

Emerging from Liu Xueyi's house, Andromeda and Liu Xueyi made their way towards his car. The mid-morning sun cast long shadows, warming their faces with an invitation to the day ahead.

Similarly, the crisp morning air bore the scent of dew and freshly mown grass as they walked down the path, laden with anticipation.

"We're going to set things right, Andy," Liu Xueyi reassured, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation.

His stern but fair countenance drew her gaze. She noted the hints of anxiety behind his usually calm eyes, a reflection of her own tumultuous thoughts.

She did not want to point any of those out and smiled in return. "Let's go then," she replied and got into his car with Liu Xueyi following after her. 

~20 Mins Later~

A short distance away from the road stood an imposing high-rise, a high building of steel and glass shimmering against the clear blue sky.

The large brass door opened, revealing Gu Jun with his tall and refined figure, his signature silver-rimmed glasses glinting in the sunlight.

He strode towards them, each step evidence to his poise and confidence. His charcoal suit was immaculately tailored, contrasting against the pale shirt underneath.

The second he got to them, he wore his usual smile and greeted, "Good to see you," Gu Jun said, extending the document towards Andromeda, his sharp eyes flicking briefly to Liu Xueyi, a ghost of rivalry passing between them.

"Thanks," Liu Xueyi appreciated but kept a straight face as he extended a handshake. Gu Jun's smile did not falter but Andromeda could tell from the cold glint in his eyes he was ready to make trouble should Liu Xueyi pick a fight.

"Good to see you too, Gu Jun," Andromeda replied, her gaze steady while hoping her words would break the tension between them. 

Her fingers grazed the cold surface of the envelope, the weight of the unseen truth within seemed much heavier than it should.

"Thanks for attending the party," Andromeda added, her face lighting up with a smile, one she knew would change the course of the awkward silence between them. 

Just as she had presumed, Gu Jun lifted his hand and gently scratched the back of his head while looking at her.

"It was nothing. If there is anything, thanks to your lovely boyfriend that went out of his way to personally invite me."

"What?" Her eyes shone like stars as her gaze drifted from Gu Jun to Liu Xueyi. "You did what?"

"What?" Liu Xueyi shrugged and quickly sent a glare at Gu Jun.

His big mouth couldn't remain silent, could it? But when he saw the sheepish grin on his face, Liu Xueyi relaxed. 

He was only acting up because he hoped he wouldn't steal her again as he did at the party. He was acting babyish, recalling how all her friends surrounded her and stole her most of the time. 

Normally, Andromeda knew all of this but she still pushed his buttons nonetheless. He was so cute when he acted that way.

"Do not act surprised. Even I can manage such a feat. You should be surprised he accepted." 

At once both Gu Jun and Andromeda stared at him as though he had voiced the weirdest thing. Of course, it was. Why wouldn't Gu Jun of all people accept?

They exchanged a few more pleasantries, that seemed to lighten the mood even more. Finally, Gu Jun bade them farewell, his tall figure disappearing into his sleek black car.

With Gu Jun's departure, Andromeda and Liu Xueyi left the premises. The familiar hum of Liu Xueyi's vehicle welcomed them, a stark contrast to the flurry of emotions that swirled within.

As the buildings and trees whizzed past, the silence of their journey was punctuated only by the occasional sigh.

"What's on your mind?" Liu Xueyi broke the silence, his question hanging in the air. He stole a glance at Andromeda, worry etching lines on his forehead.

"Just...things," Andromeda replied, offering a small smile.

"Open it. You have my permission. I know you are anxious to know the report," Liu Xueyi informed her. 

As though his go-ahead was all she had been waiting for, her hands fumbled with the envelope, the crisp rustling of the paper filling the car.

She glanced at the report before starting from the top and began to read the content aloud, her voice echoing the importance of the report. A sense of dread washed over her as she completed her last sentence.

"Not related."

Liu Xueyi's knuckles whitened around the steering wheel, his grip tightening. He was relieved, to be honest, but he found himself getting worked up. How could Zheng Ying do that to him even after all these years?

Did she see him as a money-milking machine or what? 

Never would he have expected this from her. The harsh reality seemed to cast a shadow over their journey, but they had to press on.

A couple of minutes after they arrived At Hong Chaoxiang's residence, a spacious villa nestled between lush greenery and highlighted to greet him. 

Hearing the sound of Liu Xueyi's car honking, Hong Chaoxiang emerged from his house with a big brown envelope in his hand. 

Taking in his casual outfit, Andromeda could tell he had the morning off. 

"Hey, morning," Hong Chaoxiang greeted them as he presented them with the second DNA sample.

"Thank you so much for this, Chaoxiang. It means a lot to me."

"Like I said, a request from you is the same from my buddy, Xueyi. No need to thank me. He would have done the same for me and I him."

A proud smile enveloped Liu Xueyi's face. He was glad for the friends he had and gladder for the fact that Andromeda was received into their midst. 

"What's the result?" Liu Xueyi asked before Andromeda could open it.

Hong Chaoxiang sighed and placed both hands in his pocket. "Eager?" 

All Liu Xueyi could do to answer that was nod. "I want the triple confirmation. Then I can take this matter to a different angle," he informed his friend. 

"Sure. Andromeda, please do us the honours."

The words had just left his mouth when the conversation was interrupted by the shrill ring of Liu Xueyi's phone. Quickly he took his phone out to check the caller, the bright screen illuminating the name "Liu Xiao Xin."

Liu Xueyi's heart skipped a beat. He excused himself and answered the call, his face hidden from view.

"Hey dear, what's up?"

"Big bro, I just found out something."

He stole a glance at Andromeda, silently telling her who it was before speaking to his sister. "Shoot, fill me in."

Andromeda and Hong Chaoxiang watched in anxious silence as Liu Xueyi listened to his sister and soon after, a wave of shock was visible on his face.

By the time the call ended, Andromeda had already opened the envelope and waited for him to deliver the good news. 

Placing his phone in his pocket he turned back to them, his face ashen.

"What…what is it?" Andromeda managed to get out, her brows knitted as she waited for the news. 

Hopefully, it wasn't one that would be worse than what was going on. 

"It was Xiao Xin. She found something else."


Liu Xueyi could see the deep curiosity in Andromeda's eyes as she took a step forward, waiting for him to spill. 

"This is deeper than we thought, Andy but first, she wants us to meet her up."

"Hmm." Andromeda released a slow breath and nodded her head while clutching a bit tightly to the envelope in her hand. "Thank you once more Hong Chaoxiang."

"Hey I thought we were on the first name basis, already, Andromeda," Hong Chaoxiang protested but swallowed every other word the second he felt a chilly glare at his back.

She chuckled lightly at Liu Xueyi's reaction. "It is okay. Anyways, I believe we have to run now. I owe you one."

"Perhaps cook and invite the guys and me for dinner tomorrow?"


"No," Liu Xueyi spat out, shocking both of them. 

Surprisingly both Andromeda and Hong Chaoxiang inquired at the same time. "Why?"

"If what Xiao Xin said is true, we may skip visiting Zheng Ying until tomorrow. She would be busy. So set a dinner time for later."

Sighs of relief escaped their lips and they nodded. 

"Honestly, I thought it was because someone was jealous," Hong Chaoxiang stated. 

"One wrong word and you'll be excluded from the dinner," Liu Xueyi threatened. 

"What? I was just…"

"One wrong word," Liu Xueyi enunciated. The deadly look in his eyes wasn't one Hong Chaoxiang wished to play with. Once he was serious, they knew better. 


"Stop scaring him, Xueyi. Come on, let us be on our way. We still have some important business to take care of, okay?" Andromeda cajoled him. 

  "Take care guys. Have a lovely day, I hope."

"Bye." Andromeda bid him goodbye, got into the car with Liu Xueyi and they drove off heading to meet Liu Xiao Xin.

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