechless and awe fixed. 

However, while it seemed like he was captivated and blown away by her story, he could see she was trying so hard to hide her true feelings from him. 

Family mattered so much to her from the way she spoke. Sadly, he was all she had.  Suddenly Andromeda paused the second she felt his warm palm slide over hers on her lap and nestled there comfortably.

"Huh…" Her words were cut short in her mouth as she mentally battled with what to say to him. 

"Andy, relax. I have been observing you all day. You do not have to try and turn my attention from the truth," Liu Xueyi voiced softly. 

"What? The truth? W-what…" she chuckled lightly and attempted to pull her hand away but his grip was more strong. Thanks to the fact that it was late, the road was mostly clear as they drove on still without any hiccups. 

"Your parents, you miss them each in turn, right?" At first, Andromeda parted her lips to speak, probably ready to refute his words but Liu Xueyi did not grant her the time of day. 

Lightly squeezing her hand, he darted his eyes over to her once more, holding her gaze briefly. He focused his attention on the road and then continued speaking. 

"I can tell from how you've been speaking all evening. Andy, understanding that they're as much a part of you as you are of them is something you need to hold on to."

She shook her head. No, it could not be. 

If he spoke of her mother, she had no problem but when it came to her father, she couldn't say the same knowing those wenches, Fang Daiyu and Fang Mei, still cluttered around him. 

"I do not miss my father," she denied point blank. "My mother, yes. If she was alive none of the rubbish that had transpired would have been. Imagining him wanting to disown me, haha."

Even the laughter that tore through her lips, Liu Xueyi knew it did not come from her heart. 

"No need to lie to yourself. You do. You love him, don't you? And you wished they had seen you at one of your happiest moments."

At once, Andromeda felt her eyes burn and the tears she had no idea she was holding in, roll down her cheeks. 

Liu Xueyi turned to look at her again when he noticed her silence, only to catch the teardrop falling from her jaw. 

His heart clenched just watching her in pain. "I'm sorry. I did not mean to make you cry love but I wanted you to not hide your lonely feeling. Share all of your joy and pains with me, especially your pains," Liu Xueyi explained. 

"I…" Her lips parted as she released a deep breath, in hopes of controlling her tears. "I just wished everything had been how they used to be," she confessed after some time. 

"I know but look at the bright side, if they had been, what were the chances of our meeting? Be thankful for other things and know that nothing in this life is constant. Well, save for my love for you."

She giggled, catching on to his jokes quickly, her eyes brimming with joy amidst the tears. 

"Good, that's my girl. Always cheerful. Laugh Andy, you'll be fine. I'll make sure of it."

She gave a curt nod but soon enough their conversation was interrupted by a sudden wave on the road in front of them. 

"Huh, who's that?" Liu Xueyi questioned no one in particular, his brows furrowing further as he tried to make out who it was. 

Stepping on the brakes carefully, he slowed down the car till they got close to the silhouette of the person waving. 

"Oh, I think he needs help," Andromeda speculated. Quickly, Liu Xueyi looked at his side and noticed that the man's car's bonnet had opened down. 

"Oh, his car broke down," he muttered to himself.

  Taking a quick glance around, he found no sign of any car around the vicinity they were in and sighed. 

No sooner had he done that, than the man waving hurried over to the driver's seat and waited for Liu Xueyi to roll down the window. As soon as he did, he did not wait for an intro and quickly told his tale. 

"Evening," the man's deep voice greeted and proceeded to lay his complain Please, I need your help. My car tire burst on the road suddenly and it seemed there is something wrong with the engine or so and…"

While he spoke, Liu Xueyi smiled at Andromeda and turned his head in the direction of the man only for his eyes to lock with his and they widened instantly. 

"M-Mr… Mr. L-Liu."

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